Press Conferences
Sweden: Human Rights Conference Calls for Thorough Investigation into the CCP's Stealing Human Organs
2006-06-23Proposed by human rights activist Mr. Chen Shizhong and the person in charge of the Chinese Democratic Party Overseas Exile Headquarters, Mr. Xu Wenli, several dozen scholars and experts passed a resolution calling for a thorough investigation into the CCP's organ harvesting and calling for a withdrawal of charges against Wang Wenyi.
Press Conference at European Parliament on the Global View of Religious Freedom in China
2006-06-06On May 30th, 2006, a press conference on the global view of religious freedom in China was held at the European Parliament. The organisers called on the Chinese government to evaluate China’s religious freedom and allow U.N. Special Rapporteur to investigate into forced labour camps.
Russia: Press conference in St. Petersburg Exposes the CCP Crimes in Concentration Camps
2006-05-31Those present at the news conference included St. Petersburg human rights activists, representatives of the city government, historians, and representatives of social groups. Reporters of Summit Hours, a well-known newspaper in Russia, and a local newspaper also attended the news conference.
Russia: Falun Gong Practitioners Held a Press Conference to Mark the "April-25th" Incident
2006-05-08April 25th, 2006, was the seventh anniversary of the peaceful appeal staged by over ten thousand Falun Gong practitioners in China. Russian Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference at the Moscow Central House of Journalists to mark this incident with such a far-reaching significance in history and expose the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Bulgaria: Press Conference Reveals the Organ Harvesting in Chinese Labour Camps
2006-04-27A press conference revealed recent information about organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners in Chinese labour camps. The attendants from the national media, including a TV channel whose reporter conducted an interview with the practitioners for the evening news programme, learned about the atrocities of the Chinese communist regime.
Speech Given by Friends of Falun Gong During a London Press Conference Marking Seven Years Since the Persecution of Falun Gong Began
2006-04-25"We ... urge, above all, the Chinese government and Chinese Communist Party to say enough is enough, to bring to an end this horrific period of persecution which they know deep down goes against all principles of justice and fairness, and which in the end, if the CCP’s members continue to leave the party in the same numbers as they have in recent months, will result in the total eradication of their party. We sincerely hope they will see sense very soon."
United Kingdom: Press Conference to Expose Sujiatun Atrocities Opposite the Manchester Chinese Consulate
2006-03-31Falun Gong practitioners from Manchester held a press conference outside the Chinese Consulate. The aim was to protest and inform the public about the Sujiatun Concentration Camp. They outlined the inhuman lengths the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is prepared to go to carry out former CCP leader Jiang Zemin’s order to “eradicate” Falun Gong.
United Kingdom: Protesting at the Chinese Embassy Against the CCP’s Secret Concentration Camp
2006-03-17Practitioners gathered in London to hold a press conference. They protested against the inhuman atrocities committed by the Chinese Communist Party who set up a secret concentration camp to kill Falun Gong practitioners and harvest their internal organs for profit.
Norway: Rescued Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Press Conference to Express Thanks to the Norwegian Government
2006-03-04On February 25th, eleven Falun Gong practitioners who had been granted asylum by Bodoe city government in Norway held a press conference at the International Centre in Bodoe to express their appreciation to the people and government of Norway. They were joined by Bodoe city media and some local residents.
Denmark: Practitioners Read an Announcement by the Falun Gong Association at the Chinese Embassy
2005-11-27On November 23rd, Danish practitioners gathered at the Chinese Embassy to read an announcement by the Falun Gong Association. It says, amongst other things, that all those who have committed crimes against Falun Gong but want now to correct their mistakes still have an opportunity to abandon the evil path and choose to be good.
Belgium: Practitioners Hold a Press Conference to Update the Progress of the Lawsuit against the 610 Office
2005-11-11On October 21st, Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference with famous Belgian human rights lawyer, George Henri Beauthier, who gave a status report on Falun Gong practitioners’ lawsuit against the “610 Office” on charges of telephone harassment. Hao Fenjun, the former 610 officer who has defected from the CCP, attended the conference.
France: Press Conference Exposes Chinese Authorities’ Refusal to Co-operate with French Authorities’ Investigation
2005-10-11On Thursday the 29th of September, at a press conference held in the office of William Bourdon, a famous lawyer in France disclosed that the related Chinese authorities refuse to co-operate with a Commission Rogatoire Internationale and a notice sent to them by Noria Faucherie, a law-officer from Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris.
Famous Human Rights Lawyer Holds a Press Conference Regarding the Court Investigation of Li Lanqing and Sun Jiazheng's Crimes
2005-09-29Famous French lawyer William Bourdon held a press conference at 5 p.m. on September 29th. Held at Mr. Bourdon’s Paris office, the press conference exposed the Chinese authorities’ refusal to cooperate on a Commission Rogatoire Internationale (CRI) issued by Her Honourable Justice Noria Faucherie of the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris.
Denmark: Press Conference about Legal Action is Attended by Major Danish Media
2005-09-10The CCP Procurator General Jia Chunwang was sued by Falun Gong practitioners for Crimes of Torture while he was taking part in the International Procurator General Association’s annual meeting on 28th August in Copenhagen. The Danish Falun Gong association held a press conference. All mainstream Danish media attended this conference.
Seminar on Communism and Democracy held at the United Nations in Geneva
2005-08-13A Communism and democracy seminar was held by an international inter-faith organisation at the United Nations. Several organisations took part in the seminar. Russian writer Mr. Marejko, former Xinhua news agency journalist Mr. Bao Zhang Wu, a Chinese student in Switzerland and The Epoch Times journalist Mr. Grangier were invited to give speeches at the meeting.