German Student Who Does Not Practise Falun Gong Makes a Video to Exposé the Persecution
2007-04-08Recently, a teenage student called Steffi gave me a call and asked me to help produce a two-minute film about the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I was a little bit surprised because Steffi doesn’t actually practise Falun Gong. But she is concerned about the human rights abuses against practitioners in China and wanted to do something to make a difference so I was very happy to help her.
UK Parliament Seminar Speech: “Bloody Harvest: Some Unpalatable Truths as the 2008 China Olympics Approach”
2007-04-07"The Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) in China now has hundreds of legislators, lawyers, doctors, academics, religious and spiritual leaders in more than twenty countries who are ready to go to China to investigate our report findings. They should be allowed to do so. The Olympic Games and organ snatching cannot occur at the same time in China. The Olympic Charter and movement, including its respect for human dignity and national Olympic committees in seventy countries, require better. I invite the participants in this seminar to examine ways you can help to end this terrible practice. Murdering innocent people for their organs is a new form of evil on this planet."
Profil Magazine (Austria): Lost in Transplantation
2007-03-22Following his recent interview with the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on Torture, Manfred Nowak, Robert Misik of Profil, the second largest magazine in Austria, published an article detailing Matas and Kilgour’s finding that a source of organs in Chinese transplants is Falun Gong practitioners. Mr. Nowak, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights’ Special Rapporteur on Torture, demanded a response to the series of allegations from the Chinese government within the week.
Letter to IOC from David Kilgour and David Matas
2007-03-14"Regrettably, it confirms our earlier conclusion, that the government of China and its agencies in numerous parts of the country, in particular in hospitals but also detention centers and ‘people’s courts’ have put to death a large but unknown number of Falun Gong prisoners of conscience since 1999. Their vital organs, including hearts, kidneys, livers and corneas were virtually, simultaneously seized involuntarily for sale at high prices, sometimes to foreigners who normally face long waits for voluntary donations of such organs in their home countries.”
People Treasured Seeing the Divine Performing Arts in Berlin
2007-03-07“I appreciate New Tang Dynasty Television for providing us with this opportunity to see such a wonderful performance. I have totally changed my attitude toward life and come to know the true meaning of life,” said a Chinese person, after seeing the last show by NTDTV’s Divine Performing Arts in Berlin, Germany on February the 28th 2007. He is not the only one to say so.
Human Rights Lawyer Condemns the Singapore Government for Appeasing the CCP
2007-02-23Recently, six practitioners were charged by the Singapore authorities with assembling without a permit and underwent a trial inaccessible to the public, media and family members. The secret trial caused extensive concern. Human rights lawyer Mr. Ravi’s certificate to practise law was revoked by the Singapore government due to his defence of Falun Gong practitioners.
Irish Consultant Psychiatrist: “The spotlight of the world needs to be trained on these evil practices”
2007-02-18"As a medical doctor I cannot feel kinship with my colleagues in China whilst these abuses are being perpetrated by other medics who abuse science, turning healing into an instrument of torture. We all have a collective responsibility to ask the Chinese Communist Party to end these practices against Falun Gong and admit responsibility for past sufferings."
Geneva Government Adviser Supports Mission into China to Investigate Persecution Against Falun Gong
2007-02-13"I hereby give my full support to the principle of sending a mission of inquiry to China concerning the crimes of which practitioners of the Falun Gong spiritual movement are reportedly the victims. Indeed, the signs seem to indicate that these practitioners are subject in imprisonment, torture, even the death penalty, simply because of their adherence to this movement. It seems essential henceforward to validate these accusations."
Swiss Government Official: “What is at stake in this fight is the very principle of human freedom”
2007-02-12"I agree to join this coalition so that everything might come to light regarding this barbaric practice of organ harvesting. In opposing barbarism in every form we may hope to save our civilisation. If not, we will become worse than animals. Harvesting organs from human beings by violence is to take apart, bit by bit, our humanity. What is at stake in this fight, beyond the victims, is the very principle of human freedom."
Sweden: Letter to the Singapore Goverment
2007-01-31"It has come to my knowledge that a show trial against six Falun Gong practitioners in Singapore began on January 22nd in Singapore for having delivered flyers about the truth of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. The court was held with only eight seats for the judge and defendants etc, neither media nor relatives were allowed to be present. I believe that Singapore wants to be considered as a part of the international community. But now it seems as Singapore is walking hand in hand with the biggest dictatorship in the world, and is unfortunately influenced by the Chinese Communist Party ... "
Support Letter from Czech MP
2007-01-28"It’s a great honour for me to be able to support, even if just symbolically, the very meaningful thing of merit that was accomplished here. But this is just the beginning. Human rights are indivisible and I can’t imagine we would put higher value on business relations then to protecting human rights, dignity and lives when dealing with that regime and having the Olympic Games in China ... I’m urging our government and governments of all EU members to put pressure on China ..."
A letter From a German Lady to the Chinese Ambassador Concerning the Persecution of Falun Gong
2007-01-09"We, as members of the Berlin Women’s Study Hall, have the objective to develop and form a cross-cultural and interdenominational dialogue with others. Given that, we listened to a speech about Falun Gong. This was provided to us because of its interconnection with Confucianism and Buddhism, and today’s political conflict between Falun Gong and the Chinese regime. The speech evoked in me horror and a deep set disgust about your inhuman and degrading actions against Chinese citizens."
Romania: President of Romania Condemns the Communist Regime as “Illegitimate and Criminal”
2006-12-31Romanian President Traian Basescu condemned the Communist regime as “illegitimate and criminal” in a speech delivered at a special Romanian Parliament session on the 18th of December 2006. “For the Romanian citizens, Communism was a regime imposed by a political group self-entitled as a truth keeper, a totalitarian regime born of violence, and ended through violence", he said. "It violated the law and forced citizens to live in lies and fear.”
Italian MEP Holds Press Conference Highlighting Persecution Against Falun Gong
2006-12-29On November 22nd 2006, an Italian news agency reported that Mr. Benedetto Della Vedova, member of the Liberal Reformers and Radical Member of European Parliament, held a press conference to expose the lack of basic human rights in China. Former Canadian Secretary of State for Asia and Pacific David Kilgour was invited to the press conference. Recently, Mr. Kilgour has been devoted to raising awareness about the Chinese Communist Party’s forced removal of Falun Gong practitioners’ internal organs.
French Congresswoman Raises Questions Regarding Organ Harvesting
2006-12-27Jacqueline Fraysse, a congresswoman, councilor and heart surgeon, recently sent a letter to a French member of CIPFG. “After reading your illustration and the report made by David Matas and David Kilgour, I am convinced of the seriousness of the situation. Thus I made up my mind to request the French Foreign Minister negotiating with the Chinese government to instigate an independent investigation team be allowed into China."