• Ireland: Politicians Offer Congratulations on World Falun Dafa Day

    Five local councilors also sent letters. Ireland County Councilor Jim O’Leary wrote, “Just a quick note to confirm my support for the members of Falun Gong to be allowed to practice their beliefs free from persecution and oppression.” Councilor Bill Clear wrote, “I have always supported Falun gong petitions that I come upon wherever I am in the world. Keep up the good work.” 
  • Saipan: Practitioners Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and Spread the Beauty of Falun Dafa

    In the afternoon of May 12th and the morning of May 13th, practitioners held a motorcade parade around the island to celebrate. With the assistance of the local police station and transportation department, police cars cleared the way and the parade set off from American Memorial Park. It passed through important areas such as Beach Road, Cornerstone Christian Church, Saipan International Airport, Northern Marianas College, and Paupau Beach. The motorcade parade lasted about an hour and a half.  
  • Slovakia: World Falun Dafa Day Celebration in Bratislava Draws Support from MPs and the Public

    In his speech, Peter Osuský, a former long-serving member of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic, said that he is deeply convinced that people who profess principles of truth, compassion and tolerance deserve the support of every decent person.He stressed that it was tragic that these good people, in the very birthplace of their spiritual practice, were being persecuted, imprisoned, and having their organs forcibly harvested: “This is something that a democratic and civilized world cannot put up with. This is despite the fact that these crimes are being committed by a regime whose country has a high gross national income. That regime is criminal, and not only the Falun Dafa movement knows this, but the Tibetans, and the members of the underground Catholic Church, will also give this testimony,” he said.
  • Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day and Master Li´s Birthday from Europe, 2024

  • Supporting messages from UK politicians on the occasion of World Falun Dafa Day

    25 years ago, 13 May was designated World Falun Dafa Day in response to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China which began in 1999 – seven years after Falun Gong practice was publicly introduced by your founder Li Hongzhi on 13 May 1992. As a friend of Falun Gong practitioners, it is my honour to stand in solidarity with you and to join you in spirit in commemorating World Falun Dafa Day.
  • Greece: People Condemn the Ongoing Persecution of Falun Dafa During Events in Athens

    Kristi from Albania sympathized with practitioners who suffer persecution in China. After knowing CCP's persecution of Falun Dafa is still happens in China, he said, “It’s terrible, and I hope the persecution will end as soon as possible. People should get together and do something about that, because it’s against humanity.”
  • Romania: Practitioners Hold a Series of Activities to Introduce Falun Dafa

    Mara , a nutrition and sports coach, was very inquisitive about the large number of practitioners who were there for the event.“I think it’s really nice what you’re doing here, so many people coming together for a mission, I was really curious about why the event was held. I find it very interesting that you have moral principles such as Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, and that you ultimately want to support a state of well-being for those around you. Congratulations!” said Mara.
  • Germany: Members of State Parliament Hold Signs to Support Events Marking the April 25 Appeal

    Three Green Party members of the Hessian State Parliament in Frankfurt joined the practitioners’ event and held up signs to express their support. In addition, Oliver Stirboeck, a member of the Liberal Democratic Party of the Hessian State Parliament, sent local practitioners a photo of himself holding a placard in his office in support of the April 25 commemorative activities.
  • Belgium: Event in Brussels Commemorates April 25 Peaceful Appeal

    As they passed by the booth, Sofie and her daughter stopped to watch the exercise demonstration. Amidst the bustling market, the exercises were so peaceful and serene, said Sofie.She also noticed the banner calling for the end to the CCP’s crime of live organ harvesting of practitioners. To help stop the persecution, she signed a petition.She said, “Freedom of belief, which Europeans consider an inherent right, must also be the case in China. No one should be imprisoned for this.” She said, “I strongly support your efforts to expose the persecution. I hope that my signature on this petition will make a difference.”
  • Denmark: Public Support for Falun Dafa During Events to Commemorate the April 25 Appeal

    The man said he felt a little pessimistic and helpless, but after coming to the free world and seeing that more than 400 million Chinese have withdrawn from the CCP and its affiliated organizations, he regained hope. “I have seen Falun Gong practitioners in many places in the United States and Europe exposing the CCP’s crime of forced organ harvesting,” he said. “The CCP must be punished by the divine for committing such evil acts against humanity.”He added, “I admire Falun Gong practitioners for their persistence in their faith over the years. In today’s turbulent environment, [Falun Gong’s principles of] Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance guides more people to improve their morality and be good people, which will definitely have a positive impact on society.”
  • Support Letters from UK Government Officials for April 25 Appeal Commemoration

    Government officials in the highest offices of the United Kingdom have expressed their support for efforts to end the ongoing persecution of Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong) in China. The office of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, the office of Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf, and several members of the British House of Lords and House of Commons sent letters to express their support for an April 20, 2024 event commemorating the 25th anniversary of the April 25 appeal..
  • Berlin, Germany: People Support Falun Gong and Condemn the Persecution

    A software engineer who went to China on several business trips told practitioners, “Westerners who go to China are only allowed to see the beautiful parts. The CCP will never let you see how it suppresses people in general and Falun Gong practitioners in particular. Before I went to China, my coworkers reminded me I could be arrested for saying something inappropriate because you never know if what you say will bring you trouble.”After reading the resolution by the European Parliament condemning the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong, a man said, “This is surprising and admirable. Many people want to do business with China, but this resolution is an important signal. I hope there will be a fundamental change.”
  • Romania: Falun Dafa Teaches People to Be Good

    Accompanied by her granddaughter Sofia, an older woman asked about the purpose of the event. Learning that Falun Dafa is based on the values of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, she expressed her surprise that such values were being promoted in today’s world. 

 “Dafa is talking about the role of moral principles in society! Very good! In this upside-down society we are living in today, there is a practice that teaches people to be good and to have moral principles,” said the woman. “This is about education.”
  • Bulgaria: People Condemn the Communist Regime’s Persecution of Falun Dafa

    It was a bright, sunny day, and the streets were filled with people enjoying the break in the winter weather. They were drawn to the booth and stopped to find out more about Falun Dafa. They signed the petition and expressed support for practitioners after learning of the human rights atrocities in China.When Tatiana from Russia heard of the inhuman methods used by the CCP to torture Falun Dafa practitioners, including taking their organs without consent to sell for organ transplants, she said that she knew the regime was capable of such brutality. “It’s evil and horrifying,” she said.She was also interested in learning the exercises and the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. She asked who she could contact locally, “I would like to know where I can learn the practice.”
  • Romania: Falun Dafa Practitioners Raise Awareness About CCP’s Ongoing Persecution

    Four students from the University of Bucharest talked with practitioners and accepted truth-clarification materials. They commended practitioners for persisting in telling people about the persecution and following Falun Dafa’s principles, Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. One of the students said, “It is very hard to persist in these values in society nowadays. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are not respected enough in society. Thank you for telling me about Falun Dafa.”Patrick, one of the four students said, “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance should be practiced by everyone.”