Individual Accounts
Falun Gong Practitioners Endure Unbearable Tortures Involving Their Eyes
2011-04-28Ms. Wang Yuhuan was at death's door nine times as a result of severe abuse and torture while in detention. She recounted: “After they tortured me with the "tiger bench" method for over four hours, I was close to death. They put a metal bucket over my head. Seven police officers smoked three cigarettes each and blew the smoke into the bucket for more than an hour. I choked and fainted many times. They brought me to by pouring cold water over me. Before I was completely clear-headed, they burned my eyelids with cigarette butts. The pain was indescribable.”
Ms. Song Guiyun Sentenced to Prison Again; Her Son Is Calling for Help
2011-04-26Song Guiyun was arrested on December 11th, 2010 as she spoke with people in Fuxingdi Town about Falun Gong and exposed the persecution. She was later sentenced to three years and seven months in prison. Ms. Song has been arrested many times since the Chinese Communist Party started the persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999. She has been subjected to detention and sentencing many times, and has been held in the Liaoning Province Women's Prison, Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province, and the Fuxin County Detention Centre. She was detained in the Liaoning Province Women's Prison for three years.
Looking Back Ten Years -- Eyewitness Account of the Notorious "319 Incident" – Several Days of Particularly Brutal Persecution in Dalian Forced Labour Camp
2011-04-20Ten years ago, on March 19th, 2001, the officials and guards at the Dalian Forced Labour Camp initiated a brutal mass persecution of Falun Gong practitioners who were detained there. It was called the “319 Incident” by local practitioners. I was one of them. "Body Folding" is a torture that is often used by the guards to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. The practitioner’s upper body and legs are forced to form a 90-degree angle; his legs are kept straight and his head points downward. His arms are raised high from behind his back to the maximum extent. Staying in this posture even a very short time leads to profuse sweating. The guards then brought out the electric batons to shock us. My hands were shocked numerous times.
First Hand Account of Falun Gong Practitioner Yang Zhonggeng – Tortured in Ruian City, Zhejiang Province
2011-04-18When Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yang Zhonggeng was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution ten years ago, he was arrested by the police of Rushan City, Shandong Province. He suffered inhumane torture – shocked with a high voltage electric baton, injected with unknown drugs and brainwashed. He went on a hunger strike to protest. In his words: "I was force-fed. I was held down by prisoners and a rubber tube was inserted into my stomach through my nostrils. My nose and throat were bleeding and it was extremely painful. Force-feeding like this is life threatening and I would rather die than live like this."
Ms. Liu Xinyu Recounts Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Brainwashing and “Transformation”
2011-04-17To my regret, I left Falun Gong cultivation for almost two years, between June 2001 and February 2003. That was the time when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents “transformed” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] me. I was detained at Chongqing Maojiashan Women's Forced Labour Camp, where I was brainwashed with information that defamed Falun Gong, force fed, forced to stand all night long, and beaten brutally. I was subjected to torture, humiliation and mistreatment. I was sometimes hung up by handcuffs. The cruellest torture was “carrying a sword behind the back.” One hand was pulled down over the shoulder behind the back, and the other hand pulled up from the waist behind the back then handcuffed to the other hand. The pain was unbearable.
Daughter Calls for Justice After Father Is Persecuted to Death
2011-04-14February 26th, 2011, while the happiness of the Chinese New Year celebration continued, was the darkest day of my life. It was on this day that I received news that my father, Qin Yueming, was persecuted to death in Jiamusi Prison. My mother, sister and I sat still in disbelief. My father was very healthy, how could he die? I am most saddened that my father died so tragically and we didn't even know how he had died. His facial expression was very pained. His lips were purple. When we turned him, blood came out of his mouth and nose. His neck, back, waist and legs were dark and purple with areas of scars, as well.
Ms. Wang Yufang, Paralysed Following Forced Drug Injection, Regains her Health After Continuing Her Practice of Falun Gong
2011-04-14Ms. Wang Yufang, once a colon cancer patient, recovered her health through practising Falun Gong. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Gong, she was arrested numerous times. Forced drug injection at the Jamusi Detention Centre led to her paralysis and memory loss. After release, Ms. Wang resumed practising the Falun Gong exercises and regained her health. “When I attended a Falun Gong experience sharing conference at Sifeng Mountain in June 2000, police arrested and took me to the Jiamusi Detention Centre. They forced me into a metal chair. An agent grabbed me by the hair with one hand, and struck my neck hard with the other hand. The pain was beyond description. They also tortured me with a method called 'Flying an Airplane.' “The torture made me have a heart attack."
The Hardships I Faced at Ten Years Old When My Mother Was Imprisoned for Practising Falun Gong
2011-04-10Mr. Xiao Zhanxin lives in Heilongjiang Province. In 2000, he was just ten years old. When his mother was repeatedly arrested and detained by Chinese Communist Party authorities, Xiao Zhanxin faced hardships at home, and suffered discrimination from his teacher and bullying from classmates. He recounts: "It was the spring of 2000. Sun Jihua and Tian Chunlai from the Chengxiang Police Station rushed into my home and took away my mother. I was ten years old that year and my sister was about four years old. I had to take over all the housework including the laundry, cooking, watering the yard, and taking care of my little sister."
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Yan Yuqin Became Mentally Disordered As a Result of Torture in Beijing's Tiantanghe Forced Labour Camp
2011-04-03From the end of 2006 to 2007, I was detained at the Beijing Haidian Detention Centre for over three months. All I heard were the sounds of chains and screaming from beatings every day. The police were trained to be ruthless and never treated detainees as humans. A practitioner in her 50s was detained in the cell next to mine. Because she shouted “Falun Gong is good,” the police chained her hands and feet together. As a result, she could not walk normally. She could only move slowly in the heavy chains, and her back was bent nearly one hundred and eighty degrees. This is called the “Dog Chain” torture.
Mr. Deng Yangsheng, in His Seventies, Recounts Arrest by the Dadukou Police Sub-Division of Chongqing City
2011-04-02On September 30th, 2007, 72-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Deng Yangsheng was arrested by policemen who broke into his house and later ransacked his house. He recounts about his detention: "Four policemen led by He and Liu Bin pressed me against the wall beside some steel pipes. Several people held me and spread my arms out and handcuffed my wrists me to the pipes. After standing for about 20 minutes, my head ached severely."
Tianjin Woman Persecuted in Forced Labour Camp in Tianjin City
2011-04-02Since the Chinese Communist Party started persecuting Falun Gong in 1999, Ms. Feng Ling has been arrested, put behind bars in a detention centre, and later tortured in the Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp. She recounts: "The guards forced me to do heavy physical work, including carrying 120 pound bags of beans to be exported (I noticed some bags marked with the “U.S.A.”), which were taken off the truck and put on my shoulders. I saw that the dedicated female practitioners (age 55 or younger) were carrying the same as I did. I also witnessed one 55-year-old grey-haired female practitioner being forced to carry these heavy bags of beans. She was not able to do it, but the guards didn't allow others to help her, and said, “She must carry it even if she crawls.”"
Engineer Recounts Brutal Torture During Nine Years of Persecution
2011-03-28Police arrested me in January 2001 and took me to a deserted courtyard to torture me. They covered my eyes and put a very heavy helmet on my head. A police officer punched and kicked me, as well as pounded on my helmet, making me rather dizzy. They hung me up on a beam and hit my feet with a square-shaped wooden stick over 200 times. As a result my hands and feet were black and blue and mangled. Blood was oozing out of all my toes. No matter what they did, I refused to answer any of their questions. Zhang Chunqiu was swearing and slandering Falun Gong continuously. He said, "I will beat you to death, just like killing a chicken."
Wuhan City Teacher Tortured at Hewan Labour Camp
2011-03-26Because of her practising Falun Gong, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials have sent Ms. Zhu Huimin twice to the Wuhan City Hewan Labour Camp and brutally persecuted her there. In addition to deprivation of sleep and force-feeding, guards electrically shocked her and hung her up. She recounts: "I went on a hunger strike to oppose the persecution. A doctor ordered inmates to hold me down and force-fed me. As I struggled, my nose and throat were injured by the rubber tubing, and this happened repeatedly. In addition, the doctor intentionally pulled and pushed the tubing inside my nose, which caused even more bleeding. I once bled so much that they stopped in the middle, afraid of killing me."
Older Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Xia Ning Persecuted in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2011-03-25Ms. Xia Ning from Liaoning Province is a Falun Gong practitioner in her 50s. She was arrested in 2008 and incarcerated in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. During her two years in the camp, she went on a hunger strike several times. The guards force-fed her ruthlessly, making her virtually bedridden the entire time. They beat her mercilessly and subjected her to electric shocks, almost on a daily basis.
Ms. Wei Hong's Personal Account of the Persecution She Suffered
2011-03-25Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials have continuously persecuted Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wei Hong since the year 2000. She recounts: "In March 2002, police ransacked my home and interrogated me. I was taken to the Raohe Detention Centre. Officers from the State Security Bureau forced me to watch video programmes that slandered Falun Gong. In 2003, police confiscated personal property from my home, including DVDs exposing the persecution, Falun Gong books and materials. Police cuffed my hands behind my back and hung me up with straps onto the pipe of the central heating system. The straps tightened around my arms, as the officers repeatedly pulled on one end to raise me until my legs couldn't touch the ground."