Death Cases
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Su Juzhen Suffered a Mental Collapse and Passed Away Due to Drug Poisoning and Torture at a Forced Labour Camp
2006-04-25On April 8th, 2006, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Su Juzhen passed away after she suffered a mental collapse resulting from brutal torture at a forced labour camp. A practitioner said, "Su Juzhen was very determined in her belief in Falun Dafa. Zhang Xiurong (a vicious policewoman) handcuffed her hands behind her back and then hung her up with her head down and her feet off the ground. Zhang Xiurong took me to witness her torture in person, indicating that if I did not give up [my] belief in Falun Dafa I would be tortured the same way."
Practitioner Ms. Chu Xiuli Persecuted to Death by the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2006-04-25Ms. Chu Xiuli, 49 years old, was an employee of the Harbin City Air Turbine Plant. She was dismissed by the plant officials for practising Falun Gong. She was detained three times and subjected to inhuman persecution in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. The guards in the labour camp beat her fiercely with batons until they bent out of shape. She was forced to do overtime labour and became devastated in mind and body. She was not released for medical treatment until it was too late. She passed away on March 23rd, 2006. Before her death, she told her friends and relatives, "I'm in this state because I was persecuted by the evildoers."
Two Older Falun Dafa Practitioners in Jilin Province Persecuted to Death
2006-04-2556-year-old Ms. Deng Wenjie lived in Jilin Province. She learned Falun Dafa in 1997. Before practising Falun Gong, she suffered with female health problems and severe gastrointestinal problems. After practising Falun Gong for one month, her health went completely back to normal. She was arrested by the police in 2001 when explaining the true situation of Falun Dafa and was imprisoned in a forced labour camp. While being imprisoned there, she went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Police fed her forcibly and injured her main artery while inserting a tube. After six months of suffering, Deng Wenjie passed away.
Supplemental Information Regarding the Arrest and Torture of Ms. Gao Rongrong and Ms. Dong Jingya
2006-04-24Between 2 and 3 a.m on March 6th, 2005, agents from the Shenyang City Police Department arrested Ms. Gao Rongrong and Ms Dong Jingya. The police seemed very excited to be arresting Ms. Gao Rongrong. Her face had been severely disfigured from electric baton torture, and she suffered from broken bones in her pelvis, thigh, and legs. They gathered around Ms. Gao Rongrong and Ms. Dong Jingya's beds. In April 2005 people saw Ms. Gao Rongrong locked in a single cell in the Liaoning Province Prison Hospital. On June 16th, 2005, Ms. Gao Rongrong passed away in the emergency room at Shenyang Medical University. Where these "people in law enforcement" had taken Gao Rongrong in the meantime and how they tortured her, nobody knows.
Zhao Yuqin, 53, from Shenyang Died After Suffering Repeated Persecution
2006-04-22Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhao Yuqin, 53, from Dadong District in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province has been illegally arrested, detained and sent to brainwashing centres for repeated persecution by personnel of the wicked Chinese Communist Party. She was forced to become destitute and homeless to avoid arrest. After enduring years of harassment, surveillance and persecution for a long time, Zhao Yuqin died on February 24th 2006.
Mr. Shi Yinchang Dies as a Result of Persecution
2006-04-18Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Shi Yinchang was sentenced to two years of forced labour under the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution, which severely damaged his mind and body. He lost almost all of his eyesight in the Benxi City Labour Camp. He was released on medical parole yet Mr. Shi Yinchang was harassed multiple times and threatened by policemen and his employer. He died on April 30th, 2005, at the age of 57.
Non-Practitioner: The Cover-up of Organ Harvesting from Falun Gong Practitioners in Daqing City (Photo)
2006-04-18"While detained at the Daqing Longfeng Detention Centre, I heard a lot of stories from an inmate, who is now serving his time at Daqing Prison, about how the police were dealing in organs of Falun Gong practitioners. Practitioners whose organs are to be removed are not shot dead. Instead, they are knocked out first and then taken into a vehicle standing by, where the still living victims are cut open for their organs. Sometimes victims were in such excruciating pain that they pleaded, "Hurry up. Please let me die first!""
Mr. Wang Jianguo, 30, Persecuted to Death at the No. 1 Detention Centre of Jilin City
2006-04-16Falun Dafa practitioners Mr. Wang Jianguo and his wife Ms. Zhao Qiumei were arrested by a group of policemen on March 2nd, 2006. Within one month and nine days, Mr. Wang Jianguo was persecuted to death at the No. 1 Detention Centre of Jilin City. His body is at the autopsy centre of Jilin City police station. Before his death, his wife was arrested again and taken to the No. 5 Division of Changchun Heizuizi Female Forced Labour Camp, where she is being persecuted.
Older Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhou Yongliang Tortured to Death
2006-04-15Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhou Yongliang was 51 years old. On April 28th, 2002, he was arrested from his home by policemen from the Songjiang Station, and sentenced to two years of forced labour. He was tortured with fire and deprived of sleep in the Xigemu Labour Camp in Jiamusi City. When he was released on April 28th, 2004, he was very pale, his legs felt numb and icy cold, and he had difficulty breathing. Police came to his home twice to harass him. They threatened him and asked if he still practised Falun Dafa. He became very tense, weaker and weaker, and died on January 6th, 2006.
Six Falun Dafa Practitioners from Jilin, Shandong, Hebei, Heilongjiang Provinces Died from Persecution
2006-04-15Ms. Wang Cuiying, 62 years old, went to Beijing in December 2001 to appeal and help explain the truth about Falun Dafa. She was subsequently arrested. On January 2nd, 2002 she was forcibly taken to the local police station and imprisoned in the Second Detention Centre. While she was there, she suffered persecution for seven months. During this period, she was taken to the Wanjia Labour Camp three times. Ms. Wang Cuiying suffered extensive abuse, both physically and mentally. She passed away on November 24th, 2005.
Destroying Eyewitnesses Within "Three Months"
2006-04-14The International reaction has been one of outrage since the horrifying activities against Falun Gong practitioners at Sujiatun were made public. It took more than twenty days for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to release a formal response. The prevailing perception by outsiders is that the CCP has destroyed all physical evidence relating to the allegations. According to reliable sources, staff at Tianjin First Central Hospital performed many more liver and kidney transplants in late March than ever before. The surgeries were always performed at night. Why has this hospital suddenly such a large supply of organs (livers and kidneys)? The Chinese Communist Party is stepping up their elimination of "live witnesses" in all concentration camps.
Ms Cong Guixian, Falun Gong Practitioner from Jilin Province, Persecuted to Death
2006-04-14Ms. Cong Guixian, a Falun Gong practitioner from Jilin Province, was brutally tortured by the Chinese Communist Party agents. She was sentenced to a ten-year prison term, and was detained in Changchun Heizuizi Women's Prison. She developed very severe illness symptoms during detention, and had to be released on medical parole. Cong Guixian's illness worsened and she died on March 28th, 2006.
Ms. Wu Junying, In Her Fifties, Arrested Again Shortly After Her Release from Labour Camp, Dies as a Result of Further Persecution
2006-04-14Six people from the National Security Team in Beijing's Daxing District went to Dawangzhuang Village on January 17th, 2006 and arrested a 54-year-old village woman, Falun Gong practitioner Wu Junying. She was later sent to forced labour for two and a half years. The abusers subsequently took her to the Beijing City Dispatch Division for further persecution. She was sent to Beijing Xin'an Forced Labour Camp on March 29th, and soon after 7:00 p.m. on March 31st her family was told that she had passed away.
Zhang Jin Died of Persecution at 70; Son and Daughter-in-Law Still Persecuted in a Forced Labour Camp
2006-04-1470-year-old Mr. Zhang Jin, was a Dafa practitioner from Inner Mongolia. He started practising Falun Gong in 1998 and was very diligent in his cultivation. After the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, police from the Public Security 610 Office put his home under surveillance, often placing a stake-out nearby and following him to his home to harass him. Zhang Jin died on March 13th, 2006, yet his son and daughter-in-law are still being persecuted in a forced labour camp.
Dai Xiaoping Tortured at Weifang Detention Centre - Her Husband Died from Similar Treatment
2006-04-14Police officers recently arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Mrs. Dai Xiaoping. She is currently detained at Weifang Detention Centre, where she is chained to a "death bed" and being force-fed. Her situation is critical. Mrs. Dai's husband, Mr. Mou Naiwu, was previously a physics teacher at Weifang College. He insisted on practising Falun Gong and was persecuted to death. He died on June 13th, 2004, leaving a teenaged daughter at home alone