Geneva Newsletter: A Criminal Complaint will be Filed Against Jiang Zemin
2003-03-25The former head of China, Jiang Zemin, could be sued in a Swiss Court for his persecution of Falun Gong under such crimes as torture, crimes against humanity and genocide. Lawyer Philip Grant: I was given the mandate by several victims of Chinese repression to prepare a criminal complaint against Jiang Zemin, which will be filed before a competent prosecuting authority here in Switzerland when -- and if -- Jiang Zemin will ever set foot on Swiss territory again.
Epoch Times: The UK Government is Concerned with Hong Kong's Enactment of Article 23
2003-03-25'Bill Rammell, UK Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, expressed the UK governments concern over the enactment of Hong Kongs Article 23 of the Basic Law at a United Nations press conference in Geneva on 20th March 2003. He stressed that the guarantee of HKs prosperity is based on freedom of speech and the media.'
Epoch Times: UN Meets With Falun Gong Investigative Organization and Receives List of Persecutors In China
2003-03-23'Today's submission is another step in the recent actions of Falun Gong practitioners, lawyers and international organizations to prosecute Jiang Zemin and his accomplices for the persecution of Falun Gong.'
Epoch Times: Repatriation Has Been Suspended; Lili Lin Will Soon Be Released
2003-03-10'It was verified that Mrs Lins lawyer has appealed on human rights grounds against the decision of the Home Office to repatriate her. Hence, the legal procedures of the case have now started and the repatriation procedure was terminated on the same day. It is expected that Mrs Lin will be released early this week.'
Reply Letter from the U.S. Embassy in Stockholm to a Swedish Falun Gong practitioner regarding Charles Li
2003-03-01"The United States government shares your concern about the arrest of Charles Li in China."
Extract from Dutch Magazine Ode about Falun Gong at the World Social Forum in Brazil
2003-02-28'Canadian Nicole Milots stand draws a lot of attention. Not surprising, considering that she and her colleagues continually offer demonstrations of Falun Gong...With her eyes closed, Milot gives a demonstration. Her serene laugh speaks volumes: My heart has changed and Im no longer as agitated. There is more peace in my life.'
Letter from British Playwright to the BBC
2003-02-22Tinch Minter is a Cambridge-based playwright. After learning about the Jiang regimes brutal persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners, she chose to portray her sympathy and concern by composing a play for two relatives of UK Dafa practitioners who are currently being illegally detained in China.
Lord Thurlows Speech before the Global Coalition Against Article 23 Rally
2003-02-10"The freedom of the press is threatened; the business world has fears for the conditions that have made Hong Kong a foremost financial centre and channel of capital to Chinas rapid development; the Catholics and other churches are apprehensive; and at the centre of the storm are the practitioners of Falun Gong, the peaceful and non-violent group that has become the victim for the most massive persecution in human history."
Letter from the Bishop of Oxford Supporting the Global Coalition Against Article 23 Rally in London
2003-02-10"I am totally opposed to the introduction of Article 23 legislation of the Basic Law of Hong Kong. I believe that this would violate the basic rights and freedoms which we value so much in this country and which are fundamental to any civilised society."
Corrieredella Sera (Italian Newspaper): Article about the Peaceful Appeal in front of the Chinese Embassy
2003-01-19'Falun Gong practitioners held a vigil outside the Chinese Embassy for two days, to appeal against the cruel torture of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Four Chinese women participated in this worldwide activity today to protest against Jiang Zemin, [..] who outlawed the meditation practice of Falun Gong in 1999.'
The Irish Examiner: Spiritual protest at Chinese Embassy
2003-01-17PRACTITIONERS of the Falun Gong spiritual movement protested outside the Chinese Embassy yesterday over the alleged torture of fellow practitioners. They claim 46 people have died in labour camps in China since last November
Super Express (Polish Newspaper): Sitting Protest Demonstration: Poles in defence of arrested and persecuted Chinese
2003-01-17'Barefoot, sitting cross-legged, with hands conjoined and eyes closed thats how young Poles, in an act of solidarity with persecuted Chinese practitioners of the ancient practice of Falun Gong, demonstrated yesterday in front of the Chinese embassy. They feared neither the cold nor the falling snow.'
Reference Article: The Chinese Discovered America, Author Claims
2003-01-09Author Gavin Menzies has written a book claiming that an enormous Chinese fleet discovered America in 1421, 70 years before Columbus. He says that they mapped the world and created settlements in North and South America, Australia, New Zealand, across the Pacific and in the Indian Ocean. Here is a radio interview with the author.
Manchester News: Student's fiancée jailed in China
2003-01-07'My fiancée was arrested in Beijing on the 4 November and now I do not know where she is. Chinese security services went to see her parents, but would not say where she is... My dream is that she can come to the UK and we can marry, but that is a long way away. I am hoping that the British government will put pressure on the Chinese government to free her.'
French Alsace News: Falun Dafa Defend Human Rights
2003-01-05'They urge MEPs to speak out against legislation in Hong Kong [called Article 23; an anti-subversion law which is being used by the Jiang regime against Falun Gong], which would jeopardize its freedom of speech.'