Stories From Belgian Practitioners' Petition Signature Collection Effort
2002-04-12A member of European parliament, after listening, said, "I have no reason not to sign, also the EU had met numerous times, and we have passed a resolution hoping that the Chinese government would reconsider their treatment of Falun Gong."
Tagesspiegel (Daily Mirror in Germany): Jiang Avoids the Press, Rau Cautions China's President about Human Rights
2002-04-12 -
Newsticker April 9, 2002: Critique during Zemin Visit
2002-04-10 -
Berlin News: Meditating for Human Rights: Protests during Chinese President Jiang Zemin's State Visit
2002-04-10 -
Article from Dutch newspaper: Chinese police hold Crackdown on Falun Gong
2002-04-04"Beijing - In a big crackdown by the Chinese police on Falun Gong, dozens if not hundreds of adherents have been killed, according to a statement of the banned movement."
Media report from Poland: Noble Meditation
2002-03-30 -
Irish Examiner: Student Tortured In Chinese Camp for Being Falun Gong [Practitioner]
2002-03-28 -
Irish Independent: Freed student tells of camp torture
2002-03-27In May 2000, Mr Zhao- himself a Falun Gong practitioner - was sent to a labour camp on the outskirts of Beijing and held there without trial for a year and 10 months in which, he said, he endured physical and mental torture at the hands of officers charged with getting Falun Gong supporters to renounce their beliefs.
The Irish Times: Labour camp victim wants China to be pressured to improve rights
2002-03-27Mr Ming said it was "really hard and painful to recall those memories" but said he felt he must "say something of the truth", about the labour camp.
Correiho De Manha (Portuguese Newspaper): People in Lisbon Learn Chinese Exercises
2002-03-21 -
That they may receive strength to persevere. A prayer for Falun Gong in a Lutheran Church
2002-03-21 -
The Irish Times: Irish Falun Gong man deported from China
2002-03-20 -
Norwegian media: China will supervise and control beliefs more severely
2002-03-19 -
Austria: Tens of Thousands Sign Petition To Stop Persecution
2002-03-18 -
BBC: The dark side of China