Voices of Support

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  • Geneva: Exposing the Chinese Regime's Crimes Against Conscience During UN Human Rights Meeting

    During the 61st session of the UNHRC, the Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group, the United Nations Association of the United States of America San Diego Chapter and the International Educational Development - Humanitarian Law Project jointly held a forum entitled, "Crimes Against Conscience - The Chinese Government's Persecution of Falun Gong."
  • Speech from the Vice-Chairman of “European Friends of Falun Gong” at a Press Conference to Commemmorate April 25th

    Six years ago, on the 25th April 1999, 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners appealed to the Chinese government against the curbing of their basic human rights by gathering in a peaceful protest in Beijing. As a result the Chinese government, under the leadership of then President Jiang Zemin, began its brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. We know that so far at least 1,880 practitioners have died as a result of torture of one form or another at the hands of the authorities since then, while many thousands more still languish in prisons and labour camps throughout the country, unsure of their eventual fate.
  • UK Members of Parliament Support Falun Gong Motion

    UK Member of Parliament Patsy Calton tabled Early Day Motion (EDM) 389 to support Falun Gong in the UK House of Commons. The tabling of an EDM is a device to draw attention to an issue, and to elicit support for it by inviting other Members of Parliament to add their signatures to the motion. 97 MPs signed this Motion to show their support and it has one of the highest numbers of signatures among the 1012 open Motions. Many MPs also sent letters to Falun Gong practitioners to show their support. They also directly questioned the UK Government for further action.
  • United Nations Association Condemns Chinese Government's Human Rights Violations against Falun Gong Practitioners

    Representatives of the United Nations Association of the USA, San Diego Chapter delivered speeches on April 8th and 12th, respectively, during the 61st Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights in Geneva to condemn the Chinese Government's severe human rights violations. The speeches particularly focused on human rights violations against Falun Gong practitioners and pointed out, "The violent persecution against tens of millions of Falun Gong practitioners has gone on for five years...The PRC's outrageous treatment of children of Falun Gong practitioners is a particularly shocking example."
  • Jiang Renzheng's Situation Arouses Concern from Amnesty International’s Berlin Branch

    A branch of Amnesty International located in Berlin recently reported Jiang Renzheng’s situation to the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Amnesty International also revealed to Falun Gong practitioners that the German Embassy in Beijing has already expressed concern about this case to the Chinese Government. Deported back to China by the German Government with wife Guo Rui and their two children on 7th March, Jiang Renzheng was sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp a week ago for “having contacts with Falun Gong organisations and damaging social order”.
  • Sweden: Famous Swedish Diplomat Encourages Practitioners to “Keep Up the Good Work!”

    A group of Falun Gong practitioners attended a lecture held by Jan Eliasson in Gothenburg. Jan Eliasson is the former Swedish Ambassador in Washington and later this year he will take over as president of the United Nations General Council. In the past, he worked as a UN Ambassador, as well as a Cabinet Secretary at the Swedish Foreign Ministry.
  • Chairman of the London Assembly Expresses Concern over Annie Yang’s Situation

    His letter stated that one of his constituents recently told him that Annie was arrested by officers from Shuangyushu Paichusuo on 1st March 2005 on suspicion of being a Falun Gong practitioner. China is the only country in the world where practising Falun Gong, a practice of peaceful exercises and meditation that asks practitioners to live by the principles of truthfulness, compassion and tolerance, is illegal. In other countries, Falun Gong has received proclamations and awards from governments for its role in improving practitioners’ health and morality.
  • Falun Gong Practitioners were invited to the European Parliament on International Women’s Day

    On March 7th 2005, Xiong Wei and Chen Yin, Falun Gong practitioners from Germany and France who personally experienced persecution in China’s labour camps, were invited to visit the European Parliament in Strasbourg. They met with German MP Mr Gahler, who offered his heartfelt support, and they spoke in a press conference in the EU Council Chamber.
  • Official Founding Statement of the Swiss “Friends of Falun Gong” Association

    "The Swiss Friends of Falun Gong Association was founded 2030 days after the beginning of the persecution against Falun Gong officially began in China. Swiss Friends of Falun Gong was founded to expose the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners through a number of different activities. FoFG also will expose the truth of the persecution to the general public and will work towards the end of the persecution perpetrated by China. Switzerland’s Friends of Falun Gong intends to give moral support to the Falun Gong practitioners in China. At the same time, this association will participate in the worldwide efforts that call upon the Chinese authorities to end the genocide..."
  • MEP: “We should expose China’s persecution publicly in the European Parliament.”

    Two Members of the European Parliament, Mr. Michel Galher from Germany and Mr. Alain Lipiez from France, also attended the conference. After Chen Ying and Xiong Wei completed their speeches, Mr. Galher commented, “It is so shocking! I fully believe what you said. It is really shameful that a country with major economical success like China should have turned itself into a mega concentration camp for prisoners of conscience. We ought to spread what is happening in China publicly in the European Parliament. We don’t want to humiliate China. Instead, it is China who is humiliating itself.”
  • UK MP Supports the Rescue of Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners

    Mr. Robinson said: “They are put in jail only for their belief, which is harmless to others. It is wrong to persecute them. This is actually not just an issue of Falun Gong practitioner’s rights. It’s about everybody’s rights. Everyone has the right to seek justice and impartiality. From this point on, I’m glad to be taking part in this. I feel that I must do something about this. Today, the signature collecting for this petition is completed. However, we will never stop calling on the public to condemn this brutal persecution.”
  • Statement by International Educational Development (IED) to the UN Commission on Human Rights Regarding Human Rights in China

    "IED urges all States to take far more decisive action to protect Falun Gong practitioners in their own countries from direct or indirect persecution and to stop the intimidation by Chinese authorities or their agents of Falun Gong practitioners, media outlets, commercial enterprises, schools and universities or any another facility. Diplomats who participate should be required to leave their posts. States should make all aspects of their bi-lateral relationships with China contingent on stopping the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and on an over-all significant improvement in human rights."
  • United Kingdom: "From the words Truthfulness Compassion Tolerance, I know that Falun Gong is good”

    London Falun Gong practitioners went to Wood Green, a busy area in north London, and held an activity outside Wood Green Library, during which a middle aged Chinese couple passed the site. They carefully looked at our posters and anti-torture pictures, and some leaflets and video-CDs before holding a very long conversation with me.
  • The European Union Resolution expressed Extreme Concern about Human Rights Violations in China

    The recent European Union resolution expressed that in the 61st UN Human Rights Conference, which is going to be held in Geneva, the EU will express her extreme concern about human rights violations in China. In the resolution, the Chinese Government’s arbitrary arrest and persecution of Tibet, Xinjiang, Falun Gong and people with different political opinions, are being strongly condemned. The resolution urges the Chinese Government to immediately and unconditionally free prisoners of conscience and people who hold different political opinions; to respect human being’s rights of thinking, conscience and religious belief.
  • UKFGIC: MP helps Falun Gong Practitioners “Rescue our Family members” with London Press Conference and Petitions

    John Robinson MP, the Labour representative of Glasgow, Anniesland will be speaking at a press conference at College Green outside the House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA at 5pm on Wednesday 9th March 2005. Following the press conference he will be handing in “Rescue our Families” petition forms with signatures totalling about 15,000 to an evening parliamentary session in the House of Commons. John Robinson’s constituent Mrs YuYu Williamson, a Falun Gong practitioner and local Anniesland resident, collected the petition forms from across the UK so that the MP could hand them in to the House of Commons on her behalf.