Death Cases
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Liu Yongfang from Liaoning Province Died in 2004 Due to the Persecution
2005-03-01Ms. Liu Yongfang used to suffer from tuberculosis and psoriasis and her hair fell out. After she began to practise Falun Gong in 1996, her illnesses all disappeared and she grew a full head of hair again. Ms. Liu went to Beijing twice in 2001 to appeal for Falun Gong. Both times she was arrested and sent to Masanjia Labour Camp in Liaoning Province. She was released when she became seriously ill because of the torture she received there. She passed away in the spring of 2004 despite medical treatment.
Belated Notification: Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liu Fengjie from Heilongjiang Province Died in 2001
2005-03-0138 year old Ms. Liu Fengjie went to Beijing with her husband and children, to appeal for Falun Gong. They were arrested and tortured. She was subjected to brainwashing and had 4000 yuan extorted from her. Even though she was released, her mind and body were deeply injured. In August 2001 Ms. Liu Fengjie went out to sell vegetables and was killed in a car accident.
The Death of Practitioner Ms. Meng Xiao in 2004 Has Devastated Her Family
2005-02-28During the 2004 Chinese New Year, Ms. Meng Xiao was tortured to death for upholding her belief in Falun Dafa. January 12, 2005 marks one year since her passing. Meng Xiao's family is suffering tremendously as a result of her death.
Four Falun Dafa Practitioners from Xinji City, Hebei Province Die as a Result of the Persecution
2005-02-27Four ladies, who had all benefited both physically and mentally from the practice of Falun Gong suffered between them: detention, torture, beating, sleep deprivation, brainwashing, police harassment and intimidation, extortion and house searched. This was in a vain attempt to force them to renounce their faith. The sad result was that they all lost their lives
Two Elderly Female Falun Dafa Practitioners Persecuted to Death by the CCP's "610 Office" in 2003 and 2002
2005-02-2768 year old Ms. Hu Gui'e revealed the evil nature of the persecution. The police repeatedly abducted her, harassed her, and forced her to undergo brainwashing. Under the pressure of this injustice, she passed away on March 17, 2003. Ms. Li Yuru, 58, was a school doctor who was repeatedly abducted, harassed, threatened and trailed by police. When she was dying her husband told police, "She is dying, and you're still doing this to her! You let the murderers and arsonists go, and come here to seize a good person like my wife!"
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Xu Fengying from Inner Mongolia Died from Persecution in 2001
2005-02-27Ms. Xu Fengying was a Falun Dafa practitioner from Huolinguole City, Inner Mongolia. She was thrown into a detention centre for exposing the crimes of the authorities against Falun Dafa. Before allowing her home, police extorted money from her family. She died on February 5, 2001 due to relentless persecution from lawless officials who constantly harassed her at her home.
"Outstanding Woman" Award Nominee Viciously Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners
2005-02-27Song Shuqin, the former head of the “610 Office” in the City of Zhaoyuan, is a person who overrode the law of the Chinese Constitution and is responsible for the murder of a Falun Gong practitioner. In January 2005, this person was nominated as one of the twenty candidates for the "Ten Outstanding Women of the City of Zhaoyuan" for the 2005 session, an activity hosted by the Women's Union.
98 Year Old Ms Jia Yuzhi from Henan Province Died in 2002 After Long-Term Harassment and Mental Torture
2005-02-26Ms. Jia Yuzhi was nearly one hundred years old, and lived in Henan Province. Her entire family cultivates Falun Dafa and has suffered in the brutal persecution over the past five years. Ms. Jia has had to watch as one of her children would be released from detention, another would be arrested by the police again. Because of the long-term harassment and mental anguish, Ms. Jia Yuzhi died at the end of April 2002.
Practitioner Ms. Gan Xiuyun, 71, from Heilongjiang Province Died Due to Police Harassment
2005-02-26Ms. Gan Xiuyun was 71 years old. After the year 2000, the local police repeatedly harassed her and her daughter was also detained. In 2001, her daughter and son-in-law went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. Both were arrested and sentenced to forced labour. This caused Ms. Gan great distress, and from then on she lived in terror and suffered from constant mental anguish. She died on January 27, 2004 after suffering unrelenting pressure and harassment.
Details of Ms. Zhao Fengyun's Death in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-02-26Around 10:00 p.m. on February 27, 2004, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhao Fengyun suddenly started vomiting violently while working in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. After vomiting Ms. Zhao wanted to use the toilet, but the police guard didn't allow her to, so she had to lie prone on the table to ease the discomfort. Very soon Ms. Zhao breathed heavily in gulps with fixed eyes, and then her lips turned white. Soon Ms. Zhao Fengyun was dead. She was 50 years old.
Eyewitness Account: Police Beat a Falun Dafa Practitioner to Death on Tiananmen Square in 2001
2005-02-26I am a Falun Dafa practitioner in Beijing. Around October 2000, I personally witnessed a Falun Dafa practitioner being beaten horrifically. He was about thirty years old and died on a bench at Tiananmen Square, because he was beaten so brutally by the police. Fellow practitioners carried his body out of the Square, and sent him out to suburban Beijing by car for burial.
Two Women Falun Gong Practitioners from Guizhou Province Die in the Persecution in 2000 and 2003
2005-02-25Ms. Wang Biyu was arrested and her home ransacked. Even after she returned home, the police often came to harass and threaten her and her family. As a result, she fell ill and passed away in July 2000, at the age of 64. Ms. Hu Deming went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa and was sent to a forced labour camp. Her health deteriorated and she passed away in April 2003.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhang Guozhen from Chongqing City Dies One Year After Torture in Maojiashan Forced Labour Camp
2005-02-25Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Guozhen from Chongqing City was arrested many times and was sentenced to forced labour in June 2002. She was tortured in the Maojiashan Women's Labour Camp to the point where her entire body became swollen and she was then released from the camp. She died on February 3, 2005.
70 Year Old Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Shuping, a Retired Teacher from Liaoning Province, Died as a Result of the Persecution in 2004
2005-02-25Ms. Li Shuping was a 70-year-old retired teacher. Police ransacked her home, arrested her and took her to a detention centre. Because of the torture she suffered she came down with a life threatening disease. Officials extorted 5,000 yuan from her family members before they released her. Shortly after she returned home, Ms. Li Shuping passed away.
Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Gao Yunhu from Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region Dies as a Result of Persecution
2005-02-2463 year old Mr. Gao Yunhu was sentenced to three years at forced labour. He was later bailed out on a medical parole due to the effects of severe torture. The local "610 Office" and police continued to harass him at home. Since his daughter was arrested for handing out Falun Dafa truth-clarification materials, the police decided to closely monitor his home, causing him great stress. He died on February 1, 2005