Local Events
Austria: Vienna Falun Gong Practitioners Expose the CCP's Barbaric Atrocities in Sujiatun Concentration Camp
2006-03-16The practitioners' re-enactment of torture methods used by CCP agents attracted many people's attention. A banner read, "CCP's Sujiatun Concentration Camp kills, does human organ trafficking and cremates bodies". Many people were shocked at the news. They never expected that such brutal persecution is still happening in this day and age.
France: European Chinese Citizens Hold a Parade to Support Withdrawals from the CCP
2006-03-15Around noon on February 26th 2006, firecrackers and waist-drums woke up Paris from its slumber. A grand parade to support eight million withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) attracted people’s attention. It was also in support of the relay hunger strike initiated by Chinese human rights lawyers, calling for the CCP’s disintegration.
United Kingdom: On the Streets of London to Expose the CCP’s Secret Concentration Camp
2006-03-13The practitioners set up an information table and posters exposing the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong. They told passers-by how the CCP commits unimaginable human rights violations against Falun Gong practitioners. Some people signed a petition condemning the CCP's crimes and supporting the brave people who renounced their membership.
France: Human Rights Organisations Rally to Support Lawyer Gao Zhisheng and Those Quitting the CCP
2006-03-12"... Many people are being poisoned by the lies fabricated by the Chinese government ... Today our rally here is to show our grave concern about the rights-defending attorney Gao Zhisheng and his righteous deeds. In the meantime, we are marking the auspicious day that over 800 million people have withdrawn from the evil CCP."
Czech Republic: Introducing Falun Dafa and Exposing the Persecution in Brno
2006-03-11During its fifty six years of dictatorial and cruel rule, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has started many campaigns at the cost of over eighty million human lives. The last and still ongoing campaign aims at the Falun Gong meditation group who base their lives on three cardinal principles: Truthfulness Compassion and Forbearance. Practitioners of this cultivation way from the Czech Republic met in the Moravian metropolis Brno, to inform its citizens about the persecution in China.
Russia: The Whole World Should Condemn the Crimes of Totalitarian Communist Regimes
2006-03-09Having suffered greatly under Communist control, the Russian people warmly welcomed a resolution passed by the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) on January 25th, condemning the human rights violations committed by totalitarian communist regimes. Before the vote by PACE, many Russian citizens risked minus thirty degree weather to deliver this pleasant news to other people and appealed for support for this resolution.
Belgium: Falun Gong Warmly Welcomed by High School Students and Teachers
2006-03-08Practitioners were once again invited to a college in Belgium to give a presentation to four classes of high school students. The students watched a demonstration of the five sets of Falun Gong exercises. At the end of the day, the practitioners were invited to the staff room to talk with some teachers and the school principal about the day’s successful activities.
Turkey: Spreading Falun Gong at the C.A.G. University in Mersin
2006-03-06I told the students in my class about the human rights abuses against Falun Gong practitioners in China and they made posters about the persecution and hung them on the school walls. Most of the lecturers learned the exercises. The principal asked me to teach him the exercises and give a big presentation.
Sweden: The People of Malmo Support the Eight Million Withdrawals from the CCP
2006-03-06On Saturday February 18th there was an exhibition depicting the history of the CCP and the content of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, an editorial by the Epoch Times newspaper. The people of Malmö signed their names in support of the eight million Chinese people who have quit the CCP.
Sweden: Celebrating the Fourth Falun Dafa Day in Lerum
2006-03-05Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, has been practised in Lerum since 1999. There are practice sites where new practitioners can learn the exercises for free and others can practise the exercises in a group. The practice of Falun Gong has received a lot of support and appreciation in Lerum. Many people there have experienced benefits from Falun Gong.
Scotland: Practitioners Join an Activity to Highlight the Crimes of the Chinese Communist Party
2006-03-05On Sunday February 19th, an event was held in Edinburgh to expose the brutal history of the Chinese Communist Party as well as some of the recent crimes that the CCP has committed against the Chinese people inside and outside of China. This was a good opportunity for Falun Gong practitioners to highlight the inhumane persecution of Falun Gong.
United Kingdom: Introducing Falun Dafa to the People of Bradford and Exposing the Persecution in China
2006-03-02On February 25th, 2006, several practitioners gathered in Bradford in the north of England to let people there know about Falun Gong and tell them about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners taking place in China. Inquisitive passers-by continually approached to chat with practioners and sign the petition in support of Falun Gong.
Falun Dafa in Europe: Falun Gong Takes Root and Flowers in Slovakia
2006-03-02 -
Russia: Falun Gong Welcomed at an International Health Expo in St. Petersburg
2006-03-01A three-day International Health Exposition was held at the Saint Petersburg International Exhibition Centre. Falun Gong practitioners in St. Petersburg were invited to participate in the Expo. They held two seminars to introduce Falun Gong, along with a demonstration of the five Falun Gong exercises, which was highly acclaimed by the organisers and the public.
Germany: Support from a Small Town in Bavaria
2006-02-28On February 18th, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners held a Falun Gong information day in Ansbach, a beautiful small town in Bavaria, Germany. Although it is a small town with a population of only a few thousand, local people came in streams to sign their names in support of Falun Gong and often stopped to find out more.