First Lady of France to Read the Truth.
2002-04-27One of President Chirac's friends [...] heard our presentation about Jiang Zemin's brutal persecution of Falun Gong and described him as "the chief prison guard on the planet."
Article from a Belgian Newspaper
2002-04-27BRUSSELS He was beaten, kicked and humiliated. He was given electroshocks and was deprived from sleep during days. His left leg is still practically numb. The fact that Zhao Ming (30) can tell his story is due to the western world putting pressure on the Chinese government. Zhao is one of thousands of people being persecuted because he practises Falun Gong.
Spanish Media: Human Rights Protectors Made Their Protest Heard to Jiang Zemin in Berlin
2002-04-27 -
Overwhelming Support of Falun Gong from the German Public
2002-04-26Looking at the heavily guarded hotel with the amount of police stationed there, in contrast to the peaceful environment of the Dafa practitioners, the local citizens were rather displeased at the overwhelming security set-up for Jiang's visit. They were more annoyed when they learned about the persecution of the Dafa practitioners by Jiang's regime.
Peaceful Practitioners, Petrified State President
2002-04-25Two German media reports from the Wolfsburger Allgemeine Zeitung, April 13, 2002 (Wolfsburg Common News) on the subject of Chinese President Jiang Zemins visit to Germany
RSF Condemns Crackdown on Journalists in China
2002-04-25 -
Dafa Practitioners in France Brief Former Premier on the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2002-04-24 -
BBC Covers Chinese Media Report on Falun Gong TV Takeover
2002-04-21 -
Feature from Tagesschau, one of the most popular TV news programs in Germany
2002-04-16"Was it really within the norm? One is allowed to cheer, but not to protest. [...]but this allowed the police to rudely drag a lone female Falun Gong follower in Dresden away outside Jiang Zemins hotel residence. It is just like the police are doing in that police state called China."
DW English: Berlin Tastes Tiananmen
2002-04-15 -
Irish Times: Changing China
2002-04-12 -
How the Chinese and German Media Differed in Their Reporting of Jiangs Visit to Germany
2002-04-12 -
Turkish Daily News: Protests as China's Jiang meets Schroeder
2002-04-12 -
BBC Monitoring: Amnesty calls on German leaders to attack China's human rights policy
2002-04-12 -
Lord Moyne's Statement at Press Conference in Berlin
2002-04-12"Without moral authority of any kind, all governments will succumb. I predict that, if social unrest and problems increase, the Chinese government entities will suddenly realize that peaceful citizens, such as the Falun Gong followers, are of inestimable value."