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Belgium: Brussels Press Conference Exposes Chinese Communist Party Organ Harvesting Atrocities
2006-07-22Former Canadian Secretary of State for the Asia-Pacific region Mr. David Kilgour held a press conference in Brussels. The press conference was regarding the Chinese Communist regime's barbaric practice of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners in China. He was joined by Vice-President of the European Parliament Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott and Belgium human rights lawyer Mr. George-Henry Beauthier.
French Senator Condemns the CCP's Trade in Organs Harvested from Living Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-07-19A French senator asked his assistant to send an email message to the French Office of the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China (CIPFG) on July 12th, 2006. The message said that the senator felt indignant over the brutal and bloody atrocities happening in China (referring to the Chinese Communist regime’s harvesting organ from living Falun Gong practitioners). The senator also said that he will receive CIPFG members in his office in due course.
Edward McMillan-Scott Urges European Parliament President to Inquire About Practitioners Cao Dong and Jinhui Liang on His Upcoming Visit to China
2006-07-13"On 21 May in a hotel room in Beijing I held a meeting with Mr Cao Dong, a Falun Gong practitioner (aged 36), who has served time in prison for his religious beliefs. He had discharged his sentence and was guilty of no crime. Following this meeting, he was arrested and he has not been seen since. I fear for his welfare. His flatmate was arrested and questioned for five days and Mr Dong's possessions have been seized by the police."
UK Bishop and Medical Doctor Condemn the Chinese Communist Party's Organ Harvesting
2006-07-11"Thank you for your letter on the appalling subjects of harvesting organs for transplantation from prisoners in China. We happened to have our Council meeting yesterday in London, and we discussed the papers you sent us. It will not surprise you to know that we fully support your efforts in condemning this practice, and we support the British Transplantation Society’s call for a UN and WHO investigation.”
The United Nations Pays Attention to Missing Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-07-07Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has persecuted Falun Gong practitioners and tortures large amounts of Falun Gong practitioners to death, breaks up countless happy families, furthermore, what makes people the most afraid is the huge amount of Falun Gong practitioners’ disappearance. Especially when the crime of the concentration camps was revealed to the world such as harvesting Falun Gong practitioners’ organs, people paid more attention to those Falun Gong practitioners whose whereabouts were unknown during the persecution against Falun Gong for many years.
Austria: Speech by the Rev. Franz Sieder, Co-Founder of Amnesty International in Austria, at the Opening of the International “Truth-Compassion-Tolerance” Art Exhibition in Amstetten City Hall
2006-06-28"Although Falun Gong is not a Christian organisation or movement, they still deserve the solidarity of Christians. Falun Gong has chosen values for their banners which are sacred to us Christians as well. In general, we must regard the freedom of religion as a supreme value for which we should be willing to fight no matter where in Austria, in China, or in any other country on earth. The Falun Gong artists are offering this exhibition to the world because they want to open our eyes to this shocking reality."
Austria: Speech Given by the President of the Art and Cultural Association ARS CARA, Host of the Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance Art Exhibition in Vienna
2006-06-26"Today, everyone is interested in China, everyone want a piece of China’s pie. Everyone wants to trade with China and no one wants to burn their fingers when it comes to human rights in China. Everyone wants to cut a deal, so the human rights situation in China is brushed under the carpet. Therefore, we want to expose the human rights problems with our art and tell everyone that human rights are violated in China. Since the 1960s, everything spiritual and groups that smell just a little of religious doctrine are persecuted and banned in China".
Austria: Speech by Mayor of Payerbach at the "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance“ Art for Human Rights Exhibition
2006-06-25"Again art,artists and intellectuals have to take on the task that politics is unable to achieve: To constantly expose how the Chinese government runs roughshod over the human rights of the Chinese people and we are referring to 100 million people at this time. Dear ladies and gentlemen we in Payerbach can help, even if just a little, to achieve the end of human rights violations. Please, look at these pictures ... These pictures tell you more than any media report in the entire world can tell you".
UK MP Responds to the CCP's Organ Harvesting Crimes
2006-06-24“I will certainly do all I can to try to bring these practices to an end. A key demand which could help tackle the abuse of prisoners and other human rights issues is for Amnesty and other human rights organisations to be able to visit China, meet people and make reports. I urged the Minister responding to the debate to raise this and the other human rights issues, when he visits China in the near future.”
Speech Given by the Head of the ISHR China Taskforce in Austria at the Opening Ceremony of the Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance Art Exhibition
2006-06-21The cultural association ARS CARA (Austrian Association for Art and Cultural Exchange in China) held an exhibition with the title Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance at a café in Vienna’s 7th district. A great number of people attended the opening ceremony on June 12th. Speakers at the ceremony were district director Blimbinger, and Leopold, head of the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR) China taskforce. Leopold's speech is reproduced below.
MEP on CCP's Organ Harvesting: “This is a fundamental breach of human rights and must be stamped out immediately”
2006-06-20"The MEP's intervention comes after reports of mass harvesting of organs from Falun Gong practitioners held in a Chinese concentration camp. According to the Chinese reports, organs are removed from prisoners whilst they are still alive and their bodies then destroyed in on-site crematorium. Previous media coverage has exposed similar practices at Suijatun camp in Liaoning Province. As well as being a horrific breach of human rights, any use of executed prisoners' organs contravenes a 1998 European Parliamentary resolution which condemned the practice..."
France: Vice-President of the Parliament’s Reply Showing Concern over the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-06-18"I have received your letter on June the 4th calling my attention to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Your letter has raised my awareness of this issue. I have taken a note of it. As a reply, I would like to tell you that I have made an enquiry to the Minister of Foreign Affairs over this issue. I would contact you as soon as he replies to me. I have much sympathy over your cause, since it concerns religious freedom in China".
MEPs Question European Parliament about Chinese Communist Party's Organ Harvesting
2006-06-17One MEP wrote: “Thank you for your letter of 4th June regarding an independent investigation into allegations of organ harvesting from prisoners in China. I share your concerns about reports of this appalling and barbaric practice. As you know the European Parliament has passed several resolutions condemning it and called for improvements in China’s human rights record. I am one of the more active MEPs pressing for change in this area and will be pleased to continue to raise the issue wherever I am able.”
China's New Tyranny - European Parliament Vice-President Edward McMillan-Scott Writes About CCP Organ Harvesting
2006-06-14"With the World Cup well under way in Germany, across the world Beijing is preparing to host the 2008 Olympics. But if what I was told there recently by former prisoners is true, the civilised world must shun China. In a dingy hotel room with the curtains drawn, the men I met told of brutal persecution of their spiritual movement and worse, the sale of living organs, to order. Along with my interpreter, the men were rapidly arrested, detained and questioned for the 'crime' of meeting me. One practitioner is still missing and it is feared that he is being tortured."
Friends of Falun Gong Receives Replies from VIPs about Organ Harvesting
2006-06-12European Friends of Falun Gong received some replies from MEPs, local councillors and Unions condemning the organ harvesting on living Falun Gong practitioners in China conducted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). European Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner replied that the Commission “will investigate the case further”. She also said “I can reassure you that, should these allegations be confirmed, the Commission would urgently address the issue with its Chinese counterpart in the most appropriate manner and in the first place in the framework of the EU-China bilateral dialogue on human rights.”