Individual Accounts

  • Laishui County Police Viciously Torture Practitioners; One Thousand Lengths of Rope Used up in a Few Days

    When I was in the 4th Division of the Gaoyang Labour Camp, I was forced into slave labour. Each day we got up before sunrise. Thirty people were responsible for 800 mu (130 acres) of cornfields. The guards carried sticks. If we slowed down in our work even a little bit, we would be struck by a large stick. We harvested the corn by hand. The work was so gruelling that our hands bled. Due to the suffering from the effects of the long-term persecution, my body became very weak, yet I still had to endure highly intensive physical labour. I lost more than 65 lbs. in three months. They did not allow us to take a rest at all. There are no human rights or laws here.
  • Savage Torture Suffered by Falun Dafa Practitioner in Gangtun Town

    Zhao said they had the word from the higher authorities: "Death of Falun Gong practitioners from beating is nothing and shall be counted as suicide." We were not allowed to eat on a regular schedule, and only had 10 minutes for each meal. We had to eat in a squatting or kneeling position. At one point they fed us for many days in a row with small potatoes that were bitter and tart, causing us to throw up right after we ate.
  • Account of Brutal Persecution Dafa Practitioner Received in Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp

    My family came to visit. Upon seeing me, they were all shocked. I had been very healthy and in good condition when I was taken from home. But now I was tortured and my health debilitated to such a degree. My family went to see the leaders. They met the chief He Qiang and requested that I receive medical treatment. But the camp authorities refused to release me. My family then went to the prosecutor residing in the labour camp. I told him the fact that I was handcuffed and forced to lay flat on my back for a month.
  • Female Dafa Practitioner's Arm and Leg Forced Inside Bags Containing Poisonous Snakes by Anlu City Public Security Bureau

    When the Public Security Bureau once again came to my home to arrest me, even the old gatekeeper said, "What did she do? She did not even go out. Why did you take her away?" But they detained me at Anlu City Detention Centre. I protested vehemently against the persecution that I had suffered during the past few years. On March 4, I was sent home. But the director of the local 610 Office announced that if they catch me again, I would have to serve a prison term and that it did not matter if I died.
  • Japanese Practitioner, Ms Yoko Kaneko, Recalling the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in the Tenth Ward of the Beijing Police Hospital

    There was another female practitioner who refused the injection of unknown drugs. The police then shackled all four of her limbs to a bed. She bit at the needle and wouldn't let go. The police then tried hard to open her mouth, but they failed. Later the police used handcuffs to pry open her teeth, causing three of her teeth to break. She had blood all over her mouth.
  • Exposing the Evil Nature of Jiang Zemin's Regime: the Ordeals Dafa Practitioner Suffered under the Persecution (Part One)

    I questioned the detention centre police as to why they opposed the law and regulations of the Chinese Constitution and tormented me with such a torture instrument that so gravely insults human dignity and impairs physical health. The police to my surprise ridiculed me, "So? Do you have a problem with it? Law? What is the law? Jiang Zemin is the law! We will do what Jiang Zemin says! If you have a problem you can talk to Jiang Zemin. Do you dare? We'll kill you!"
  • Bloodstained Floor--An Account of Brutal Torture Suffered By Female Practitioners In Chifeng City

    One day in June of 2000 Wang Jianfeng and many others broke into my home and threatened me, "We have new orders from Jiang. We thought everything was ok after holding the brainwashing class. But we have received orders via telephone from above that we must detain you until you are transformed."... Seeing that I still would not give in, they said: "She obviously will not give in." They then tried to force me to curse at a picture of Teacher. They beat me with wooden clubs until they shattered two of them. They said to me, "We have orders from Jiang Zemin -- it is not a crime to kill Falun Gong practitioners."
  • Tortured by Police on Numerous Occasions: Personal Account of Lu Dawei, a Practitioner in Liaoning Province (Photos)

    I was taken back to Fuxin and held at the detention centre there. The police at the detention centre told me, "You should just die here. This is the territory of Jiang Zemin."...One day, Wang Dazhu inserted a tube into my stomach and pumped in hard liquor and beer. He said, "You Falun Gong people don't drink alcohol, right? We are forcing you to drink alcohol. The head of the labour camp approved it."
  • Female Dafa Practitioner's Heartful Plea -"Who Will be Held Responsible for the Damage Done to My Family?"

    Because of my age, it was not easy for me to find a job. Thus, I had a lot of tribulations and have not been able to pay back my debt up to now. My children were seriously damaged by this incident. My younger daughter felt anxious all the time. In addition, the lies and hate-inciting propaganda on the TV, as well as the sneering from our neighbours and other people who didn't know the truth, all made my children unable to thrive, and it seemed to them that I had done some disgraceful things.
  • Detained Ten Times: Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Suping Tells Her Painful Story

    "If you write a promise letter (to give up Dafa cultivation) and pay 5,000 Yuan, we will send you home instead of the detention centre." I refused. Frustrated, they went to my husband's work place, my child's school and my parents' house to tell lies and threatened them. They told them that I would receive jail sentences. When my sick father heard that, he was so shocked that his physical condition worsened and he became bed ridden. My husband could not bear their constant harassment and paid them 2,000 Yuan, thinking that they would release me. But the police still sent me to a detention centre for 15 days.
  • Jilin City Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Minli Describes Her Story as a Victim of Persecution

    Some of the policemen who knew the truth about Falun Dafa brought me some daily necessities, while other policemen smoked in my hospital room. A nurse nicknamed Xiao Xiu asked them not to smoke cigarettes in the hospital ward, but they refused to stop smoking. They replied matter-of-factly, "We are here to watch her, not to provide medical care. It is none of our business if she dies."...Then Wang Zhongren threatened me, trying to make my family pay him 30,000 yuan within three days. He said, "Otherwise, I will put an ad on the newspaper and sell you as a mail-order bride for 30,000 yuan."
  • The Plight of a Family in Hebei Province

    Our agricultural machinery and other personal belongings were taken away. My son held on to his favorite sheep and begged them to let him keep it, but they took it from him anyway. They saw a suitcase and a neighbour said, "Don't take the suitcase. There's money in it." When they heard the word "money" they took the suitcase with them right away. The crowd reprimanded them for behaving like gangsters. Because my home was stripped clean, my son was forced to leave school because he could no longer afford the school fees.
  • Remembering Meng Xiao

    Upon hearing the shocking news of Meng Xiao being tortured to death, I could not stop crying. I could still remember her smile and voice vividly....After the persecution of Falun Gong began, she bravely withstood the pressure coming at her from family, work, and others around her, and was determined never to give up the practice. I will never forget her firm belief in Falun Dafa and her courage in facing the evildoers.... Because of the persecution, that young life had been taken away. I could not stop crying in front of the computer.
  • Hebei Province Dafa Practitioner Lived through Hell in Unjust Detention

    I was also shocked with an electric baton, burned with a cigarette, my hands were beaten with a bamboo strips, I was beaten and kicked, and so forth. The police spoke viciously, "No practitioner who hasn't confessed under these devices and means can walk out of here." This just goes to show how cruel their torture methods are.....The Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp is just like a hell on earth. Every day we were beaten, forced to do hard work, deprived of sleep and not allowed to go to the toilet.
  • Forced Injections and Drugs Given in Jiaozhou Mental Hospital Leads to Mental Damage for Dafa Practitioner

    The next day my family came to talk to Sun Zhijun, a head doctor at the hospital, demanding my release. My family argued that I had never been mentally impaired. Sun Zhijun retorted that only those who had brought me to the hospital would be allowed to release me; family members were not eligible. Sun also claimed that I was "mentally hindered" and had to take medicine.