Local Events
Promoting Falun Dafa At German "Exercise Festival"
2002-05-23 -
A Friends Class Presentation on Falun Gong
2002-05-18 -
The Women's Association of Dudley City, UK Invites Practitioners to Give Falun Gong Seminar
2002-05-12 -
In front of Cologne Cathedral--Falun Dafa Information Day In Germany
2002-05-10 -
Latvian Practitioners Deliver Open Letter to Chinese Embassy
2002-05-05 -
Ukraine Practitioners Clarify Truth about Falun Gong in Kiev
2002-05-05 -
A Special Meeting: Zhao Ming and Lord Moyne Are Reunited
2002-05-03Zhao Ming finally met Lord Moyne in Berlin. In the past two years, Lord Moyne has actively appealed for the support of all kind-hearted people to help rescue Zhao Ming who was illegally detained in a forced labour camp in China. -
Dancing in Sweden for Dafa and Practitioners in China
2002-05-03 -
Practitioners in Moscow Give a Letter of Protest to the Chinese Embassy, Strongly Requesting an End to the Persecution in China
2002-05-01 -
Clarifying the Truth to a High School Class in Arvika, Sweden
2002-04-30 -
Norway: Distributing Truth-Clarifying VCDs to Chinese People at a New Year's Celebration in Oslo
2002-04-26 -
Taiwan Practitioners' Activities in Germany
2002-04-23 -
Photos from Berlin: Clarifying the Truth to Chinese Overseas Students Hired to Welcome Jiang
2002-04-21 -
Photo Report: Activities in the Mountainous Areas of Switzerland
2002-04-19 -
Telling People about Jiang Zemins Brutal Persecution of Falun Gong Pictures from Sweden