Crosswalk: Five Years After Takeover, Hong Kong Acting More Like China
2002-06-30 -
BBC Chinese: "Falun Gong is developing rapidly in Israel"
2002-06-30 -
VOA: Asia Pacific- Banned Falun Gong Interrupts TV Programming in China
2002-06-29 -
Danish Newspaper - B.T.: Falun Gong [practitioners] denied entry to Iceland because of presidential visit
2002-06-27 -
BBC Monitoring: Polish lawmakers block approval of China's human rights record
2002-06-22 -
CNN: China wages 'big-bucks diplomacy'
2002-06-19 -
Daily Telegraph: Telegraph website blocked in Chinese U-turn on reform.
2002-06-19 -
Photo Report: The Protest from the Icelandic People
2002-06-18 -
Times Online: Frosty Reception for Jiang's Iceland Visit
2002-06-17 -
The New York Times: Iceland Bars American Falun Gong [Practitioners]
2002-06-17 -
Lord Moyne Writes to Icelandic Officials to Clarify the Reasons of Falun Gong's Appeal and the Truth of the Persecution Against Falun Gong
2002-06-16 -
Icelandic Media Report on Falun Gong Extensively (Photos)
2002-06-16 -
Encouragement and Support From Icelandic Public
2002-06-11"It is my belief that the majority of icelanders are in support of letting Falun Gong members into the country and pursue your protest campaign."
Plain Clothes Police in Italy: "You Must Expose Them, We Support You"
2002-06-07"When the head of the notorious "610 Office," Li Lanqing, visited Florence, we were blocked by the security guards from China. Because of their behaviour, we got the chance to talk with the Italian plain-clothes police directly."
Excerpt from Annual Report from BVD (Dutch Internal Security Service): China Also Intimidates Falun Gong Here