Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
"610 Office" and Its Head, Luo Gan, Issues Secret Order for "Life Sentences Until Death" to Block the Release of Falun Gong Practitioners
2001-09-20According to sources from the Chinese judicial system, in early September, the "610 Office" headed by Luo Gan secretly issued a command to adopt "life sentences" for those Falun Gong practitioners who refused to be brainwashed. The command to detain Falun Gong practitioners until death was issued to each of the judicial systems from the "610 Office.
Boiling Salt Water, Drugs, and Electric Batons
2001-09-19The police guards even force-feed practitioners on hunger strike with boiling salt water. In other cases, some practitioners received injections of harmful drugs and became handicapped. But, according to Chinese authorities, they are said to have hurt themselves.
Arrested for being a Good Person? What a Prisoner Saw and Heard in a Labour Camp
2001-09-17 -
Liaoning Labour Camp Tortures Dafa Practitioners Into Giving Up "Zhen-Shan-Ren"(Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance)
2001-09-16"It is common to receive a beating in Squadron 3. Once a guard named Dong was savagely beating a young practitioner with a cane in front of over a hundred people on the street. The passersby could not stomach the cruelty;"
Law-Violating Staff Members of the "610" Office Profit from Extortion by Holding Brainwashing Classes
2001-09-16"They demanded 1,500 Yuan a month for each practitioner out of which they spent 500 Yuan to hire security guards. The remaining 1,000 Yuan has gone into the pockets of the five staff members. It is estimated that at the end of the month, each (of the five) "responsible persons" has made an illegal income of over 2,000 Yuan (the average monthly salary in urban areas in China being 500)."
Extortion and Labour Camp Instructions to "As Long As They Are Not Dead, Take Them."
2001-09-14Verbal instructions to labour camps to even admit tortured practitioners and the extortion of money from a dead practitioner's wife.
"610" Office Builds Expensive Brainwashing Center and Begins Kidnapping Dafa Practitioners
2001-09-12 -
Record of the June 20th Atrocity: Follow-up Report on the Mass Killings in Wanjia Labor Camp in Harbin City, China
2001-09-11 -
Victims of Persecution
2001-09-08The different victims of the persecution. No section of society has escaped the persecution. This includes babies,women,the disabled and the elderly.
New Camps Built to Imprison Practitioners and Other Latest News from China
2001-09-08 -
Retired Air Force Lieutenant General Sentenced to 17 years Imprisonment
2001-09-08Case of Retired Air Force Lieutenant General Sentenced to 17 years Imprisonment
Police in the Jiutai Forced Labour Camp: "It is useless for you to sue us because you cannot get any evidence."
1899-12-30"Who saw it?" has become a tag for the police in Jiutai Forced Labour Camp. With this kind of mentality, they appear shameless and contemptible. When the practitioner asked police officer Zhang Baochun about the beatings, the next day he beat the practitioner, then said, "Did I beat you yesterday? Who saw it?" The first time policeman Zhang Ming talked to practitioners, he said, "It is useless for you to sue us. You can not get any evidence." The deputy chief of the police department Meng Xianglin once ordered seven policemen to beat one practitioner who refused to watch the video slandering Dafa. He even said shamelessly, "Did I beat you? I did not, did I?"
My Experience of Appealing for Dafa Six Months After I Started Cultivation Practice
-On the way to appeal, the Beijing policemen interrogated me. They took away my appeal letter and all of my money, and tried to force me to slander Dafa and Teacher. If you did not obey them, they would beat you up. After I was illegally detained for a couple of days, my work unit brought me back home. The public security office then asked for 3,000 Yuan as a penalty, and my work unit later laid me off.
Straitjacket Torture Used by Xuchang Forced Labour Camp Against Dafa Practitioners
-In April of this year, the authorities operating this labour camp began a round of severe torture of Falun Gong practitioners. Police continue to persecute those practitioners who remain steadfast in their faith. The building that used to serve as the place for detainees to visit with their family members is now being used as a place to torture practitioners. The rooms are filled with instruments of torture and the corridors and walls are lined with slogans defaming Falun Gong.
Ms. Yao Guoxiu Tortured to a State of Mental Collapse in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp - Dies Tragically Thereafter
-Ms. Yao Guoxiu, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Heilongjiang Province, was subjected to cruel persecution by forcibly brainwashing her, confining her in a solitary compartment, forcing her not to speak, and restraining her on a metal chair, with both arms and legs tied, for long periods of time, until she mentally collapsed in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. After she was released, she jumped from a high building and passed away on March 13, 2005.