Local Events
"Kiev Day" Celebration--Dafa Practitioners from the Ukraine Participate
2002-05-31 -
Swedish Practitioners Invited to Take Part in Annual Health Expo
2002-05-31 -
From Germany: A Friend and His Class Presentation
2002-05-31 -
Sweden: Teachers and Students Learn Falun Gong in Arvika
2002-05-28 -
Promoting Falun Dafa at a Holistic Health Day in Leicester, UK
2002-05-28 -
German Practitioners Participate in Hanover Supernatural Expo (Photos)
2002-05-26"A gentleman from India came to our booth on the first day and learned exercises. He came back later on and stayed over 3 hours at our booth. On the last day he came again and told us that he practiced outside the building and felt very good.".
UK Dafa Practitioners Demonstrate Falun Dafa at "Life Styles Show"
2002-05-25 -
Sweden: Senior citizens learn Falun Gong
2002-05-24On Wednesday 22 May, some forty senior sitizens from Karlstad came to visit the practitioners in Arvika. Earlier this spring they had asked if they could come and learn about Falun Gong.
Promoting Falun Dafa At German "Exercise Festival"
2002-05-23 -
A Friends Class Presentation on Falun Gong
2002-05-18 -
The Women's Association of Dudley City, UK Invites Practitioners to Give Falun Gong Seminar
2002-05-12 -
In front of Cologne Cathedral--Falun Dafa Information Day In Germany
2002-05-10 -
Latvian Practitioners Deliver Open Letter to Chinese Embassy
2002-05-05 -
Ukraine Practitioners Clarify Truth about Falun Gong in Kiev
2002-05-05 -
A Special Meeting: Zhao Ming and Lord Moyne Are Reunited
2002-05-03Zhao Ming finally met Lord Moyne in Berlin. In the past two years, Lord Moyne has actively appealed for the support of all kind-hearted people to help rescue Zhao Ming who was illegally detained in a forced labour camp in China.