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Michel Hunault, MEP, Calls for Protection of Falun Gong Practitioners' Rights
2006-09-20Michel Hunault is a member of the French Parliament and a member of the European Parliament. He is also a member of the Human Rights Committee of the European Parliament. On September 12th, Mr. Hunault met David Kilgour in Paris and learned about the organ harvesting report authored by Kilgour, former Canadian Parliament member
European Commissioner’s Concern about Organ Harvesting in China
2006-09-16"For the moment I can assure you that the European Commission attaches the utmost importance to the issue of organ harvesting. It is clear that the legislation on this recently adopted by the Chinese government does not adequately address the issue of donor consent, particularly for the those who have died in custody or have been executed. We have made our concerns known to the Chinese government both through our human rights dialogue and wider political channels, urging them in strong terms to take measures to address these concerns as a matter of urgency. We will continue to do so."
Falun Gong Task Force for Human Rights in Germany: Open Letter to the German Government, the Media and all Citizens.
2006-09-15"The type of suffering that the CCP has wrought on the Chinese people during its 57 year reign is indescribable: 80 million people have died unnatural deaths. Today, countless Falun Gong practitioners are kept in labour camps, prisons, hospitals ... without a legal basis and they are slaughtered for profit as part of the organ trade."
European Parliament Passes Resolution Calling for Release of Bu Dongwei and Gao Zhisheng
2006-09-11On September the 7th 2006, the European Parliament unanimously passed a resolution for a report of the EU-China relations, calling on the Chinese regime to release Falun Gong practitioner Bu Dongwei, lawyer Gao Zhisheng and other human rights defenders. The resolution was initiated by Charles Tannock MEP, Edward McMillan-Scott MEP and Simon Coveney MEP.
Joint Declaration by Members of Parliament in Sweden Across Parties: Chinese Communist Party Must Stop Live Organ Harvesting
2006-09-08On the morning of September 4th, in Sergel Hotel at downtown Stockholm, Sweden, Helena Bargholtz, representative of the Swedish People's Party and Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, and Gran Lindblad, member of the Council of Europe, hosted a forum with a theme "Investigating the allegation about CCP's live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners". Members of Parliament across the parties attended the forum.
A Member of UK Parliament Urges a Full-Scale Investigation Into the Organ Harvesting in China
2006-08-23Mr. David Howarth, a member of parliament representing the city of Cambridge, delivered a speech on August 15th, calling upon the UK government and all of the western governments to participate in the investigation of organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese Communist regime. Mr. Howarth is associated with the Liberal Democrats.
The Mayors of Slovakian Cities Protest against the Persecution of Falun Gong in China
2006-08-21During meetings, a few Mayors verbally expressed their support. The deputy mayor of Poprad, Mr. Gustav Dobak stated, that it is strange that the world has condemned fascism, but communism, which lead to at least as many victims as fascism, hasn't been publicly condemned. During a meeting with the Mayor of Kezmarok, a middle-sized tourist city in eastern Slovakia, Mr. Ingor Satlava, expressed his support by signing the petition. He also asked the representatives of the local media to help us by informing the public and support thus the human rights in the world.
French MP Concerned about the CCP's Crime of Organ Harvesting from Living Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-07-30"... evidence coherently exposes the extremely severe human rights violations in China. I recently have been informed about an especially appalling thing happening at some detention centres ... it is said that they harvest organs from living persons who are not willing to donate their organs and then cremate their remains. I want to know if the departments of the French government have obtained related information about the situation stated above ..."
UK Member of Parliament: “I urge China’s leaders to … take note of the international outrage its actions are causing”
2006-07-29"It is estimated that over the past seven years, nearly 3,000 people have been killed as a result of the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners. In addition, 6,000 have been sent to prison and 100,000 sent to forced labour camps. This represents a gross violation of human rights by the Chinese government. I have stated before that if China is serious about playing an increasingly important role in world affairs, the human rights situation must be addressed as a priority. It is wholly unacceptable that abuse of political dissidents and followers of peaceful spiritual groups such as Falun Gong are persecuted in the ways described."
UK Parliamentarians Denounce the Chinese Communist Party’s Human Rights Abuses
2006-07-28“I share your concerns about human rights and religious freedoms in China. The treatment meted out to Falun Gong practitioners is particularly disturbing. The British Government must ensure that it does not allow trade and diplomatic considerations to blind it to the desperate situations many Chinese face. These are not issues that can be ignored indefinitely.”
French Senator Condemns the CCP's Harvesting Organs from Living Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-07-25A French senator asked his assistant to send an email message to the French Office of the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China (CIPFG) on July 12th 2006. The message indicated: "The senator felt indignant over the brutal and bloody atrocities happening in China (referring to the Chinese Communist regime's harvesting organ from living Falun Gong practitioners). The senator will receive CIPFG members in his office in due course."
Author of Canadian Independent Investigation Report Visits Germany to Help Expose the CCP's Organ Harvesting
2006-07-25On July 14th and 15th 2006, David Kilgour, former Secretary of State (Asia-Pacific) for Canada, met with German politicians in Berlin. On Friday July14th, Mr. Kilgour had long conversations with Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Gerberlich and the new Human Rights Commissioner Mr. Nook. Mr. Kilgour and Canadian human rights lawyer David Matas recently released a report confirming that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is harvesting organs from live Falun Gong practitioners to sell for profit. Mr. Kilgour shared the findings of his investigation with the German ministers.
Statement from Vice-President of the European Parliament: “There is enough circumstantial evidence to alert the international community to what amounts to genocide”
2006-07-24"The United Nations’ annual report on China has since 1999 consistently documented widespread human rights violations committed by the Chinese communist regime against Falun Gong practitioners in China. Such violations include illegal arrests and detentions, brainwashing, torture and killing. Now, the atrocities have culminated into the most despicable crime of all – removing organs from living Falun Gong practitioners held as prisoners of conscience n China’s gulag-like network of jails and labour camps, and selling them at huge profit to unsuspecting victims worldwide who are in desperate need of transplants. The UN owes the world an enquiry."
UK Councillor: “The WHO must intervene … to see that this illegal and unethical practice is halted”
2006-07-24"I am writing to support the call of the British Transplantation Society Ethics Committee for an international investigation into organ harvesting in China. Like many, I have been shocked by stories coming out of China of organ matching and transplant, without consent, from condemned prisoners. The abuses appear particularly to centre on members of the persecuted Falun Gong sect. This has been widely documented by Amnesty International and many journalists working in China."
Three Senior MEPs Appeal to European Union to Further Investigate CCP's Organ Harvesting from Living Persons
2006-07-23On July 12th 2006, the vice president of the European Parliament Human Rights Branch Committee, Dr. Charles Tannock, the Human Rights spokesman for the European Parliament EEP-ED, Mr. Simon Coveney, along with the vice president of the European Parliament, Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott, jointly signed to submit an interpellation to the European Parliament Committee, asking the Committee to further investigate the allegations regarding Falun Gong practitioners having their organs harvested in China.