Press Releases and Media Reports

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  • Epoch Times: Shocking Photographic Evidence of The Persecution in China

    It is not the kind of publicity that China wants or needs at the tail-end of the 2004 Olympics in which they placed third overall, and leading into the 2008 Olympics in which Beijing will be host: shocking photographs of emaciated and seriously injured Falun Gong practitioners who were tortured while being illegally held in police custody in China.
  • Falun Dafa Information Centre Austria: Press Release Regarding Jia Qinglin's Visit to Austria

    During this week, Jia Qinglin, the former party secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and former mayor of the city of Beijing, is visiting Austria for two days. He has been a member of the standing committee of the CCP’s Politburo since 2002. During Jia’s administration, Beijing generated one of the worst records among many cities with respect to the persecution of Falun Gong (see examples below). As the Party’s General Secretary in Beijing, and in his capacity as Central Committee member of the CCP from 1999-2002, Jia Qinglin has been responsible for the persecution.
  • Radio France Internationale: Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Zhong Suffers Severe Torture in China's Daqing Prison

    On the night of August the 29th, Radio France Internationale stated that reported a Falun Gong practitioner’s release from Daqing prison after being tortured until close to death. The Clearwisdom report stated that Zhang Zhong had plastic bags put over his head impeding his breathing, he had garlic juice and chilli sauce poured over his face, he received kicks and punches, jabs on the hands with the tip of a sharp pen, and he was stripped to the waist and freezing or boiling water poured over his body. He suffered other kinds of torture in addition to these.
  • EFGIC: Genocide in China: Pictures Beijing Doesn’t Want the World to See Leading Up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics

    Athens (EFGIC) – As Athens bids the Games farewell and contemplates a successful and peaceful world event having passed, world pressure must now be put on Beijing to end the persecution of millions of Falun Gong practitioners. Can human rights atrocities being committed, as seen in these accompanying images be allowed to continue without the world uniting to condemn such crimes?
  • Article from Swiss Newspaper ‘La Tribune de Genève’: Five years of Persecution for Falun Gong Followers

    'In view of the unacceptable rise in violence now extending outside China and aimed directly at practitioners worldwide, will our countries finally react with a greater degree of firmness and prevent such acts from being committed on our soil? Shouldn’t our countries unite to condemn these massive violations through making China understand that in our democratic countries we respect the freedoms of expression and belief?'
  • EFGIC: A Picture is Worth a Million Lives

    '[EFGIC] – In 1992 media footage showing starving men behind barbwire fences led to global outrage and reaction to ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia. It is long overdue for the media to show the world pictures of what is happening to Falun Gong practitioners in China today.'
  • Article from Finnish Newspaper 'Norra Posten': "I found myself through Falun Gong!"

    “Falun Gong is a cultivation practice. The body and soul is purified. Besides doing the five powerful and peaceful exercises, the emphasis is on cultivating one’s mind and spirit and improving one’s moral character by following and incorporating the three cornerstones of the practice: Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance into our daily lives.”
  • EFGIC: 48 Falun Gong Deaths Reported in June and July

    'The deaths of 48 Falun Gong practitioners in China were verified during June and July. Most were tortured or beaten to death. Information about the torture or killing of Falun Gong practitioners is officially classified as ‘state secrets’ in China, and therefore, people who uncover and publicize such evidence do so at great risk to themselves. Many have been killed simply for publicizing the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.'
  • Epoch Times: "Red China" Minister Sued in Former Red Capital

    On the 9th of August, a Russian resident filed a lawsuit in Moscow against top Chinese official Bo Xilai for persecuting Falun Gong in China. This is the fourth time the Minister of Commerce has been singled-out for crimes against humanity.
  • Article in Russian Weekly Newspaper: "Chinese Art in Magnitogorsk City"

    "Falun Dafa is one of the forms of Qigong, requiring practitioners to assimilate themselves to the highest universal characteristic of ‘Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance'. It clearly points out that cultivating one’s moral character is the key to the practise, practitioners need to improve their moral standard while doing the exercises. Moreover, it also has the facility of refining one’s body, which requires exercise to strengthen the functions of the body."
  • United Kingdom: UK Media Report Positively on Falun Gong Practitioners' Activities in Edinburgh

    UK Falun Gong practitioners held a series of activities before and after the Edinburgh Arts Festival Opening Cavalcade on the 8th of August, exposing the Jiang Regime’s persecution of Falun Gong. The Scottish media enthusiastically reported on Falun Gong practitioners’ activities.
  • Article in Spanish Newspaper "El Mundo": Chen - Another Martyr for Falun Gong

    “El Mundo”, one of the two major Spanish newspapers and well-known for its analytical reports, interviewed Falun Gong practitioner Ms Dai Zhizhen in early July. On Sunday, July 18th, 2004, when the newspaper had the largest volume of circulation, “El Mundo” used an entire page to report the miserable story of how Ms Dai’s family was ruined.
  • EFGIC: Young Woman Suffers Mental Breakdown Following Untold Torture and Rape

    'Thirty-two-year-old Ms. Zhu Xia cries, laughs, and often bangs on doors and windows madly. She soils her clothing uncontrollably, and has frequent hallucinations, tossing and turning restlessly amidst unseen enemies...This is not the young woman her family members described as “healthy and vibrant” before the police took her away because she practised Falun Gong.'
  • Radio Free Asia: Report on Liu Feng's Return to Ireland

    'We have reported several times on activities held by Irish Falun Gong practitioners and human rights organisations, calling on the Chinese Government to release Liu Feng immediately. Recently our reporter learned that Liu Feng has finally regained his freedom and returned to Ireland to continue his studies.'
  • The Epoch Times: Chinese Media Magnate Sued for Genocide Makes Appearance in Connecticut Court

    According to the World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), in June 1999, under Zhao's supervision, staff from Wuhan TV Station went to Changchun, the hometown of Falun Gong's founder Li Hongzhi, and produced a film about Mr. Li. The film was later used as a tool to convince CCP leaders to persecute Falun Gong. The film has been the main propaganda tool used repeatedly by state-owned media to brainwash the Chinese people.