Press Releases and Media Reports
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Radio Free Asia: German Dafa Practitioners gathered in Berlin on July 20th to Appeal Against the Chinese Governments 4-Year Persecution of Falun Gong
2003-07-26'In his speech, the President [of the International Huamn Rights Association] once again strongly asked China to stop this barbarian and inhumane persecution and to release all the detained Falun Gong practitioners...As for the overseas persecution, the president said the International Human Rights Association will help the Falun Gong practitioners to take any effective legal action.'
Swedish Newspaper Norran featured an Article entitled "They Demonstrate against Persecution and Torture in China"
2003-07-25 -
RFI (Radio France International): Chinas Broadcast of Beggars Being Poisoned Is Slandering Falun Gong
2003-07-25Similarly the murder case allegedly committed by Chen Fu Chao should be investigated in a scientific way. No judgement should be inferred from his unreasonable confession and behaviour. Moreover, his crazy confession should not be used to slander Falun Dafa. If Mr. Chen really killed people and went out of his mind, a psychiatrist should be consulted to examine his mental condition and we should leave his wrongdoing to the justice of law.
EFGIC: 33 Year-old Falun Gong Woman Tortured to Death
2003-07-21'On October 7th, 2002, Ms. Tang was arrested again while distributing flyers with information about the persecution of Falun Gong in Zhongjiang County and returned to Mengyang Town government where sources say she was brutally tortured. Covered in cuts and bruises, she was transferred to Pengzhou City Brainwashing Centre. On March 3rd, 2003, Ms. Tang was sentenced to two years of forced labour and sent to Nanmusi Female Labour Camp in Zizhong County, where she was tortured until on the verge of death. '
EFGIC: Falun Gong Endures Four Years of Persecution
2003-07-19'What is it about Falun Gong that gives these people such heart to continue through the darkest time in history?What is it about Falun Gong that gives practitioners such faith, determination and perseverance to face such a vicious, defamatory and murderous regime without ever renouncing their faith?'
Swiss News Agency: Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal on the Federal Square of Bern City
2003-07-19On July 12th, over 50 Falun Gong practitioners gathered on Federal Square of Bern City to protest the persecution of their fellow practitioners by the Chinese government. The Falun Gong practitioners who participated in the appeal put a big wreath at the Federal Square to mourn for the victims of the persecution. In silence they then approached the Chinese embassy.
Article from Danish newspaper Villabyerne: Falun Gong Returns to the Chinese Embassy
2003-07-18The embassy is trying to harass us in all kind of ways. Earlier on they [falsely] accused us of using a megaphone, and during our meditation, they turn on a big motorised garden machine in order to cause disturbance. This latest complaint to the police in Gentofte is another case of harassment, says Marco Hsu, Chairman of the Falun Gong Association in Denmark.
The Shorthorn, Texas: Rallying Point
2003-07-18'Dr. Wu, 35, has completed a 2,000-mile trek across the country to bring attention to the imprisonment of practitioners of Falun Dafa, a yoga-like exercise also know as Falun Gong, in China. Among the many imprisoned is Wu's mother, Lingwen Zeng.'
EFGIC: Rat Poison at Chinas Xinhua News Agency
2003-07-17LONDON (EFGIC) On July 2, Xinhua News Agency reported in Wenzhou City in Zhenjiang province 16 Beggars Poisoned: the Suspect is a Falun Gong Member. However, the Xinhua account is contradicted by the first report on this story in a local newspaper. A follow-up investigation uncovered more discrepancies and demonstrated there was no connection between the alleged murder cases and Falun Gong.
Article from Luxembourg Newspaper La Voix: They Came to Defend Falun Gong
2003-07-16'Sitting cross-legged on a small carpet and dressed in yellow T-shirts, several Falun Gong practitioners demonstrated in front of the Chinese embassy in Luxembourg yesterday, to protest against the persecution of the practitioners of this spiritual practice in China, now practised in more then 60 countries all over the world and by almost 100 million people.'
RFI (Radio France Internationale): Demonstration Against Article 23 in Front of the Chinese Embassy in France
2003-07-15The spokesman for the Chinese Democratic Party in France, Wu Jiang, told the reporters that the Chinese government is trying to bring dictatorship and autocracy to Hong Kong by the enactment of Article 23. The spokesman for French Falun Dafa Association, Zhang Jian-Ping indicated that the enactment of Article 23 was, to a great extent, targeting Falun Gong. Both of them said they request that the legislation of Article 23 is completely abandoned, not just postponed.
Report from Luxemburger Wort: Demonstration Against the Persecution of Falun Gong
2003-07-15On Friday 11th July, Falun Gong practitioners held a demonstration in front of the Chinese embassy in Luxembourg to draw the publics attention to the persecution of Falun Gong in China and to appeal to the government of Beijing to stop this persecution. The practitioners came from Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany.
FDI: Woman Kidnapped and Beaten to Death as Chinese Police Attempt to Force Her to Renounce Falun Gong
2003-07-13Sources say Ms. Li was kidnapped by police officers from the No. 1 Division of Fushun City Police Department because she practices Falun Gong. She was immediately taken to the local police station where she was beaten to death on the same day by four police officers in an attempt to extract a confession a Chinese police term for renouncing Falun Gong.
BBC: Hong Kong Protests Spread (excerpt)
2003-07-11Thousands of Hong Kong people protested on Wednesday against the government's handling of a controversial anti-subversion bill. The protest followed a 1 July rally when 500,000 people marched to denounce the anti-subversion bill, the biggest protest in the territory since the Tiananmen Square massacre in Beijing in June 1989.
FDI: Reports of 5 Deaths of Falun Gong Practitioners Emerge from Jilin Province, China
2003-07-10'To date, 92 confirmed death cases have been reported from Jilin Provinced, the second highest reported of any other province, following Heilongjiang Province. The current total of confirmed deaths now stands at 750, although according to Chinese government sources, the true death toll is in the thousands.'