Local Events
Lithuania: Falun Gong Practitioners Spread and Appeal for Dafa in the 5th International Science Conference of Spiritual Healing
2002-12-13When we demonstrated the 5 sets of exercises on the stage, the audience was moved by the practitioners calm and compassionate field. Everyone who was there testified that there was indeed a strong energy field at that time. Later, some of the visitors asked for some information from us, and discussed with us the possibility of holding Falun Gong introduction meetings in other areas.
UK: Clarifying the Truth to Amnesty Internationals Branch in Glasgow University
2002-12-13I especially paid attention to the student from Mainland China. I gave him some Chinese-version VCDs and newspapers. He told me that he was from Beijing and both of his parents are government officials. When asking him to mail the VCDs to his parents, he said that they have understood the real situation of Falun Gong. He also said that his mother once told him about the situation Chinas past President Liu Shaoqi encountered in the time of the Great Cultural Revolution.
Introducing Falun Dafa in Monaco - Part 2 (photo)
2002-12-12On November 30, Falun Gong practitioners from Switzerland, Italy, Germany and France introduced Dafa to the passersby at Albert I Pier. A major newspaper sent a reporter to cover the event and published a positive article about Falun Gong the next day. Many people got to learn the truth about Jiang Zemin's ruthless persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Sweden: International Human Rights Day in Gothenburg
2002-12-11On this freezing cold December evening, Dafa practitioners gathered in the heart of Gothenburg city to tell people about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.T hey wanted everyone in the city to know that Jiangs regime have killed hundreds of innocent Chinese practitioners just because they want to be good people.
Sweden: Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Performance to Introduce Falun Dafa and Chinese Traditional Culture
2002-12-09When they left, they told the practitioners, I feel like Im at home when Im with you. You are a group of such kind and honest people. I wish to attend your next party. Today I not only learned about the traditional Chinese culture, but also learned the truth about Falun Dafa. Thank you!
Ukraine: Kiev Practitioners Are Invited to Attend the National Expo
2002-12-05The Expo organizers had gained a very good impression of Falun Dafa from the 2001 Expo and invited practitioners to introduce Falun Gong again at the 2002 Expo. During the 4-day expo, a large number of people visited the Falun Gong booth and asked for introductory materials.
Italy: Falun Gong, the Focal Point at an Annual World Conference on Women and Peace
2002-12-04While practitioners demonstrated the five sets of exercises amid the melodious Dafa music of "Pudu," the entire conference floor was still without a sound. It was a deeply touching moment.
Spain: Introducing Falun Dafa on Information Day on Teneriffa Island
2002-12-01On November 23, 2002, fifteen Dafa practitioners went to Teneriffa Island to hold the second Falun Dafa Information Day on the island.
Czech Republic: Photo Report- Activities During the 2002 NATO Summit
2002-11-29Left: Practitioners hold a peaceful appeal in front of the Chinese Embassy in Prague during the NATO summit
Austria: Falun Dafa is Warmly Received during the Vienna Health Expo
2002-11-28The Falun Gong booth...was surrounded by flowers and display boards, and practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises in the middle. People who passed by the booth all felt the peaceful atmosphere. They accepted the Falun Dafa introductory leaflets and smiled at practitioners to express their gratitude.
Ireland: Report from the Second Irish Falun Dafa Conference
2002-11-27On the 23 November, a parade was held through the centre of Dublin...One reporter commented positively on the parade, saying that it was the most imaginative event that we had organised.
Ukraine: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Social Groups Expo
2002-11-25A young man asked us after viewing our posters, "Which Chinese foundations or organizations support you?" He was moved after he learned that Falun Gong is persecuted in China and we spent our own money to prepare various truth clarification materials to call on people to help our fellow practitioners in China.
Czech Republic: Dafa Activities During the 2002 NATO Summit (photos)
2002-11-24One journalist, who speaks seven languages, read through all the different language versions of the Dafa flyers, including Chinese. When he had finished, he just stated, What can I do? Please tell me what I can do to help.
Germany: Parade and Activities in Goslar
2002-11-24These activities have helped to gain the support of the policemen...During our activities, there were only two policemen. One practitioner asked them: only two of you? One policeman said: its enough.
Ukraine: A Warm Autumn in Yalta
2002-11-23After introducing the principle of Dafa and the exercises, one older gentleman said, "After listening to what you said, I know this is what I want."