Individual Accounts

  • Yoko Kaneko Recalls Her 548 Day Abduction by the Followers of Jiang Zemin and His Regime (Part 4)

    My blood pressure was very high and my heart was not good as well. My brain wasn't getting enough blood supply, and I was often in a semi-conscious state. I even lost consciousness and was in a serious condition. My complexion was dark, my lips were blue and I was emaciated. I had extreme oedema in my feet and legs, so bad that I could not even wear shoes. My feet and arms became black and purple from serious blood capillary haemorrhages after my feet and arms were handcuffed for a long period of time.
  • Yoko Kaneko Recalls Her 548 Day Abduction By the Followers of Jiang Zemin and His Regime (Part 2)

    I remember one day, Li Jirong, the head of a division who was elected as a representative to the 16th Party Congress due to her "achievements" in persecuting Falun Gong, told me, "Don't think this is just a labour camp. Our labour camp also has a death quota! Don't forget that you are still a Chinese citizen, so you still have to follow the laws of China. You are no different from anyone else."
  • Supplementary Information on Dafa Practitioner Mr. Xuan Chengxi's Death by Torture

    The lawless policemen were enraged and brutally beat Mr. Xuan repeatedly. Wang Xinmin and Zhu Yongjun poured cold water on Mr. Xuan after beating him. When he awoke from unconsciousness, they beat him again. They continuously beat him until they killed him. When Mr. Xuan died, he was face down, lying on the cement floor covered with muddy water and blood.
  • Secretly Sentenced to Eleven Years in Prison Without The Right to a Lawyer

    On April 8, 2003, the Jinshui District Court put Song Xu on trial. Only a few government officials from the police, procuratorate, and legal system showed up. Under strong protests from Song Xu, they hurriedly proceeded with the trial. They held the trial secretly and did not allow him to have a lawyer or the ability to appeal. He was unjustly sentenced to 11 years. His family never received any notice from the court.
  • Mr. Sun Baoyu is Severely Beaten, His Fingertips Pierced with a Safety Pin

    In the station, several policemen handcuffed Mr. Sun Baoyu behind the back and forced him to squat by a wall. Then they pressed a stool on his head, sat by his side, and put their feet on the stool. They tried to force him to tell his name, address, and the source of the Dafa truth-clarifying materials. He resisted the persecution with righteous thoughts and started to clarify the truth to them, and the policemen started to beat him. Several policemen kicked him in his chest, then took turns fiercely kicking his face and head. They slammed his head against the wall and it bounced back. This continued for more than 20 minutes.
  • Torture Case: Ligament Torn Apart through the Cruel Method of "Wu Ma Fen Shi"

    Lu Jinhu covered Mr. Huang's head with a piece of cloth and violently jerked, rubbed, and shook Mr. Huang's head until he felt dizzy, vomited, and could not move his head and neck anymore because his cervical vertebrae were broken. He was then sent to the hospital in the forced labour camp. When practitioners in the "Enhanced Torture Team" spoke out for Mr. Huang, the police even denied the persecution and said that Mr. Huang was suffering from a bone spur.
  • Thorazine Used As Punishment - Practitioner Suffers Cognitive Dysfunction After Injections

    The psychotropic drug Thorazine is an anti psychotic drug and used in the treatment of psychiatric patients. Thorazine may result in rather severe side effects, such as irreversible neurological disorder, global deterioration of mind and mental faculties, general dulling of awareness, emotional numbing, and cognitive dysfunction.
  • After Having Both Legs Amputated as a Result of Repeated Torture, Practitioner Yang Baochun Drags Himself to Appeal to Officials in Beijing

    Mr. Yang Baochun's hand was often handcuffed to the head of one bed while the other arm was forcibly stretched out and cuffed to the head of another bed. Mr. Yang would be cuffed like this for one day and one night. He once wrote a letter to complain about the police atrocities being committed against him. Team leader, Wang Feng discovered the note and had dozens of inmates surround Yang Baochun and beat him with rubber batons, electric batons, and kick him. The beating and torture lasted for more than half an hour, resulting in wounds covering his entire body.
  • After 23 Days of Torture in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, a Farm Woman Suffers a Mental Collapse

    After long periods of being chained to a pole, the metal handcuffs cut deep into her flesh, and Ms. Liu's ankles and wrists were bleeding badly. To make the situation more difficult for her, her tormentors even prevented her from using toilet facilities. As the filth and odour became unbearable, they then wrapped her up in a big plastic bag and tied her up with ropes to prevent her from moving. To keep her quiet, one of the persecutors bashed her head with a rod. To humiliate her further, they stripped off her clothes one day, and tried to take a photograph of her.
  • Yoko Kaneko Recalls Her 548 Day Abduction By the Followers of Jiang and His Regime, Part 1

  • A Child's Fear

    That evening, the officer who arrested me rushed into the kindergarten with several other officers. My son never gave up on me, but instead of his mother, a group of strangers came for him. They used fine-sounding words to appear as if they were there to take care of the child. They used high sounding phrases such as a "political task," a "job requirement," etc. I could not imagine how my baby withstood their ploys.
  • Practitioner Ms. Su Aihua in Critical Condition While in Detention and is now Missing

    When her family went to Xin Xiang Prison to locate her, the prison guard claimed that no such person was being detained at the prison. Her family returned to the detention centre and asked the Public Security Bureau about her whereabouts. The Public Security Bureau claimed that she had been transferred to Xin Xiang Prison. Her family then went to the relevant government agency to locate her. The officials there did not provide any information. Ms. Su Aihua disappeared four months ago and no one knows where she is.
  • Personal Account of How Police Brutally Tortured a Dafa Practitioner and Broke Up His Family

    "They locked my hands and feet in an iron frame. I went on hunger strike to protest this illegal persecution, and they force-fed me with a strong salt solution. I was detained there until June 21st and they still did not release me. I went on hunger strike again, and on June 24th, they force-fed me. Because I resisted force-feeding, they locked my hands and feet again in an iron frame, carried me to the side of the toilet, smeared the waste from the toilet on my chest and left a cloth soaked in urine and faeces on the side of my head."
  • Jilin Province: Four Years of Atrocious Torture Recounted by Female Dafa Practitioner

    The police had arrested me six times since 1999, and caused my family a great deal of pain. Before the police threw me into the forced labour camp, they forced my husband to divorce me against our will. Hence, I had no home to return to after I was released and I became homeless. Later I moved into my mother's home and stayed with her and my young brother for a short period of time, but the police frequently came and harassed us. Sometimes the police would even break into my mother's home in the middle of the night, causing my mother and brother to live in fear and terror. In addition, the police fired me from work in 1999, because I appealed for Falun Dafa, and thus cut off my income. Later, my former employer granted me 150 yuan every month which was only enough to pay for the most minimal living expenses in the urban area of Jilin City.
  • Lecturer From Beijing's Central Institute of Nationalities, Presses Charges against Chinese Authorities

    As clearly stipulated by code 41 of the Constitution and code 254 of the criminal law, no person or organisation has the right to penalise, indict, or file a complaint against any citizen that file appeals. Yet, the involved administration authorities unreasonably withheld my complaint and as a legal plaintiff, and I was personally subjected to persecution by them as well. They used vicious means to harm my body and nervous system, and they tried to hound me to death or to the point that I suffered mental collapse. To quote their words, a person like me must "either be killed or made mentally disordered." It was not me who is the criminal, but these people of the concerned administration authority.