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Support Letter from Amnesty International in Czech Republic
2007-01-23"For some time now, Amnesty has been bringing attention to the persecution of followers of the Falun Gong movement in China and has devoted several reports to that issue. In its report, presented to the UN during the election of members for the Human Rights Council, Amnesty stated: “The suppression of Falun Gong spiritual movement intensified after February 2005. Many Falun Gong practitioners are allegedly detained and in serious danger of torture and mal-treatment.” Amnesty is also greatly alarmed by the media campaign of slander by the Chinese regime, which is apt to incite hatred against Falun Gong adherents."
Support for Rally against CCP Organ Harvesting from Director of Czech NGO The Civil Institute
2007-01-22"Dare we say that the Chinese regime changed in those seventeen years? Not at all. It is not an authoritarian regime, that only abuses its political power and does not force other aspects of society under its state control. It is a totalitarian regime, that does not tolerate even the smallest part to be independent of the state control. That is why even an apolitical Falun Gong spiritual movement is heartlessly persecuted, as well as the independent Christians. The Laogai prison camps are fully comparable with the Nazi concentration camps or the Soviet gulags."
A letter From a German Lady to the Chinese Ambassador Concerning the Persecution of Falun Gong
2007-01-09"We, as members of the Berlin Women’s Study Hall, have the objective to develop and form a cross-cultural and interdenominational dialogue with others. Given that, we listened to a speech about Falun Gong. This was provided to us because of its interconnection with Confucianism and Buddhism, and today’s political conflict between Falun Gong and the Chinese regime. The speech evoked in me horror and a deep set disgust about your inhuman and degrading actions against Chinese citizens."
Romania: President of Romania Condemns the Communist Regime as “Illegitimate and Criminal”
2006-12-31Romanian President Traian Basescu condemned the Communist regime as “illegitimate and criminal” in a speech delivered at a special Romanian Parliament session on the 18th of December 2006. “For the Romanian citizens, Communism was a regime imposed by a political group self-entitled as a truth keeper, a totalitarian regime born of violence, and ended through violence", he said. "It violated the law and forced citizens to live in lies and fear.”
MEP Raises Questions about Human Rights Lawyer Imprisoned for Speaking out for Falun Gong
2006-12-30"A court in Beijing recently found lawyer Gao Zhisheng guilty of subversion. Gao is an active human rights attorney. As we can imagine, the Chinese regime sentenced Mr. Gao because he defended Christian members of unofficial churches and practitioners of the Falun Gong spiritual movement. His two lawyers were neither allowed to enter the court nor meet their client. Consequently, they cannot confirm whether Gao pleaded guilty as the regime claimed."
Italian MEP Holds Press Conference Highlighting Persecution Against Falun Gong
2006-12-29On November 22nd 2006, an Italian news agency reported that Mr. Benedetto Della Vedova, member of the Liberal Reformers and Radical Member of European Parliament, held a press conference to expose the lack of basic human rights in China. Former Canadian Secretary of State for Asia and Pacific David Kilgour was invited to the press conference. Recently, Mr. Kilgour has been devoted to raising awareness about the Chinese Communist Party’s forced removal of Falun Gong practitioners’ internal organs.
French Congresswoman Raises Questions Regarding Organ Harvesting
2006-12-27Jacqueline Fraysse, a congresswoman, councilor and heart surgeon, recently sent a letter to a French member of CIPFG. “After reading your illustration and the report made by David Matas and David Kilgour, I am convinced of the seriousness of the situation. Thus I made up my mind to request the French Foreign Minister negotiating with the Chinese government to instigate an independent investigation team be allowed into China."
Board of Appeals of the German Parliament Requests German Government to Battle Human Rights on Behalf of Chinese Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-12-04Members of the Board of Appeals believe: "The brutal measures employed by the Chinese Communist regime in the persecution against this spiritual group since 1999 is very troubling. In this regard, the German government has submitted a list of practitioners being persecuted to the Chinese authorities, requesting it to stop discrimination and persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and to release detained practitioners."
Members of European Parliament Raise Question about Organ Harvesting Against Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-11-04"On the 6th of July 2006 David Matas and David Kilgour, both Canadian lawyers, published their 'Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China' following an independent investigation they carried out into the very disturbing stories leaking out of China that allegedly state institutions in the People's Republic of China have been harvesting human organs from innocent unconsenting live Falun Gong Practitioners, and killing the practitioners in the process by extra-judicial executions during the organ removal process."
French Human Rights Group Urges President Chirac to Pressure the CCP to End the Persecution
2006-11-01Ms. Marie-Francoise Lamperti, president of the French human rights organization Agir pour les Droits de l'Homme, recently met with Laurent Billi, the Foreign Affairs Advisor for President Chirac. During the meeting, Ms. Lamperti emphasized the persecution of Falun Gong and asked the council to pass a letter from the French Falun Dafa Association to the President.
Vice-President of European Parliament Writes to Chinese Ambassador
2006-10-31"On 21 May in Beijing I held a meeting with Mr Cao DONG, a Falun Gong practitioner, who had been ‘administratively detained’ for his religious beliefs. He had discharged his sentence and was guilty of no crime. Following this meeting, he was arrested. I have recently learned that he is still being detained by the Chinese public authorities, has been transferred to Gansu province and is being held in the Public Security Bureau detention centre. An arrest warrant for 'producing Falun Gong material' was issued on September 29 2006. I now insist that your superiors release him immediately: I am about to refer this matter to the United Nations in person."
UK Independence Party and Liberal Democrat Groups’ Response to “Organ Harvesting” in China
2006-10-12The UK Independence Party wrote to the European Friends of Falun Gong to express their concern “about the practice of ‘organ harvesting’ from prisoners of conscience in China. MEP Graham said he and “his UKIP MEP colleagues all abhor the disgraceful practices and will do all they can to try and prevent it. “ He continues to say that they will give their support to “try and bring these horrific practices to an end.”
Organ Harvesting in China is Discussed at the UN Human Rights Council
2006-09-30Mr. Manfred Nowak, specially assigned for the issue of torture, made a report to the Council and said that torture is widely used in the People’s Republic of China. Former Canadian Secretary of State David Kilgour brought up the issue of the CCP having removed organs from living Falun Gong practitioners and then cremating their bodies to eliminate the evidence.
David Kilgour Testifies about Organ Harvesting Atrocities at UN Human Rights Commission
2006-09-25"Regarding whether or not the Chinese Communist regime has been harvesting the organs from Falun Gong practitioners and then cremating the remains to destroy the evidence, human rights attorney David Matas and I jointly released an investigation report in July. In our report, we have come to the regrettable conclusion that the allegations are true."
Foreign Ambassadors in London Express Concern about Organ Harvesting
2006-09-23Ambassadors of various countries based in London wrote to the European Friends of Falun Gong to express their concern about organ harvesting from living people in China. The Ambassador of the Swiss Embassy wrote, “Thank you for your letter of 22nd of August 2006 concerning Falun Gong practitioners in China and the allegations of organ harvesting in that country. Switzerland has been conducting a human rights dialogue with China for several years now. Our priority topics include the right to freedom of religion and conscience and freedom from physical harm".