Individual Accounts

  • Witnessing the Horrors of Tumuji Forced Labour Camp: "If You Refuse to Submit, You Will Be Cremated" -

    "Seeing that she refused to submit, they tied her to the back of a van and pulled her along to a broken down shed, where she was made to stand and not allowed to sleep unless she gave up her practice. They tied her arms to the back and hung her up, with her toes barely touching the ground. Adding to her agony, they shocked her with an electric baton. Ma collapsed four times, and she suffered from cardiac problems from the damage done by the high voltage electric baton. For six months afterwards, she was unable to lift up her arms."
  • Canadian Citizen Recalls Months of Persecution by National Security Officers While Working in Tianjin

    For a whole 24 hours, a dozen perpetrators took turns interrogating me. They threatened me and also enticed me and used various methods in an attempt to make me reveal personal information about some Falun Gong practitioners inside and outside of China, as well as my relationship with them. They were ruthless and said, "Although you are a Canadian citizen, we are afraid of no one. If you don't give us what we want, we'll fix you."
  • The Shameless Behaviour of the Daqing City Police who Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners

    Gao You then insulted me and the other practitioners. He said to me, "I will send for the two retarded guys in Xiangyang Village to rape you." He also said, "Never mind being a good person according to truthfulness, compassion and tolerance, why don't you sell your body?" He even said, "Raping someone's wife is a good skill -- I don't care, do whatever you want to do as long as you don't practise Falun Gong."
  • Torture Instrument Used to Inflict Maximum Pain to Falun Dafa Practitioners in Dalian City Detention Centre

    Zhang Shuquan, Ju Wenyang and Gao Qian were among the most vicious persecutors. Other policemen whose names we never learned were also involved. Wang Wenqi, the deputy director of the centre was responsible for issuing the orders. In addition to the use of the rubber batons, another torture instrument called "running" was also used. It consisted of a square metal frame about 1 x 1 foot in dimension, with 4 handcuffs made of heavy steel at the four corners.
  • Practitioners Tortured With Homemade Drill Causing Gaping Wounds and Exposing Bones in Jiutai Labour Camp

    "They stuffed a dirty towel into my mouth then started to drill into my armpits and behind my knees with a homemade drill that consisted of a hard plastic tube with four cuts at the end. They kept drilling this hard plastic tube into me for more than ten minutes while I was screaming with pain. When the policeman became tired he called in another assistant to keep drilling. The assistant thought I was dead, I heard him saying he could see the white bone through a hole they drilled under my arm."
  • Ireland: Fears are Rising for the Life of Dun Laoghaire Student Liu Feng

    Dun Laoghaire student Liu Feng was illegally arrested following his return to China during the 1999 Christmas break because he peacefully appealed against the persecution of Falun Gong. It is said that Liu Feng has been released but is currently in hospital. This only occurs when a labour camp detainee has been tortured or is close to death, and prison authorities intend to shift the blame away from themselves. Because of this, practitioners believe that Liu Feng is in serious danger.
  • 69-Year-Old Physics Professor Suffers Mental Torture in Heizuizi Labour Camp

    69-year-old Zeng Lingwen is a retired professor from the Physics Department of Jilin University. Because she persisted in cultivating Dafa, she was abducted from home on Feb 9, 2002 [ date provided by Zeng Lingwen’s daughter in Canada and sent to a brainwashing class, where she was tortured as they attempted to force her to give up her practice. With her righteous belief, she was not moved at all. Authorities sent her to Changchun Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp for two years'' forced labour.
  • Botou City Detention Centre: Force-feeding with Large Buckets of Water, Excrement and Urine

    The detention centre director’s special skill is his use of electric shock batons. He once even ordered others to get three full lunch boxes of excrement and urine from the sewer. Then he pinched Fu Qimou's nose and ordered a male prisoner to force-feed him the excrement and urine. In the process of being force-fed, Mr. Fu Qimou's whole body was covered with excrement and urine. Swarms of flies were attracted to the filth and flew all around him. The scene of this torture was awful to witness.
  • Prison Insider: I Have Witnessed Extreme Injustices

    These practitioners had suffered from inhuman tortures for persisting in their beliefs in Falun Gong. Their basic human rights had been deprived. Whenever they said that they would practice Falun Gong, then they would be beaten up. However, they never gave up. From their words and actions I came to better understand what compassion was. They selflessly helped others and never discriminated against us criminals, but only explained to us how to conduct ourselves in society.
  • After Suffering Torture, Dafa Practitioners Speak Out for Justice in a Courtroom in Jilin Province

    On January 6, 2004, the Shulan City Court brought to trial four Dafa practitioners without due process. Two policemen dragged practitioner Fu Hongwei into the court, whose legs were seriously injured due to torture. Because family members saw through the attempt by the court to secretly hold a trial for the four practitioners, they immediately requested permission to be spectators. In the court, Fu Hongwei shouted: "Falun Dafa is good! Falun Dafa is the righteous law! Restore the rightful reputation of my Teacher!"
  • Police Direct Inmates to Force Dafa Practitioners to Ingest Heroin and Other Drugs As A Torture Method in the Shizishan Labour Camp

    In the Shizishan Labour Camp for Drug Addicts in Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, the authorities have resorted to the basest methods to torture Dafa practitioners into giving up their belief. Police even instigated drug addicts to put heroin paste and other poisonous drugs into practitioners' food. A Huangshi City practitioner who exposed their crime publicly was sent to a mental hospital for further persecution, on police orders.
  • Atrocities Committed Behind the Scenes at the Baimalong Labour Camp

    The prison guards kept telling her family members how Ms. Hu was "against the government" and how well the forced labour camp treated her by giving her injections of albumin and spending more than ten thousand Yuan on her in medical expenses, and so forth. At that time, Ms. Hu Yuehui could not remember anything at all, but only could say "It is not wrong to practise (Falun Gong) exercises!" Her family members thought what the guards said was true. As soon as her family members left, the guards placed her in a storage room in the hall where nobody could see her.
  • Remembering Ms Cui Ningning's Death by Torture in the Heizhuang Detention Centre

    Since her body had been severely injured, her hands and feet started twitching involuntarily on the morning of July 17. She almost fainted twice. A criminal in the cell, Liu Xian, called the staff many times, and told them that Cui was in critical condition. The heartless policemen did not care and didn't bother to come. I stood by the door and yelled, "Someone is about to die. Do you care?" At that moment, I thought about the days that I spent with her. I saw her solid faith in Dafa. And I saw her compassion and kindness from cultivating Dafa. I started to cry.
  • Professor Wu Xiaohua: My One-Year Detention in a Hefei City Mental Hospital

    The hospital authority did not ask me to sign any documents when they accepted me and rejected my repeated requests to see my family. Ten days after I was sent to the hospital the doctor told me, "The female labour camp has found your husband and asked him to sign your admission form, which he did, therefore, don't expect your husband to come here to take you back home. You have to stay here. If you don't break with Falun Gong, you will stay here until you have served your term. If you are not obedient, you will stay here forever till you die. In any event, your work unit is willing to pay the cost."
  • How Many More Families Like Ours Are Being Persecuted?

    My family then paid the money to the labour camp in exchange for my mum's release. However, the labour camp officials didn't release my mother as they promised. Two weeks later, the local police notified us that my mum was at the police station and could be released to us for an additional amount of 3,000 yuan. My family was really angry at their blatant corruption, yet had no choice but to pay them the money in hopes of reuniting my mother with the family. Those local officials! They don't help or serve the local people but instead take every opportunity to extort money from good people for their personal gain.