Local Events
Greece: Promoting Falun Gong During the Olympic Games in Athens (1)
2004-08-17Located in front of the Greek Parliament in the centre of Athens, Constitution Square is one of busiest places in the city. Practitioners have been coming here everyday to distribute leaflets and let people know about Falun Gong. People came to ask for details of local exercise classes without hesitation and one lady even learned the exercises on the spot.
Sweden: Dafa Practitioners Talk to Tourists about the Persecution during the Gothenburg Festival
2004-08-16On the 6th of August 2004, the annual Gothenburg Festival started in Gothenburg city centre. In the bustling streets of the city, you could see lots of tourists from Europe and other countries around the world. The people of Northern Europe make the best use of this time to sit out in the streets and bask in the sun.
Hungary: Photo Report - Promoting Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution
2004-08-15From the 3rd to the 8th of August, practicioners from Hungary, Poland and Romania got together to let people in Hungary know more about the Falun Dafa and the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China. They demonstrated the exercises, handed out leaflets and discussed the facts with passersby.
Slovakia: Introducing Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution to People in Eastern Slovakia
2004-08-13Practitioners of Falun Gong visited several cities in Eastern Slovakia in the first week of August: Spisska Nova Ves, Presov, Kosice, Humenne and Bardejov. In each of these cities they organised a small activity, where they tried to show the beauty of Falun Gong exercises in contrast to the five years of brutal persecution against Falun Gong in China.
Greece: People Welcome Falun Dafa on the Eve of the Olympic Games
2004-08-12Every morning practitioners have gathered in the Elefterias Square (Freedom Square) for morning group practice. The square is located in the Chinese sector of Athens. As well as many local Greek people, many Chinese have come to watch the tranquil and gentle exercises of Falun Gong and have got to know more about the peaceful nature of the practice.
Norway: Persecution of Falun Gong in China lasts Five Years
2004-08-12Norwegian Falun Gong practitioners, with support from Swedish and Danish practitioners, held activities in Oslo to mark the fifth year in the persecution of Falun Gong. Similar exhibitions have been held in many places over the world in the last few last weeks, as well as in the other Nordic countries. The exhibition attracted a lot of attention from passersby.
Hungary: Successful Information Day on Margarethen Island
2004-08-11On July the 25th 2004, Hungarian, Australian, German and Ukrainian Falun Gong practitioners gathered on Margarethen Island in Budapest, to give a presentation on the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Despite the heat, many people stood in front of our booth to view the small photo exhibition and admire the slow flowing excercise movements.
Ireland: Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong in County Kildare
2004-08-10A series of posters depicting the torture imposed on Falun Gong practitioners in China became a focus for many passersby. They asked many questions and were visibly shocked by the horrifying scenes and found it hard to understand why such awful events are taking place in China today. After seeing the beauty of the Falun Gong exercises, many of the onlookers were moved and asked why such a peaceful thing could ever be prohibited anywhere in the world.
Sweden: Falun Gong Participates in the Alternative Health Fair in Strömstad
2004-08-08On Saturday 10th, and Sunday 11th 2004, Falun Gong practitioners from Sweden and Norway took part in the Alternative Health Fair in Strömstad.On both days, practitioners held a one hour introduction course. On the second day, the course had to be extended for an extra hour, because of the amount of people who were eager to learn the exercises.
Belgium: New Practitioners Meet in the Park to Practise Falun Gong Exercises and Study the Teachings Together
2004-08-06On July the 31st 2004, a meeting was organized for new practitioners in the city of Ghent. Over 20 practitioners, who all started Falun Gong recently, gathered in the park in the morning to practise the Falun Gong exercises together. After the practice, the group started reading the introductory text Falun Gong and discussed questions that came up during the reading.
United Kingdom: Practitioners Hold Anti-Torture Exhibitions in Edinburgh
2004-08-05On the 24th and 25th of July, British Falun Gong practitioners held a two-day live exhibition of simulating torture scenes in Edinburgh. After listening to practitioner’s tell them about the five-year campaign of genocide against Falun Gong in China, kind-hearted Scots were shocked! They could not believe that this brutal persecution is still happening in the 21st century.
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Attend a Multicultural Festival in Munich
2004-08-05On the 19th of July, Falun Gong practitioners took part in a multicultural festival, which was conducted by the Cultural Office of Munich City Hall. Dafa practitioners in Munich applied for a stall to display information about Falun Dafa and tell people about the five-year campaign of genocide against Falun Gong in China.
UK: Practitioners Hold a Week-Long Anti-Torture Poster Exhibition in Cambridge
2004-08-03To mark the fifth anniversary of the Jiang regime’s persecution of Falun Gong, practitioners in Cambridge organised a week-long anti-torture poster exhibition entitled “Persecution Meets Principle” in a local library. On the Friday evening, practitioners held a candlelight vigil in the city centre to commemorate those who lost their lives in the Jiang regime’s persecution.
Russia: Falun Gong Enters the Daily Life of the People of Pjatigorsk City
2004-08-03Since July 1999, Falun Gong practitioners have been cruelly persecuted in China and those who practise have bee tortured. However, the Chinese Government does not realise that today, after five years, Falun Gong has spread to every corner of the world, including our city Pjatigorsk in Russia. Falun Gong practitioners from Pjatigorsk held activities to raise awareness in a park on July the 22nd and 24th.
France: People Express their Shock, Sadness and Deepest Sympathy
2004-08-02On July the 17th and 18th, French Falun Gong practitioners simulated torture scenes on the busiest street of Chinatown in Paris XIII District and the Champs de Mars to expose the Jiang regime’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, grassroots Chinese citizens who believe in Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.