Press Releases and Media Reports

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  • Washington Times Editorial Reveals How the Jiang Regime Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners by Depriving Them of Employment

    "As soon as foreign corporations in China such as Mary Kay begin to exclude people from employment eligibility simply because the Chinese authorities ask them to do so, they become accomplices of the Chinese government in suppressing human rights and political freedom. To single out Falun Gong practitioners and supporters is particularly disturbing, since the persecution of Falun Gong is generally regarded by international human rights organizations as the most severe human rights violation conducted by the Chinese government in recent years."
  • WTN: Repression of all religions in China [Excerpt]

    "To date many thousands of members have been detained (for varying periods), while at least ten thousand are serving lengthy terms in forced labor camps. An unknown number have been committed to psychiatric detention centers. Beatings and torture of those arrested are routine and have resulted in many deaths. The massive and brutal crack down of the Falun Gong - the intensity of the campaign blitz (in nationwide public demonstrations and mass meetings) with even far-flung regions having to demonstrate their active antagonism... - recall the Maoist campaigns of the 50s and 60s"
  • Article from German Media "Markgraefler Daily News": André Huber Files a Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin

    André Huber is accussing Jiang of genocide and crimes against humanity. This lawsuit is aimed at Jiang Zemin himself as opposed to China. André said: “More than 800 people have lost their lives and more than 200,000 people have been illegally arrested over the past four years or so. Now it’s time to investigate who is responsible.
  • Article from "The Epoch Times": The Persecution Wastes Tremendous National Resources

    Zhao Ming, a graduate of Qinghua University, was arrested in China in early 2000. He was imprisoned in Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp in Beijing for twenty-two months... Now he is one of forty plaintiffs in the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin. Recently, a reporter of the Epoch Times interviewed Zhao Ming when he was attending a press conference concerning the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin in Berlin.
  • Reference Material: South China Morning Post: Loosen Control Of Internet, Schroeder Urges Mainland

    "China must free up the internet if it wants to achieve its goal of becoming the world's biggest web market in four years' time, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said yesterday. "China will reach its ambitious aim . . . in four years only if the internet is attractive in the same way for Chinese and foreigners," Mr Schroeder said in a speech at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou. He did not directly refer to Beijing's strict controls on access to internet content and the arrests of cyber-dissidents, but said China's goals can only be achieved by ensuring freedom of access to the internet."
  • Reference Material: AFP: Multinational Firms Accused Of Aiding Chinese Internet Censorship

    The Paris-based group Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has urged 14 companies ... to take a stand against any such repression, according to a statement. RSF said some of the firms, which are based in North America, Europe, Japan and South Korea, are selling material directly helping China to spy on and crack down on people using the Internet. Other companies simply close their eyes to the situation, it claims.....Beijing is presently censoring hundreds of websites of Western media outlets, political dissidents and others that are viewed as critical of the government or the ruling Communist Party, RSF said.
  • Press Release: Jiang Zemin Sued for Genocide in Germany

    On November the 21st, forty citizens of Germany, China, Ireland, Canada, Australia and the United States filed a lawsuit with the German Federal Prosecutor’s Office against the former president of China, Jiang Zemin, and other leaders who are responsible for the persecution of Falun Gong, accusing them of genocide, crimes against humanity, murder, cruel torture and grievous bodily harm to Falun Gong practitioners in China between 1999 and 2003.
  • Ukraine: TV Station Broadcast Film Clarifying the Facts about Falun Gong

    Recently, Ukraine’s national TV Station broadcast films two days in a row, which reported positively on Falun Gong. On the morning of the 26th of November 2003, the film “Cuiying Zhang – Traditional Chinese Artist” was shown. The film exposed the persecution, and also introduced Falun Gong to audience. These films were broadcast throughout Ukraine.
  • EFGIC: Northeastern Province Records China's Highest Death Toll of Falun Gong Practitioners

    132 deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in Heilongjiang Province have been verified since the spiritual practice was ordered “eradicated” by former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin in 1999. Of the 824 total verified deaths of Falun Gong practitioners throughout the country, China’s most northeastern province, Heilongjiang, accounts for approximately 16% – the highest of any province.
  • Report from "Radio Free Asia": Falun Gong Practitioners Sue Jiang Zemin and his Accomplices in Germany

    'On November the 24th, German Falun Gong practitioners filed an official lawsuit in the Supreme Court of the German Federal Government against Jiang Zemin, who is the former Chinese President, Li Lanqing and Luo Gan. The defendants are being sued for committing crimes of torture and genocide against Falun Gong practitioners.'
  • UK Citizen Detained in China Because He Practises Falun Gong

    “The Falun Gong group recognised one of the practitioners who has been detained as being a British citizen, called Ray Tang. As with a lot of Hong Kong citizens, he also holds a British passport. His relatives own a company in the city of Shenzheng in mainland China, a neighbour of Hong Kong. On the 13th of November, Ray Tang and a few of the company’s workers were taken away by the police. The Falun Gong group said that the other practitioner who was arrested was Xueying Bo, a twenty-eight year old housewife. She was arrested on the 30th of October while distributing truth clarifying DVDs in Shenzheng.”
  • Italian Radio Station "Pamparana": An Interview with Sterling Campbell, the Drummer of a Famous Band

    When talking about the reason for the persecution against Falun Gong, he told the audience that China’s former leader, Jiang Zemin, out of his personal interest and jealousy, abused his power to launch a persecution against good people who practise “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.” He listed a large number of the persecuted cases. Finally, the host invited the audience to take note of the persecution and help to put an end to it.
  • Reporters Without Borders: China - 2003 Annual Report (Excerpt)

    'At least seven foreign journalists were detained for two hours and threatened by police in Beijing on 14 February. Two Associated Press reporters, an Agence France-Presse photographer, two Reuters reporters and a BBC journalist were arrested while covering a demonstration by about 40 Falun Gong members in Tiananmen square, in the course of which some of them saw the police use violence against the demonstrators...The Chinese authorities have harassed foreign journalists trying to cover the Falun Gong since the movement was banned in July 1999. According to the estimates of Reporters Without Borders, at least 50 representatives of the international press have been detained since then, and some have been hit by police.'
  • Report from "Radio Free Asia": Interview with a German Human Rights Lawyer Regarding the Lawsuit Against the Former Chinese President

    “The plaintiffs are 44 victims, including more than 10 Germans. The 90-page submission outlined the personal experiences of 15 victims who currently live outside the Chinese mainland and 800 plus torture cases that have resulted in death. Mr. Kaleck thinks the importance of this case is similar to that of the lawsuit against Augusto Pinochet and the on-going case against former Yugoslavian president Slobodan Milosevic.”
  • Article from Scottish Newspaper "Metro": An Interview with Sterling Campbell, David Bowie's Drummer

    'Sterling Campbell has been David Bowie's drummer for the past ten years and he is currently part of Bowie’s Reality Tour, which plays the SECC in Glasgow tonight. An exponent of the ancient Chinese practise of Falun Gong, New Yorker Sterling was arrested and jailed in China for voicing his support for the discipline, which has been banned by the Communist government.'