Local Events
Finland: Practitioner’s Artwork and Testimony of Persecution Raise Public Awareness of Falun Gong and Situation in China
2004-02-14Australian practitioner and artist Zhang Cuiying travelled to Finland to help call on the Finnish people to pay attention to the basic human rights of persecuted Falun Gong practitioners in China. She was imprisoned and tortured by Jiang Zemin’s regime; she used her personal testimony to raise awareness.
France: Welcoming Chinese Tourists at the Airport
2004-02-14Thousands of Chinese people arrived in France to join the parade held in the Champs-Elysées area during the Chinese New Year. People who joined the parade were from different cities, provinces, and areas, including workmen, farmers, women, and children. Most of them were coming to France for the first time. It was a good opportunity to explain the facts of the persecution and the true nature of Falun Gong to these precious Chinese people who have been shackled by the lies of the Jiang regime.
UK: Falun Gong Student Society of the University of Manchester Invited to Perform during the University Culture Festival
2004-02-13Several practitioners demonstrated Falun Gong’s five sets of exercises on stage at an evening concert. At the same time, another practitioner gave an introduction of Falun Gong, including the characteristics of each set of exercises, Falun Gong’s popularity around the world and the persecution happening inside China.
Russia: Falun Gong practitioners Participate in the Moscow City Health Fair
2004-02-10In the lobby of the city hall, various forms of health care and recovery were exhibited. Falun Gong practitioners displayed information boards about Falun Dafa, and enthusiastically shared their personal experiences and the benefits they have received from practising with the visitors. They also answered questions and distributed Dafa leaflets, CDs and home-made calendars.
France: Large Scale Public Event in Paris Raises Much Support for Appeal to France not to Bow to Jiang (Photo Report)
2004-02-09On Sunday February 8th, 2004, approximately one hundred practitioners from around Europe gathered at the Place du Chatalet in Paris. The purpose was to raise public awareness of how the French Authorities had recently bowed to the Jiang Regime and arrested Falun Gong practitioners just for wearing yellow scarves during the Chinese New Year celebrations.
Series Report 3 from the Stockholm International Conference on “Genocide in the New Era”
2004-02-09Renowned Canadian attorney Mr. Clive Ansley’s speech entitled “A Chinese Court is not a Court” was warmly welcomed and respected by many of the participants. Mr. Ansley is accomplished in Chinese and Canadian law. During the speech, he used pictures and articles to analyse the current status of the Chinese legal system and the persecution of Falun Gong.
Part II of a Series of Reports on the International Conference for “Genocide in the New Era” in Stockholm
2004-02-08On January 27th 2004, the international conference on “Genocide in the New Era” proceeded into the second day. Thirteen human rights lawyers, law scholars and experts in diplomacy and media from Europe, Asia and North America delivered speeches. The topics of the discussion were of academic importance and highly praised by the delegates.
UK: Falun Gong Practitioners Join a Health Fair in Wales
2004-02-08On the 1st of February 2004, UK Falun Gong practitioners were invited to attend a Health Fair in Port Talbot, South Wales. During the fair, the Falun Dafa stand and exercise demonstration received an enthusiastic response. Practitioners also used this opportunity to clarify the truth to everybody at this fair and expose the persecution happening in China. The whole activity went very well.
UK: Practitioners held a Press Conference outside the French Embassy in London
2004-02-07UK practitioners called upon the embassy staff to pass on the following message to the French government: During the official visit by Hu Jintao on January 28th, French police were poisoned by the Jiang regime’s relentless spread of its fabricated lies against Falun Gong and used excessive force to arrest and detain seven UK Falun Gong practitioners and practitioners from other countries.
France: Tourist Groups from Mainland China Visit the Louvre
2004-02-05The visitors to the Louvre on Monday included many Chinese, outnumbering westerners many times over. Especially in the hall of the main entrance leading to the Louvre’s three other display areas, frequently one could see Chinese tourist groups assembling there. Foreign travellers who did not know what was going on thought that Monday was Louvres’ Chinese Day. Today the focus of most Mainland visitors was that everywhere in the Louvre there appeared pale blue jackets and yellow scarves displaying the words Falun Dafa.
France: Many Chinese and French People Happy to Receive Falun Gong Materials at New Year Parade in Paris
2004-02-03Many French people already knew about Falun Gong and expressed their support to us immediately. Chinese people also accepted our material in a kind-hearted way. When they saw it was about Falun Gong, they nodded their heads, smiled, and said cheerfully, “Oh, it’s Falun Gong." They immediately concentrated on reading the booklet and put the VCD into their pockets gratefully.
UK: Promoting Falun Gong in Manchester’s Chinatown on Chinese New Year
2004-02-01On January the 25th, Dafa practitioners went to Manchester’s Chinatown to hold celebration activities for the Spring Festival. While here, practitioners handed out flyers and clarified the facts about Falun Gong to Chinese people and westerners. The Chinese people's attitude had also changed a lot. When receiving information from practitioners, many of them sincerely said thank you. Some of them even asked for information about practice sites and said that they would like to learn the exercises.
Lawyers From Different Countries Deliver Speeches at an International Conference on "Genocide in the New Era"
2004-01-31The International Workshop on “Modern Genocide", which was jointly held by the “International Advocates for Justice" and “Friends of Falun Gong", convened in Stockholm, Sweden, on January the 26th 2004. The conference was scheduled to last three days. On the second day of the conference, lawyers from various countries spoke at the workshop.
UK: Chinese New Year Celebrations in London Provide a Great Opportunity for More People to Know the Facts
2004-01-30In Trafalgar Square, Chinese people who understood the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution expressed that they opposed the persecution of Falun Gong instigated by the Jiang regime. Many people asked for truth-clarifying materials. Some western people specially asked for Chinese materials and told those who were distributing the materials that they were for their Chinese teachers. Some people said that they wanted to download the information from the Internet many times but failed and they were really happy to get it from practitioners.
France: "Coming for You Again and Again" - Heartfelt Wishes Resound Across Paris Sky
2004-01-30On the evening of January the 23rd, clear calls of "Happy New Year, Master!" and "Falun Dafa is good!" were heard in front of the glittering Eiffel Tower. Piercing through the cloudy, cold evening Paris sky, these calls seemed to echo across the colossal firmament, breaking through layers of cosmic barriers. They represented the heartfelt wishes of Dafa disciples from various European countries and Taiwan.