Press Conferences
United Kingdom: Practitioners Hold a Press Conference on World Human Rights Day
2004-12-11December 10th was World Human Rights Day. In London, Falun Gong practitioners gathered opposite the Chinese Embassy to draw attention to the five-year campaign of persecution waged against fellow practitioners in China. Several statements of support by VIPs were read out and practitioners spoke about the persecution they have suffered personally.
Radio Free Asia: Falun Gong Practitioners and a Human Rights Organisation hold a Joint Anti-Torture Exhibition in Southern Germany
2004-11-18“We are now on Marienplatz in Munich city centre. As everyone may know, there are almost one hundred million people practising Falun Gong in China, but they have been brutally persecuted. We are here to expose to everyone that in over a thousand labour reformation centres established to persecute Falun Gong practitioners in China, eight and a half million people are being persecuted to different extents; many people suffer agonising torture or beatings, and over a thousand people have been persecuted to death."
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners in Munich Expose the Persecution in Chinese Labour Camps
2004-11-16On the 6th of November 2004, Falun Gong practitioners from Passau, Regensburg and Munich gathered at Marienplatz in Munich and held a series of activities, including exercise demonstrations, leaflet distribution, a poster display and an anti-torture exhibition. Mr.Thierack from the International Human Rights Society and Berlin practitioner Xiong Wei.
Falun Gong Practitioner Xiong Wei in Germany Reveals the Inside Story of Life in a Chinese Labour Camp
2004-10-07To many Germans, “Xiong Wei” is not an unfamiliar name. She studied in Berlin from 1993 to 1999, returning to China in 2000 to work in the Beijing branch of a German company. Xiong Wei was arrested in Beijing on January 5th, 2002 for distributing information about Falun Gong. Later, she was sent to Beijing Women’s Forced Labour Camp and detained there for two years.
Falun Gong Practitioners in Sweden Prepare Legal Proceedings Against Jiang Zemin and his Cohorts
2004-09-27"Falun Gong practitioners in China have no way to make their voice heard. By bringing Jiang Zemin to court in Sweden, a democratic country with a legal system, we hope to make their voices heard...So many people have died, so many lives have been ruined, so much suffering and injustice has been suffered! The perpetrators can never repay what they have done, but we want them to at least know what they did was wrong."
Sweden: Falun Gong Practitioners and Human Rights Lawyer Announce Lawsuit Against Prime Culprits in the Persecution of Falun Gong at a Joint Press Conference
2004-09-24At 1:00pm on the 21st of September 2004, Swedish Falun Gong practitioners and Swedish human rights lawyer Peter Bergquist held a joint press conference at Mynttorget Square in Stockholm, announcing that a lawsuit is to be filed against Jiang Zemin and his accomplices for persecuting Falun Gong.
Austria: Press Conference Regarding the Charges Filed against Jia Qinglin in Vienna
2004-09-12On Monday August the 30th 2004, charges were filed with the State Prosecutor’s Office in Vienna against Jia Qinglin, who was visiting Austria, because of his crimes related to the persecution of Falun Gong in the People’s Republic of China.
Spain: Falun Dafa Association Holds Press Conference to Introduce the Lawsuit Against Jia Qinglin
2004-09-11At 12pm on September the 7th 2004, the Spanish Falun Dafa Association held a press conference to announce Dafa practitioners’ lawsuit against Jia Qinglin. Lawyer Carlos Iglesias filed the lawsuit on behalf of the practitioners, charging Jia for his grave crimes against humanity committed during the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China.
Austria: Falun Dafa Information Centre and International Human Rights Association hold a Joint Press Conference
2004-09-04On August the 31st 2004, the Austrian Falun Dafa Information Centre and the Austrian International Human Rights Association held a joint press conference about filing a lawsuit against Jia Qinglin. In the press conference, a spokesman for the Austrian Falun Dafa Information Centre revealed the persecution that Jia has enforced on Falun Gong practitioners.
United Kingdom: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Press Conference and an Anti-torture Parade in Edinburgh
2004-08-16After participating in Edinburgh Arts Festival Cavalcade and winning the 1st Prize for best float in the Community section, a portion of UK Falun Gong practitioners and practitioners from France and Ireland held an anti-torture parade in Edinburgh, exposing the cruel persecution and the brutal torture that Falun Gong practitioners suffer in China.
Norway: Persecution of Falun Gong in China lasts Five Years
2004-08-12Norwegian Falun Gong practitioners, with support from Swedish and Danish practitioners, held activities in Oslo to mark the fifth year in the persecution of Falun Gong. Similar exhibitions have been held in many places over the world in the last few last weeks, as well as in the other Nordic countries. The exhibition attracted a lot of attention from passersby.
Greece: Lawsuit Brought Against Jiang Zemin for Genocide in Greece One Week Before the Olympics
2004-08-08On August the 5th 2004, one week before the Athens Olympics, two Greek lawyers on behalf three practitioners from Australia, Ireland and Greece submitted a criminal lawsuit against former Chinese president Jiang Zemin, former vice-premier Li Lanqing, and member of Standing Committee of Political Bureau of Communist Party Luo Gan for genocide and torture.
Ireland: Irish Falun Dafa Association Holds a Press Conference as Liu Feng Returns to Ireland
2004-08-05Irish Senator Mr. David Norris, the spokesman of Amnesty International in Ireland Mr. Jim Loughran, Deputy Mayor of Dublin City Mr. Andrew Montague, and South Dublin County Councillor Mrs. Ruth Coppinger attended the press conference and expressed their points of view. They have all actively taken part in the rescue efforts to release Liu Feng.
Czech Republic: Falun Gong Press Conference in Prague on the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
2004-07-08On Saturday the 26th of June 2004, the United Nations International Day in Support of the Victims of Torture, Czech and British Falun Gong practitioners gathered on Prague’s Krizovnicke Square by the famous Charles Bridge to honour the memory of those whose lives have been taken in Jiang Zemin’s 5-year campaign of genocide waged against Falun Gong in China.
UK: UK Falun Dafa Association Holds a Press Conference Condemning the Jiang Group's Terrorist Act of Hiring Assassins to Shoot Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-07-07On June 30th, the UK Falun Dafa Association held press conferences at the South African Embassy and the Chinese Embassy in London, strongly condemning the Jiang regime’s hiring of assassins to shoot Falun Gong practitioners overseas and also calling on the South African authorities to investigate the incident, so that the victims can receive justice.