Press Releases and Media Reports

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  • IFGIC Press Release: Dublin Students Rally to Rescue Prisoner of Conscience in China

    At 2pm on Friday 28th November outside the Central Bank in Dames Street, Dublin city centre, students from the major universities of Dublin including Trinity College, UCD and DCU held a rally and march to call for the release of Dun Laoghaire students Mr. Liu Feng and Ms Fang Yang, both of whom have been prevented from returning to Ireland under the Chinese regime’s campaign to suppress Falun Gong. Mr. Michael Dowling, the President of GSU of TCD, said, “We should double our efforts to get these two Chinese students Mr. Feng Liu and Ms. Fang Yang released.”
  • A Magazine called "Human Rights" Reports on the Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin in Germany

    The article explained that Falun Gong practitioners in Germany accuse the former Chinese president, Jiang Zemin, and other responsible persons of committing genocide and crimes against humanity. The accusation is neither an individual retaliation, nor a political movement against the Chinese government.
  • Germany: Press Release of Attorney Wolfgang Kaleck Concerning the Filing of the Criminal Lawsuit against Jiang Zemin

    "As soon as possible, the defendants that have been named in the lawsuit against which reasonable assumption of guilt exists, must as soon as possible be served with an international arrest warrant...German enquiries into these accusation will encourage judicial enquiries in other nations into conducting their own investigations, to collect these findings and perhaps, at some future time, to locally begin criminal proceedings in China against those guilty of human rights crimes."
  • EFGIC: German Lawsuit Against China's Former Leader Jiang Zemin, for Genocide, Torture and Crimes Against Humanity in his Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China

    LONDON (EFGIC) – On November 20th 2001, 36 western Falun Gong practitioners demonstrated on China’s famous Tiananmen Square, calling for justice for Falun Gong in China. They were forcibly arrested and expelled from the country. Now, two years later, some of the German participants are submitting charges to the Federal Prosecutor in Karlsruhe, Germany, against the former leader Jiang Zemin and other senior officials and persons responsible for the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. The complaint charges them with genocide, crimes against humanity and torture, as well as dangerous bodily harm to Falun Gong practitioners in China.
  • FDI: Taiwanese Falun Gong Practitioners Sue Jiang Zemin, Other Top Communist Leaders for Genocide

    TAIPEI (FDI) -- Seven Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioners have filed a lawsuit with Taiwan's High Court charging former Chinese head-of-state Jiang Zemin with the crime of genocide. Top Chinese Communist Party leaders Li Lanqing, and Luo Gan, were also named in the case, which was filed Monday, November 17th.
  • Several Scandinavian Newspapers Reprint and Cite News Issued by the Swedish Falun Gong Information Centre

    In September and October, forty-four Falun Gong deaths from torture and abuse have occurred in China. A press release regarding this news was sent to the largest news agency in Sweden and Norway, via the Swedish Falun Gong Information Centre, which was reprinted by the agency. Several Scandinavian media oulets also reprinted or quoted the news that exposed the facts of the brutal persecution launched by Jiang and Luo. This aroused more condemnation for the persecution throughout Scandinavia.
  • A Special Report from "Radio Free Asia" (RFA)

    Preparations for the annual European Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference have been arranged and practitioners are now awaiting the start of the conference. According to prediction, there should be hundreds of Falun Gong practitioners attending the conference, which is being held in Berlin, from 20 countries throughout Europe. The following is a report from Radio Free Asia regarding the conference.
  • "Radio France Internationale" (RFI): Ten Thousand Falun Gong practitioners Assemble to Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin at the Taiwan Criminal Court

    "According to a report from the Central News Agency in Taiwan, the Taiwanese Falun Dafa Association launched an assembly to support suing the Jiang regime for persecuting seven Taiwan Falun Gong practitioners. They will file a lawsuit charging the former Chinese president, Jiang Zemin, the former vice-Premier Li Lanqing and a member of the Politburo Standing Committee, Luo Gan, with the crime of genocide at the Taiwan High Court on the 17th of November."
  • EFGIC: Chinese Gestapo-Like Agency Plays the Name Game

    Chinese Government sources say such a name change along with the “disbanded” claim is a tactic frequently used by the Communist Party. They change the façade of an agency or policy that violates domestic and international laws, deflecting investigations and muting criticism. The sources say, however, the agency typically continues exactly as it always has with little or no change to its purpose or methods of operation.
  • EFGIC: American Citizen Subjected to Daily Brainwashing Sessions in Chinese Prison

    LONDON (EFGIC) – A U.S. Consulate official in Shanghai has informed Ms. Yeong-Ching Foo that Chinese authorities have been forcing her fiancé Dr. Charles Lee to undergo brainwashing sessions on a daily basis. The sessions are carried out to force Dr. Lee to renounce Falun Gong, and have occurred despite numerous protests from the U. S. State Department.
  • EFGIC: Firefighter, Falun Gong Practitioner Tortured to Death in Chinese Forced Labour Camp

    LONDON (EFGIC) – Mr. Lu Bingshen, 39-years-old, was a firefighter with the 6th Fire Brigade in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. In mid-October 2003, Lu was tortured to death in Daqing City Forced Labour Camp at the hands of the Camp’s Assistant Brigade Leader, Mr. Zhang Mingzhu.
  • EFGIC: 44 Deaths of Falun Gong Practitioners Verified in September and October

    LONDON (EFGIC) – 44 more deaths of Falun Gong practitioners were verified during the months of September and October. The deaths, which occurred across 16 Chinese provinces, were mostly attributed to the severe torture practices of Chinese detention centres and labour camps. 23 of the deaths occurred in various labour camps, detention centres and police stations, where Falun Gong practitioners are routinely tortured, as officials attempt to force them to disassociate themselves from Falun Gong and make them sign documents denouncing the meditation practice.
  • Report from "French Weekly Exchange": Jiang has been Sued in Spain

    'A group of Falun Gong followers, a movement with ancient Chinese origin’s, submitted a lawsuit in Madrid against the former Chinese leader and China’s current military leader, Jiang Zemin, suing him for crimes of genocide and torture.'
  • Article from Finnish newspaper "Pohjalainen": The Persecuted Falun Gong Comes to Vaasa

    'According to the survey, 90 percent of those examined were suffering from illnesses and almost half of them had suffered from at least three diseases before they started to practise Falun Gong. After beginning the practice, 99 per cent of them improved their health in some regards, and 60 percent had completely gotten rid of their illnesses.'
  • Article from Greek Newspaper "Politikis": Neglected at the Chinese Diplomat's visit - They were all Chinese

    'Mr Wu Guanzheng, a member of the Communist Party Politburo and third in the Chinese chain of command, almost found himself part of the Cypriot court 'system' while on an official visit to Cyprus yesterday...The lawsuit against Mr Guanzheng is included in the framework of an organised struggle begun by all Chinese citizens, not only those who have relatives or have themselves been imprisoned and brutalised by the Chinese government.'