Press Releases and Media Reports

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  • Film Exposing the Persecutory Nature of Article 23 shown on Swedish National TV

    Employing comments from Members of the European Parliament, Professors, VIPs, representatives of human rights organisations, and social groups, the 25-minute film reported on the danger of the proposed subversion law, the Hong Kong people’s opposition to it along with their desire to preserve freedom and human rights, and the evil nature of the persecution of peaceful Falun Gong practitioners in China.
  • Radio France Internationale (RFI): Several French Organisations will hold Demonstrations to Protest Against Hong Kong’s Article 23 Legislation

    'This demonstration is to protest against the Article 23 legislation and the pressure from the Chinese government on their Hong Kong counterparts to enact this legislation quickly.'
  • Guardian: The Marchers Make Democracy Work - and Throw Hong Kong into Crisis

    'The climbdown marks a victory for the 500,000 residents who took to the streets last week in the biggest demonstration in the territory since the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests - and challenges the communist party to show whether it has changed since the murderous crackdown that followed...Despite last Tuesday's massive demonstration of 7% of Hong Kong's population and criticism from Britain, the United States and the European Union, [the territory's leader] Mr Tung continued to push the legislation.'
  • Epoch Times: Hand in Hand, Canadians Support the Hong Kong People Against the Draconian Legislation of Article 23

    On July 5, the Global Coalition Against Article 23 Legislation, Toronto Falun Gong practitioners and Toronto residents held a "Hand in Hand Against the Evil Legislation" activity beside the Hong Kong Economy and Trade Office in Toronto and Cthe hinese consulate in Toronto to support Hong Kong residents' July 1 grand march.
  • AFP (Agence France-Presse): Fears Grow for Missing Beijing-based Falun Gong Practitioner

    Fears over the whereabouts of a Beijing-based member of the Falun Gong spiritual movement grew Sunday after she was reportedly arrested by mainland Chinese State security, a Falun Gong spokeswoman said. Haiying Xiao, 31, was detained at Beijing airport on July 2 shortly after returning to the Chinese capital after a four-day trip to Hong Kong.
  • FDI: Falun Gong Practitioners Win Court Appeal

    Last Friday, a Quebec Court of Appeal overturned a decision of the lower court and reinstated the Falun Gong practitioner's prosecution for Contempt of Court Charges. The Montreal Chinese Newspaper "Les Presses Chinoises" and the author Bing He now face two lawsuits for ignoring a safeguard order of the Quebec Superior Court and for their hate propaganda against Falun Gong.
  • Dow Jones: HK Falun Gong Spokeswoman Says Sister Detained In Beijing

    'Xiao said it was her sister's first trip to Hong Kong. When the sister flew back to Beijing on Wednesday, her husband was alarmed when he couldn't find her at the airport. Security officials later informed the husband that his wife had been arrested, Xiao said. Xiao said the authorities also are looking for her mother, who has been arrested seven times for Falun Gong activities and now is in hiding in the mainland. Xiao said that when authorities told her brother-in-law his wife had been arrested, they asked about the mother's whereabouts.'
  • Helsingin Sanomat (Finland newspaper): Hong Kong filled with Demonstrators

    'It was impossible to measure the size of the crowd that were dwelling for several hours in the downtown area, but the estimates were between 200,000 and 500,000. The protest were the biggest since 1989 when Hong Kong's people supported students who got massacred on Tiananmen square in Beijing.'
  • Radio Free Asia: High level Diplomats in Greece and UK Criticise Article 23 Legislation in Hong Kong

    'According to a report by the Associated Press, this declaration indicated that although the Hong Kong government has carried out amendments to the clauses of Article 23, the European Union is “highly disappointed that the clauses about banning organisations have not been amended.” The declaration called on the Hong Kong government and the Legislation Council to ensure that the new legislation is consistent with the principles of “one country, two systems.”'
  • The Times: Protests over new security law halt Hong Kong

    '“Return rule to the people,” the demonstrators chanted in response to the proposed new law, known as Article 23, which will allow the Hong Kong Government to outlaw local groups with ties to any organisation banned on the mainland. It will also give police the power to conduct searches without a warrant and impose a ban on disclosing state secrets. '
  • Reuters: Hong Kong Faces Growing Anger Over Security Bill

    'Pro-Beijing lawmakers and political commentators called for Tung to listen to the city's seven million residents after a massive street protest on Tuesday...Several key pro-government blocs in the legislature are now reviewing their positions after the demonstration. While no one expects dominant pro-government groups to join democrats and vote against the bill, analysts say the outcome could be close if Tung does not offer some goodwill gestures. '
  • Far East Economy Review: No Faith in The Article

    'While the new security laws were clearly the catalyst for the huge protest, which stunned organizers and the government alike, it was clear that popular discontent with Tung and his team over the recent Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome crisis was a major factor in the turnout. Hong Kong has been declared free of the deadly virus for now but the local economy remains in the doldrums, unemployment has risen above 8% and a grinding decline in the property market continues to erode the wealth of homeowners. Slogans on posters, banners and T-shirts, some uncharacteristically crude for Hong Kong, ridiculed Tung and his top officials and called on them to resign.'
  • Agence France Presse (AFP): Hong Kong Protests a Wake Up Call for Government: Analysts

    'Hong Kong's massive street protest against proposed anti-subversion legislation Tuesday was a wake-up call that neither the government, Beijing nor the democracy movement could afford to overlook, analysts said. Up to 500,000 people are estimated to have taken to the streets to vent their anger at the proposed Article 23 law they fear will curb civil freedoms and gag free speech.'
  • Agence France Presse (AFP): Over 200,000 Hong Kong Citizens Participate in the July 1st Parade Protesting Against Article 23 Legislation

    On the sixth anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong on July 1st, over 200,000 Hong Kong Citizens participated in a large-scale parade protesting against Article 23. Below are some of the photos of the parade by AFP.
  • Reuters: Protesters Pour into the Hong Kong Streets

    'HONG KONG (Reuters) - Brandishing banners, umbrellas and fans, a crowd estimated at hundreds of thousands braved stifling heat on Tuesday to denounce Hong Kong's planned anti-subversion law and demand the right to elect their own leaders.'