Board of Appeals of the German Parliament Requests German Government to Battle Human Rights on Behalf of Chinese Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-12-04Members of the Board of Appeals believe: "The brutal measures employed by the Chinese Communist regime in the persecution against this spiritual group since 1999 is very troubling. In this regard, the German government has submitted a list of practitioners being persecuted to the Chinese authorities, requesting it to stop discrimination and persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and to release detained practitioners."
French Human Rights Group Urges President Chirac to Pressure the CCP to End the Persecution
2006-11-01Ms. Marie-Francoise Lamperti, president of the French human rights organization Agir pour les Droits de l'Homme, recently met with Laurent Billi, the Foreign Affairs Advisor for President Chirac. During the meeting, Ms. Lamperti emphasized the persecution of Falun Gong and asked the council to pass a letter from the French Falun Dafa Association to the President.
Organ Harvesting in China is Discussed at the UN Human Rights Council
2006-09-30Mr. Manfred Nowak, specially assigned for the issue of torture, made a report to the Council and said that torture is widely used in the People’s Republic of China. Former Canadian Secretary of State David Kilgour brought up the issue of the CCP having removed organs from living Falun Gong practitioners and then cremating their bodies to eliminate the evidence.
Foreign Ambassadors in London Express Concern about Organ Harvesting
2006-09-23Ambassadors of various countries based in London wrote to the European Friends of Falun Gong to express their concern about organ harvesting from living people in China. The Ambassador of the Swiss Embassy wrote, “Thank you for your letter of 22nd of August 2006 concerning Falun Gong practitioners in China and the allegations of organ harvesting in that country. Switzerland has been conducting a human rights dialogue with China for several years now. Our priority topics include the right to freedom of religion and conscience and freedom from physical harm".
French Senator Condemns the CCP's Trade in Organs Harvested from Living Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-07-19A French senator asked his assistant to send an email message to the French Office of the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China (CIPFG) on July 12th, 2006. The message said that the senator felt indignant over the brutal and bloody atrocities happening in China (referring to the Chinese Communist regime’s harvesting organ from living Falun Gong practitioners). The senator also said that he will receive CIPFG members in his office in due course.
UK Bishop and Medical Doctor Condemn the Chinese Communist Party's Organ Harvesting
2006-07-11"Thank you for your letter on the appalling subjects of harvesting organs for transplantation from prisoners in China. We happened to have our Council meeting yesterday in London, and we discussed the papers you sent us. It will not surprise you to know that we fully support your efforts in condemning this practice, and we support the British Transplantation Society’s call for a UN and WHO investigation.”
Austria: Speech by the Rev. Franz Sieder, Co-Founder of Amnesty International in Austria, at the Opening of the International “Truth-Compassion-Tolerance” Art Exhibition in Amstetten City Hall
2006-06-28"Although Falun Gong is not a Christian organisation or movement, they still deserve the solidarity of Christians. Falun Gong has chosen values for their banners which are sacred to us Christians as well. In general, we must regard the freedom of religion as a supreme value for which we should be willing to fight no matter where in Austria, in China, or in any other country on earth. The Falun Gong artists are offering this exhibition to the world because they want to open our eyes to this shocking reality."
Austria: Speech Given by the President of the Art and Cultural Association ARS CARA, Host of the Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance Art Exhibition in Vienna
2006-06-26"Today, everyone is interested in China, everyone want a piece of China’s pie. Everyone wants to trade with China and no one wants to burn their fingers when it comes to human rights in China. Everyone wants to cut a deal, so the human rights situation in China is brushed under the carpet. Therefore, we want to expose the human rights problems with our art and tell everyone that human rights are violated in China. Since the 1960s, everything spiritual and groups that smell just a little of religious doctrine are persecuted and banned in China".
Austria: Speech by Mayor of Payerbach at the "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance“ Art for Human Rights Exhibition
2006-06-25"Again art,artists and intellectuals have to take on the task that politics is unable to achieve: To constantly expose how the Chinese government runs roughshod over the human rights of the Chinese people and we are referring to 100 million people at this time. Dear ladies and gentlemen we in Payerbach can help, even if just a little, to achieve the end of human rights violations. Please, look at these pictures ... These pictures tell you more than any media report in the entire world can tell you".
Letter to the Editor: I am shocked that history repeats itself and innocent lives are lost
2006-06-11"I think your article clearly points out what the symbols of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the hammer and sickle, really mean. The hammer is a symbol of ‘death’ [The German word for death starts with a capital ‘T’ which looks like a hammer] and the sickle stands for ‘greed and desire’ [the German word for ‘greed’ also starts with a capital ‘G’, which looks like a sickle]. Their motto seems to be: Bludgeon everyone to death who is not for us, cut them into pieces and sell each piece for profit, never mind what everyone else thinks about it.”
Letter to the Editor: “I hope their suffering will come to an end very soon”
2006-06-09"The first story I read about Falun Gong dealt with gang rape in the Masanjia Labour camp. I simply can’t imagine how one person can do such a thing to another living being. These types of cruelties are happening in our modern times? I simply refused to believe it when I was reading the first few lines. However, with every new article, I became more certain of the truth behind it. I am most disturbed that I learned about all of this so late!"
Letter to the Editor: It is My Most Fervent Hope that Liu Jizhi has Managed to Make it Out Alive
2006-06-07"I read the article about Mrs. Liu Jizhi with deep sadness in my heart. I hope with all my heart and from the depths of my soul that she has somehow managed to make it out of this terrible place. During the last week, I have been praying that she wouldn’t have to suffer additional pain. When I read that Mrs. Jizhi was arrested again, I felt great sorrow. I only wish that I could do something other than merely inform the others around me about the situation and to support Mrs. Liu Jizhi in my thoughts."
Slovakia: The Mayor of Spisska Nova Ves Condemns the Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners by Government Authorities in China
2006-05-07"After reading your letter, as well as the testimonies stated in it and description of the oppression and torture of people believing in Falun Gong, I strongly condemn such practises by the government authorities in China and I join, in this way, other pro-democracy oriented people and appeal to the highest government representatives in China to stop the torture and killing of innocent people."
Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group: European Citizens Condemn the CCP Persecution of Falun Gong
2006-03-09Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group (FGHRWG) recently published the experiences of several practitioners who were unlawfully detained in labour camps of the Chinese Communist Party. In the electronic report, practitioner Wang Bin and Chen Ying's stories were highlighted. The report received wide feedback from all over Europe. Reprinted in this article are some of the comments made by the readers to the FGHRWG Web site.
Germany: Ministry of Justice Hopes for the Speedy Release of the Jiang Family
2006-03-01Mr. Jiang Renzheng, his wife and two small children were deported from Würzburg to Beijing in March 2005. Following his deportation from Germany and only four weeks after his arrival in China, Mr Renzheng Jiang was sentenced without trial to three years of forced labour for practicing Falun Gong and thereby ‘endangering public security’. Jiang has subsequently been released but is under house arrest. He has now been granted asylum in Germany.