Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
The Tribulation of Dafa Practitioner Mr. Liao Kairun from Hongjiang City
2002-09-13This cruel torture treatment would last from several hours up to more than a twelve days and causes severe damage to the practitioner, both mentally and physically. During the hunger strike, he was brutally force-fed but then released after his health declined.
Kaiping Labour Camp Hospital Conducts Inhuman Experiments on Practitioners
2002-09-13The officials were testing how much the practitioners could endure. Sometimes, they would not feed or allow practitioners to drink during the hottest time of the year to observe their endurance. They treated some practitioners as experimental specimens to find better ways of persecuting practitioners.
Masanjia Labour Camp Holds More Than 1,300 Women Practitioners and Tortures Them Brutally
2002-09-12The torture in Masanjia Labour Camp has caused some practitioners to suffer mental collapse. The police would beat anyone who asked to do the exercises and tightly bound practitioners' legs with ropes for hours, until they fell unconscious due to the extreme pain. To prevent their crimes from being revealed, when visitors come to the camp, the guards keep the more outspoken practitioners quiet by putting them into solitary confinement.
Practitioners Frequently Lose Consciousness As Police Try Extract "Confessions" Through Torture
2002-09-11In a short time, the victim would be covered with so much sweat that his clothes became drenched, suffering acute pain and even vomiting. If the victim fainted during the torture, cold water would be splashed on him to revive him before the next round of torture.
Wanchun Mental Hospital Administers Drug Overdoses and Electric Shock to Break Falun Dafa Practitioners' Will
2002-09-10..the doctor dragged Yang Chongyu away for an electric shock "treatment" and then dragged Chen Jinhua to see Yang Chongyu's alarming appearance after the electric shock - her face green, her lips black, her whole body unable to move.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Brutally Tortured in the Xinhua Labour Camp
2002-09-10Determined practitioners have been tied up and shocked by electric batons and beaten with stiff rubber clubs. Practitioner Xu Langzhou was tied up with ropes until his faced turned black just for shouting, "Stop beating the people!"
Guangzhou City "610 Office" Confines and Tortures Falun Dafa Practitioners in a Metal Shack In Oven-like Temperatures
2002-09-10Practitioners were tied with ropes and strung up. Some were even suspended upside down with their heads partially submerged in water. Pepper water was smeared on practitioners' faces.
Practitioners at Panjin Municipal Labour Camp Brutally Beaten and Denied Sleep
2002-09-07Some practitioners were forced to stay awake continuously for more than 3 days and nights. Some became mentally confused due to the long-term physical abuses, lack of sleep, and other forms of torture.
The No. 8 Drilling Team Forcibly Abducts And Tortures Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-09-07I was on the way to my child's school with textbooks, clothing, and food I had prepared for my child. Suddenly two people emerged along the roadside. They forcibly dragged me into their vehicle and took me to the Datong Public Security Bureau. The next day, I was transferred to the Daqing Detention Centre. I was detained there for 72 days for no reason and subjected to various horrific tortures.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhang Huayun Is Tortured in the Hezuizi Forced Labour Camp
2002-09-07Jiang's criminal group abducted Zhang Huayun to force her to give up Falun Dafa and sent her to Hezuizi Forced Labour Camp. After much effort, her family members arranged to visit her several months later. They were shocked to find her extremely weak, with obvious scars from the electronic shocks to her face. There were even new wounds on top of old ones, which changed the colour of her skin.
The Illegal Courts in China
2002-09-06Law courts are supposed to prosecute the evil and protect the righteous. However, under the reign of the totalitarian regime, the law courts in China have become a political tool to suppress the people.
Recently Kidnapped to a Brainwashing Centre, Guangzhou Practitioner Chen Jian Appeals for Support
2002-09-06I cannot ignore my relatives' suffering brought on by the persecution. My five-year old daughter needs me. A good family was torn apart. Should practitioners and their family members who don't fight back when being punched or insulted continue to suffer from all of this persecution?
Cases of Abuse of Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp
2002-09-06Since you like to practise, now just do it, but you are not allowed to stop, do not uncross your legs from the double crossed [Lotus] position." While Lin was sitting with legs crossed in the Lotus position, police directed the "criminal-monitors" to walk on her legs and feet, and to sit on her double crossed legs with force. Her pain-filled cries could be heard even upstairs.
Brainwashing Class in Wuhan City Cruelly Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-09-06According to Falun Gong practitioners who were persecuted there, personnel used sleep deprivation, forced standing, exposure to burning sunshine, and beatings, to torture Falun Gong practitioners. Some practitioners were deprived of sleep for eight continuous days and nights.
Court Holds Illegal Secret Trial to Sentence Innocent Practitioner to Long Prison Term
2002-09-04There they brutally tortured him, and subjected him to mental persecution. Before the hearing, the court blocked all information about the trial. The court did not allow Wang Taimin to have an attorney, and did not notify his family about the trial.