Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Pingdong Labor Camp of Jilin Province Persecutes Dafa Practitioners
2001-10-21The Vice Governor of Jilin Province, Yang Qingcai, came to the camp for an inspection. Dafa practitioner Zhang Jieshan went up to him to expose the persecution and clarify the truth. Unexpectedly, Yang became enraged and yelled: "Beat him up hard for me. If he dies, he dies for nothing. You bear no responsibility!"
The Criminal Record of Yuan Zengguo of the Shahe City 610 Office, Hebei Province
2001-10-21After drinking alcohol he once revealed, "If it were not for [the persecution of] Falun Gong, I would not have been promoted to bureau level. I have greatly benefited from attacking Falun Gong."
The horrors Inside Baimalong Female Labor Camp in Zhuzhou, Hunan Province
2001-10-21Changsha practitioner, Zuo, female, approximately 20 years old, went on a hunger strike without water. The police forcefully fed her and caused her to suffocate to death. In order to cover the true reason of her death, the labor camp strictly blocked information. They covered her body with a white sheet and carried her away secretly. When other practitioners found out and asked the police, they denied everything and accused the practitioners of lying instead. To this day, Zuo's family still does not know the truth.
The Ferocious Brainwashing Classes in Fujian Province China
2001-10-21 -
Brainwashing Class in Jilin Province Failed and Chinese Public Defend a Practitioner!
2001-10-17When the crooked officials drove to a certain village to arrest a Falun Dafa practitioner, with the intention of taking him to brainwashing class, the village officials immediately stopped the arrest saying, "A good person like him should not be 'reformed.' Such a good person is most welcome in our village!"
Are They Really Trying to "Save" Me?
2001-10-17They were allowed to torture practitioners, including sexually abusing and even raping female practitioners. If they still could not accomplish their goal, they were even allowed to kill the practitioners. When that happened, they could either impose an information blockade or claim that the practitioners had died from diseases or committed suicide. Their ploys were the epitome of evil.
The Inside Story on the Brainwashing Class Held in September 2000 at Fengjia Village, Yishui Town
2001-10-14 -
The Horrors of Xiaobali Village Brianwashing School
2001-10-12Villagers living nearby can hear practitioners' blood-curdling screams from the unbearable torture rising from the big courtyard.
Practitioner's account of Inhuman Torture
2001-10-11 -
Jilin Practitioners Crush The Brainwashing Class
2001-10-09"We are all innocent people, we don't need you to lecture us. Do you want to transform us into bad people? Please go away!"
It is Called "Transformation" But it is Torture And Brainwashing in Actuality
2001-10-09 -
Surveillance, Phone Tapping and Monitoring in Daqing City
2001-10-09Some work units have started to monitor practitioners' phone lines 24 hours a day since September 20.
Director Lies about Conditions in Yichuan Labour Camp
2001-10-08Mr. Zhou Shuzhang was cuffed to an extremely hot steam pipe on the ceiling resulting in one of his hand muscles being severely burnt almost as though cooked. The handcuff cut into his wrist muscle so deeply that his blood was streaming down. In addition, some officers constantly commanded some thug inmates to punch or kick upward on him heavily causing him to swing while in that excruiating position. That was intolerably cruel.
Yimianpo Labour Camp's Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners
2001-10-08In a typical situation, two prisoners would lift up a stone pipe weighing more than 100 pounds and come up to practitioners to ask them if they still wanted to practise. When a practitioner answered "yes," they would drop the stone pipe down onto the practitioner's body. Sometimes the practitioner's face would be broken, his head would have huge swellings, or the skin on his shoulder would be peeled off. The injuries were so gruesome that they were difficult to look at.
Nanmusi Women's Labour Camp Authorities Force Practitioners to Manufacture Commercial Labour Camp Products