Death Cases

  • Labour Camp in Qiqihar City Responsible for Death of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Xuelian

    People who knew the inside story said that ever since July 20, 1999, Li Jianfei had many times led his thugs to ransack Falun Gong practitioners' homes. He claimed that whoever practised at home would also be sent to labour camps. When a reporter called Li Jianfei at 86-455-8258869 verifying the death of Li Xuelian, he hung up immediately upon hearing her name. The reporter called again and Li Jianfei hung up again without saying anything.
  • Exposing Those Responsible for the Murder of Meng Jincheng in the Tangshan City Forced Labour Camp

    In fact, Mr. Meng had already been killed by the beatings and torture. To cover up the truth behind his death, the police in the squad had Chen Fu read the following concocted story, "Meng Jincheng, a hard-core Falun Gong practitioner, suddenly became sick while serving his term in the labour camp. He was quickly taken to the hospital for treatment." Chen Fu, Chang Fuhai, and Lu Jiang were all rewarded as a result of their false testimony.
  • Detailed Information of How Elderly Ms Ye Wenying was Tortured to Death by Pengzhou City "610 Office"

    Wang Chengdong, 30 years of age, is from Group 12, Section 1 of Gongtian Village in Tongji County, Pengzhou City. He served in the army in Xinjiang Province for four years. He was hired by the 610 Office after he came back home from the army. Together with Luo Ke, he often cruelly tortures Falun Dafa practitioners. They always repeat filthy language such as, "A man will disappoint the Central Committee of the Party if he does not patronize prostitutes. A woman will disappoint Jiang Zemin if she does not prostitute herself."
  • More Facts about the Murder of Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Song Youchun

    His family immediately questioned the detention centre: Why didn't the detention centre send Song to a hospital for treatment? Why didn't the centre inform Song's family when his condition was so serious? Why didn't the centre inform Song's family immediately after he died? Why did they wait fourteen hours before they let the family know about Song's death?
  • Harbin City Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Jin Guanghua Tortured Severely Then Sent to Hospital to Die

    Yesterday, a male police officer at Tongxiang Street Police Station (86-451-82681181) said Ms. Jin Guanghua died of myocarditis [a kind of heart problem] and whole body-system failure. The officer also said, "she died in the hospital after only one night of emergency treatment." The police refused to reveal whether Jin Guanghua was detained before her death or who sent her to the hospital. "I cannot tell you that," the police officer said.
  • Practitioner Ms. Xu Shuxiang Dies As A Result of Torture in Police Custody - Tied to a Tiger-Bench for 48 Hours

    This lady was subjected to inhuman torture and degradation solely because she upheld "Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance". After she was tortured to a state where her life was in danger, she was sent home. However, she had to endure two more months of agony until she finall passed away. Yet another waste of a good person.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Gao Shiping Dies After Tremendous Physical and Mental Torture

    Ms. Gao Shiping, aged 58, was a resident of the surrounding area of Zhangjiakou City. In April 2001, while Ms. Gao was farming in the field, she was arrested by local police and sent to the Gaoyang Labour Camp for forced brainwashing. When she returned home in the spring of 2003, her health had seriously deteriorated from the physical and mental torture she had endured in the labour camp. She died on December 19, 2003.
  • Delayed News: Hebei Province Practitioner Mr. Xie Wenping Inhumanly Tortured to Death by Police

    Mr. Xie was an employee of Dingxing County Glass Tube Factory, Hebei province. In 2002, the police abducted Mr. Xie from his home and sent him to the Liyuzhuang Township Brainwashing Centre, where he was inhumanly tortured. His family was not informed until his life was in danger. Mr. Xie died soon after returning home. Before Mr. Xie's death, about 90 Falun Gong practitioners in Hebei province had already died as a result of the persecution in the past four years.
  • Dafa Practitioner Mr. Li Shuli Dies as a Result of Torture at the Tangshan City Labour Camp

    Each session of "Tightening Rope" lasts ten to twenty minutes. After the rope is loosened, the victim has lost the feeling in his arms, and it takes a long time to regain it. For those who have experienced this torture, their arms are often disabled in severe cases, or they cannot raise their arms or they lose some function in the arms. The marks left on the arms by the rope usually don't disappear for one or two years.
  • Healthy Falun Gong Practitioner Mr Li Jingdong Tortured to Death in Three to Four Days

    Mr. Li was brought back to the Yuanshan Police Station dead. Before the funeral, when his family members tried to change his clothes, they found that his clothes were stuck to his body with blood and could not be taken off. Mr. Li Jingdong died from gross injustice. His elderly mother cried, and there is now no one to care for his young child. A family was torn apart.
  • Details on the Persecution and Death of Hefei City Falun Dafa Practitioner Li Jun

    Dafa Practitioner Li Jun was sentenced to seven years imprisonment solely for producing information revealing the true situation of the persecution of Falun Dafa. He felt he had a responsibility to raise the awareness of the Chinese people, to show how they have been duped and lied to by the vicious state propaganda. For this act of courage he lost his life.
  • Sixty-Year-Old Lady from Inner Mongolia Dies After Being Released from Labour Camp

    While in detention the police tortured her relentlessly. A once healthy elderly lady was turned into a person plagued with illnesses. The labour camp hospital diagnosed her illness as breast cancer. Not wanting to take any responsibility, the camp released her on medical parole. After Ms. Wang returned home, she went to her work unit to ask for her pensions. However, her work unit colluded with the "610 Office" and heartlessly again sent her to labour education.
  • Brutal Beating, Force-Feeding and Poisonous Injections -- Death of Dafa Practitioner Ms Meng Xiao in Chengdu City

    The authorities for Jintang County Detention Centre asked the Chengdu City "610 Office" if Meng Xiao was to be released. The response was, "Just let her die at the hospital or detention centre. Don't release her!" As a result, the abuse against her escalated. Jiang Zengyao, head of the detention centre, said, "It's impossible for Meng Xiao to get out on hunger strike; if she is going to die, she'll have to die at the detention centre or the hospital." At the hospital, numerous police officers tied up Meng Xiao and gave her injections.
  • Mr. Wang Defeng from Heilongjiang Province Dies of Police Abuse

    Mr. Wang Defeng, 37 years old, was a resident of Handian Town, Heilongjiang Province. In 1996, he started to practice Falun Gong. On a summer night in 2001, police from Handian Police Station and the "610 Office"* broke into Wang's home and took him away while he was sleeping, not even allowing him to put on his coat. Wang was jailed and tortured in the Shuangcheng City Detention Center. He was not released until he was near death. Mr. Wang passed away on June 30, 2002.
  • Mr. Yan Hai from Zhangjiajou City Dies From Blood Loss Following Prolonged Torture

    On November 24, 2003, Dafa practitioner Yan Hai from Zhangjiajou City, Hebei Province died as a result of torture he had endured. At the time of his death, his whole body was swollen, and his mouth and nose were stuffed with cotton. His body was very pale, including his mouth and tongue. The 251 Hospital doctors diagnosed him as "dying of dysfunction of blood circulation." But the doctors could not explain why his body was so pale. The reason was that he was losing large amounts of blood from the torture. He had became weaker and weaker everyday.