Death Cases

  • Two Dafa Practitioners from Shanxi Province Die from Torture Sustained in Forced Labour Camps

    It has been confirmed that two male Falun Gong practitioners from Yangquan City, Shanxi Province have been tortured to death in labour camps. Guo Jifang, over 50 years old, died from brutal abuse two years ago in the Tuanhe Labour Camp in Beijing. Li Huiwen, a young Chinese medical doctor, was tortured to death a year ago in the Xindian Labour Camp in Shanxi Province.
  • More Facts About How Ms. Hou Youfang Died as a Result of Torture in Pingantai Forced Labour Camp

    Ms. Hou Youfang was a 49 year old Falun Gong practitioner and a teacher at Xipuo High School in Jinchang City, Gansu province. She was taken away by police in August 2002 for distributing truth-clarifying materials to people. She resolutely refused to write the so-called "Repentance Statement". So the police began to cruelly beat her. She died on November 29, 2002 because of the torture. It was said that she suffered from internal bleeding. Her rib cage and pelvic cavity were broken as a result of the beating.
  • Fifty Three Year Old Lady Tortured to Death by Tianjin City Women's Labour Camp

    In mid-November 2002, policewomen Kou Na and Gao Huachao led drug addicts to beat her savagely on many occasions. They stripped her off her clothes at night and threw her into a pig pen...They later pushed her to the front of the dog cage, threatening to jail her together with a dog. All these humiliations and tortures brought tremendous damage to her both mentally and physically.
  • Fifty One Year Old Xingtai City Practitioner Ms You Zhilan Dies of Police Abuse

    Officer Chen took the mobile phone that You's son had just purchased as well as 100 yuan. You's family worried about her health in the detention centre, so they sent gifts to their relations to get her out. They spent over a thousand yuan just to treat Zhang Yinchao and his family to dinner. (Zhang is the one in Xingtai Police Department in charge of the Falun Gong issue.) Zhang also took from them two or three thousand yuan in cash. When You was released, she was again fined 3,000 yuan. Altogether, You and her family were extorted over 10,000 yuan. [The average monthly income of an urban worker is 500 yuan.]
  • Gansu Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhang Youqing Tortured then Sent Home to Die

    A policeman said ferociously, "If you continue to practise, we will send both of you to jail." Then they left. However, they returned just several minutes later and forcibly took the couple away. They jailed them in the Longxi County Detention Centre and delivered a notice to the couple's family stating the couple was detained on criminal charges....On April 22, a release notice was issued for Zhang. However, Song Jianhua said, "The higher authorities did not instruct us to release Falun Gong practitioners and we can't release him according to the release notice." They also said that they would keep the Falun Gong practitioners in jail until they died.
  • After Suffering Innumerable Brutalities in Changlinzi Labour Camp, Dafa Practitioner Zhang Bingxiang Passes Away

    On April 29, 2002, police from the Heping Police Station ransacked my home and demanded to know if I was still practising Dafa. I said, "Yes, I do. How could I not take part in such a wonderful practice?" As a result, the police took my daughter and me to the Heping Police Station where the police told me I would be released if I said I would relinquish the Falun Dafa practice. I answered, "I'll definitely continue to practise Dafa! No one can stop me!"
  • Sixty Five Year Old Sichuan Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Feng Shichao Tortured to Death

    This sixty five year old man, who had become fit and healthy through his practice of Falun Dafa was arrested for no good reason other than he risked his life to tell people the truth about the brutal persecution. He then had to suffer unimaginable pain and torture, which destroyed his body and mind and lead to his sad death.
  • Former Women's Division President of Trade Union, Ms. Yang Jingyun, Dies from the Persecution

    Under such psychological torture, Ms. Yang began to get thinner and thinner, her face became jaundiced yellow and her abdomen swelled to distention. She had difficulty breathing and was sick in bed. The doctor's examination found that all of her vital signs were normal. No one could diagnose the illness that she was suffering....On November 6, 2002, Ms. Yang Jingyun quietly passed away. She had been so helpless and persecuted so severely. Her family was so sad!
  • Remembering Meng Xiao

    Upon hearing the shocking news of Meng Xiao being tortured to death, I could not stop crying. I could still remember her smile and voice vividly....After the persecution of Falun Gong began, she bravely withstood the pressure coming at her from family, work, and others around her, and was determined never to give up the practice. I will never forget her firm belief in Falun Dafa and her courage in facing the evildoers.... Because of the persecution, that young life had been taken away. I could not stop crying in front of the computer.
  • Practitioner Mr. Na Changjian Dies as a Result of Gross Physical Abuse from Harbin City Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp

    Mr. Na became very weak as a result of sinister and cruel persecution of both mind and body in the camp. He also became emaciated. His feet became deformed and he could only walk with the support of at least two others. The labour camp authorities were afraid of taking the responsibility for their abuse, so they released him on November 17 2003. However, Mr. Na Changjian was unable to recover from the terrible abuse and died on January 14 2004.
  • Belated News: Yinchun City Government Deputy Chief , Mr. Song Gang, Tortured to Death

    Due to torture, his health worsened. After he was released home, Fenghua authorities informed Yinchun City Government to take him back to Yinchun City to work when in fact he was being monitored there. While in Yinchun, Song's health deteriorated rapidly. Yinchun authorities then sent him back to Zhejiang. On the same day of his return (at the end of January 2000), he passed away.
  • Two Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioners Tortured to Death by Police in Shandong and Gansu Province

    On April 22, Zhang Youqing was issued a release warrant. Police officer Song Jianhua said, "No, you can't go home." He claimed he'd hold Zhang Youqing and his wife until they died in prison...Song Jianhua interrogated him when he was extremely weak and asked if he would continue to practise Dafa. Mr. Zhang Youqing firmly answered he would and said, "I got a release warrant and you still won't let me go. You are persecuting us Falun Gong practitioners!" Song Jianhua grew furious and beat Zhang Youqing until the practitioner's face turned white as a sheet and he couldn't stand up.
  • Authorities at Jiamusi City Xigemu Labour Camp Responsible for Painful Deaths of Dafa Practitioner's Brother and Sister

    In order to resist the persecution, we all went on a hunger strike. As a result, six people held us down and force-fed us. They taped the process. Guo Shujun said, "We do not fear you all dying. Our superiors gave us a quota of 20 deaths. It is more than enough even if all of you die." ...Zhen Wenshan said, "Jiang Zemin has issued the order. He does not let us take a break, you cannot take a break either."
  • The Last Photo of Her Life (Photo)

    One day in July, I went to visit the family again. Ms. Wu was happy but her condition had deteriorated. Pus formation had spread throughout her calves, and a copious exudate oozed from her legs below the knees; her abdomen had distended to the bottom of her sternum. A foul odour permeated the whole room. I asked her if we could take a photo of her to send to, and she agreed. Thus she left behind the last, a sad and evocative, photo in her life.
  • Two Hebei Province Falun Gong Practitioners Pass Away after Suffering Severe Abuse in Labour Camps

    It was recently confirmed in Hebei Province that Falun Gong practitioners Gao Shiping and Li Shuli died in December of 2003 due to the abuses they suffered in Baoding City Gaoyang Labour Camp and Tangshan City Hehuakeng Labour Camp. Currently there are as many as 89 confirmed deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in Hebei Province due to the persecution.