Death Cases

  • Dafa Practitioner Mr. Wang Hongtian Dies from Three Years of Relentless Persecution

    Since July 20, 1999, Wang Hongtian suffered inhumane persecution because he persisted in his belief of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" and he was detained and sent to a labour camp. On the 14th of August 2001, two days after Wang Hongtian was sent back home from the labour camp, he passed away. He was only 41 years old. His parents, over 70 years old, were devastated when they got the news of their lost son.
  • Ms. Tang Meijun, an Employee of the Chongqing Railway Branch Bureau, Is Tortured to Death

    Ms. Tang Meijun, age 49, was an operator from the Railway Communications Company under the Chongqing Railway Branch Bureau. During a two-year term of forced labour, she was subjected to both physical and mental torture. In 2003, she was released on bail for medical treatment. On December 10, 2003, she was arrested while distributing truth-clarifying materials. At 4:30 (could be a.m. or p.m.) on December 30, she died in the Maojia Forced Labour Camp. The details are still being investigated.
  • Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Jiang Shulan Dies As a Result of Brutal Force Feeding

    Ms. Jiang Shulan, a practitioner from Da'an City, was around sixty years old. On June 9, 2003, she died as a result of force-feeding for four days with high-density salt water in Da'an Detention Centre. Protesting against her illegal detention with a hunger strike, she had been subjected to brutal force feeding of high-density salt solution, which had knocked out four of her front teeth, and injured her upper jaw so seriuosly that the bone was exposed.
  • Additional Information About the Torture Death of Dafa Practitioner Lai Zhijun

    Dafa practitioner Lai Zhijun was tortured to death in March or April of 2000 at Sanshui Labour Camp. Township Vice Mayor and Vice Director of the People's Congress at Fenggang Town, he was honoured as an excellent state official. In his 30's, he had been practicing Falun Dafa since Chinese New Year of 1999, and actively promoted the Fa locally. After Jiang's group started persecuting Falun Dafa on July 20, 1999, he went to Beijing to appeal in December 1999.
  • Inner-Mongolian Autonomous Region: Two More Practitioners Die as a Result of Abuse and Torture

    Ms. Geng Xiulan was arrested while she was distributing Dafa truth-clarifying flyers a few days before the 2001 Chinese New Year. Chief Li Cai and his teammates forced Ms. Geng to provide a list of practitioners who participated in this event by beating her, using an electric baton and wrapping wire around her two fingers to electrically shock her. As a result of being tortured with electric shock, her cardiovascular system was damaged, she now has constant seizures. Later, police handcuffed her onto heating pipes. She had to keep a position of half-way squatting on her heels and half-way standing.
  • Additional Information on the Death of Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms Duan Shiqiong

    Dafa practitioner Duan Shiqiong endured more than a year of incarceration, gross abuse, torment and persecution in the Chengdu City Detention Centre. None of her family members received any information about her during that period. Even in the final moments of her life, Chengdu City Detention Centre officials still did not inform her family. When her husband saw her body, it was impossible for him to recognise his wife. Her face looked completely different. She only weighed about 50 lbs.
  • Details of How Liu Chengjun Was Tortured to Death in Jilin Prison

    Mr. Liu Chengjun was tortured to death on December 26, 2003. Jailed after tapping into Chinese cable TV networks and broadcasting the facts about the evil nature of the persecution, Liu Chengjun was an example of the courage and upright actions of Dafa practitioners in China as they break through Jiang's death-grip on the state-controlled media. News of his death has brought public outcry, as practitioners demand his murders be brought to justice. The following is an account of the circumstances surrounding his death
  • More Details About the Torture Death of Zhengzhou City Practitioner Ms. Cui Ningning

    Cui Ningning insisted on unconditional release and had the courage to uphold her belief in Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance, which cost her her life. The detention centre police initially did not pay any attention at all, until her health had severely deteriorated and she was near death. Afraid to take responsibility, the police released her on July 18, 2003. Eleven days after her release, Cui Ningning died at home.
  • More Information Regarding the Painful Death of Chongqing City Practitioner Ms. Long Gang

    Due to the brutality of their methods, the tube didn't always feed into the oesophagus but also went down the trachea. This vile method of torture damaged her lungs tremendously and caused her to cough constantly. She suffered from extreme pain in her lungs and grew thinner and thinner. To shirk their responsibility, the detention centre claimed that she had contracted tuberculosis, and asked her family to obtain a medical parole for her and take her home. From that time on her health declined to the point where she could hardly walk.
  • An Excellent Teacher, Mr. Ma Lizhi from Jiaonan City Dies of Torture

    Policeman Zhuang Huaidou was a very vicious individual. He had beaten practitioners many times. Once, he handcuffed a practitioner for a long time. Even two years later, marks were still visible on this practitioner's wrists and he still suffered from numbness in his hands. Zhuang pulled Ma Lizhi's hands all the way up behind his back and cuffed them to the back of a chair. He then forced Mr. Ma to sit on the floor and swing the chair. This torture caused excruciating pain. Zhuang claimed, "Jiang Zemin does not allow you to practise! Whoever practises will be arrested!"
  • Jilin Prison: The Den of Evil in Which Liu Chengjun Was Murdered

    This was a torture beyond human language. They put some medicine on me to continue their torture under the disguise of treating me. They again forced me to write the "four letters" which I signed under pressure. I now declare that it was against my own will and I was forced to do this. Afterwards, my heart was filled with sadness and sorrow that was beyond words. After that they didn't allow me to talk to anyone until August 2003. Staff member Li called me for a talk, and I told him that I had been tortured. He yelled at me "Who tortured you? Who witnessed it? If you don't accept our management, we will force you to!"
  • Latest News Regarding the Eighteen Changchun City Practitioners Who Broadcast Documentaries of the Persecution of Falun Gong on March 5 2002

    Ms. Chen Yanmei and Mr. Liu Chengjun, besides already having incapacitating gunshot wounds to his legs, were subject to more savage and extended beatings by the police than other practitioners. Our sources indicated that, after the judge announced the sentences, the bailiffs took the fifteen practitioners to a room where several bailiffs grabbed each practitioner's hand, handcuffed them behind the back, and forced his/her fingerprints on the legal documents as a legal form of acceptance to the verdict while telling each practitioner, "It is you who put your fingerprints on the legal documents."
  • More Details about the Torture Death of 67-year-old Practitioner Ms. Liu Fuse

    The detention centre only provided one corn bun and some preserved vegetables for every meal. Sometimes the muffin was partially uncooked and had mouse droppings inside. She was often sworn at by the police in the centre, was forced to do hard labour, and not allowed to practise any Falun Dafa exercises. She was then transferred to the brainwashing centre for a 5-month term. Shang Yunhang the head of the Political Security Division of Shenzhen City along with a few other people searched and harassed her, looking for Falun Dafa books.
  • Nanmusi Forced Labour Camp Kill One Woman and Cause Her Husband to Become Paralysed from Torture

    During her ten days of detainment in the labour camp, it is impossible for anyone to imagine how ruthlessly the labour camp must have tortured her. She was sent home when she was about to die. Two days after she was sent home she was dead. At the time of her death, Na was still detained in the brainwashing centre. The family asked the centre to let Na go home to see his wife for the last time. Even under such circumstances the "610 Office" and the Town government firmly refused.
  • "We'll Kill You To Make You Disappear!"--Tragedies In Tianjin City's Banqiao Women's Labour Camp

    Police Officer Yang kicked her lower back hard, and Police Officer Xia said to her while pointing at her, "We'll kill you to make you disappear!" Police Officer Liu Bin (formerly from the Fifth Team) said, "We want you to know that the cooking pots in the Labour Camp are made of metal!" [a chinese saying meaning police are tougher than practitioners].