Voices of Support, Awards and Recognition

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  • European Friends of Falun Gong Writes to the UK Prime Minister

    "In view of your forthcoming visit to China to hold talks with Chinese President Hu Jintao next week, we wish to draw to your attention the plight of the millions of Falun Gong practitioners who have suffered at the hands of the Chinese authorities since the practice of Falun Gong was outlawed by former President Jiang Zemin in July 1999. Since then nearly 3,000 practitioners have died in custody as the result of torture by a leadership which is inextricably linked to the Chinese Communist Party."
  • A Danish Citizen Writes a Letter to Benxi Labour Camp Calling for the Release of Jiang Renzheng

    "Based on China’s high-ranking officials who have defected, the facts of the persecution detailed by Falun Gong practitioners in the past few years are undeniable. The Chinese defectors further exposed the persecution inflicted on Falun Gong practitioners inside and outside of China. The day when the Communist regime will dissolve is coming. The evil doers who committed crimes against good people will be punished. Good is met with good and evil with evil. Here I am telling you: Falun Gong is good."
  • Finland: Parliament’s Human Rights Commission Appeals to the People to Pay Attention to Human Rights in China

    A parade supporting 3.6 million people who withdrew their membership from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was held in Helsinki. Some local Falun Gong practitioners chose to take part in and support these activities due to the controlling role that the Chinese Communist Party has taken in the six-year genocide against Falun Gong practitioners.
  • Speech by European Friends of Falun Gong about the Chinese Communist Party’s Persecution Against the Practice

    "Since the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese government began in July 1999 the world has gradually become more and more aware of the terrible acts of torture and murder they have carried out. In recent months however, since the publication of the ‘Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party’ by The Epoch Times in November last year, we have come to learn that the persecution is inextricably conducted by the Chinese Communist Party itself, the mechanism by which the major players in Chinese politics have gained their power and authority."
  • France: President of the French Falun Gong Association Spoke at the Prayer Meeting of Asian Democracy and Peace

    So we will continue to expose and condemn the crimes committed by Jiang and the CCP. We have to be aware that all the CCP is capable of is lies and violence. When people who are deceived by it know its evil history, they will no longer be cheated. More and more people stand out to expose its crimes, and more and more people yearn for peace.
  • Seminar on Communism and Democracy held at the United Nations in Geneva

    A Communism and democracy seminar was held by an international inter-faith organisation at the United Nations. Several organisations took part in the seminar. Russian writer Mr. Marejko, former Xinhua news agency journalist Mr. Bao Zhang Wu, a Chinese student in Switzerland and The Epoch Times journalist Mr. Grangier were invited to give speeches at the meeting.
  • Letter: ”The Swedish Government can never accept that people are persecuted

    The Swedish Government has repeatedly indicated its repudiation of the maltreatment of Falun Gong practitioners in China. It has been done in both direct deliberations with the Chinese government and through calls and addresses in the EU circuit. You can be sure that the Government also will continue to monitor the treatment of Falun Gong practitioners in China in the future. People who are persecuted because of their faith or political views, is something that the Swedish Government can never accept. We all have the responsibility to dare to stand up in the struggle for freedom of religion and human rights."
  • Member of Swedish Parliament’s Opening Speech Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance International Art Exhibition in Gothenburg

    "We can all contribute in different ways to show that we do not accept how the Chinese Communist Party attacks and slanders justice, freedom and human rights. We must show our solidarity with the victims of the persecution, and the many people who are denied their fundamental right to voice their opinion. We can do it by writing about it. We can talk about it and we can do it by affirming the positive message of various art forms."
  • United Kingdom: The “Saying Good-Bye to the CCP” Alliance Attracted a Lot of Attention during the G8 Summit

    This year’s G8 summit in Edinburgh attracted international attention because the summit was to discuss the issue of world poverty. Before the summit, over 22,000 people attended the “Make Poverty History” parade. Among many protest groups, the “Saying Good-Bye to the CCP” Alliance attracted special attention.
  • France: Speech Delivered In Paris On Behalf of Germany's International Society for Human Rights

    Recently the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) celebrated its 84th birthday. It is a shame to humanity that in the 21st Century a party is celebrating 84 years of killing, cheating, deception, brainwashing and physical and mental torture. Since the CCP took power in China 80 million abnormal deaths have occurred as a direct result of its tyranny.
  • Spain: Amnesty International Expresses Support for Falun Gong Practitioners

    On U.N. International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, petition signature collections were held in the Canary Islands by Amnesty International to support victims of torture and to expose those who are responsible for the torture according to law. The activity aimed at raising people’s awareness of the cruel persecutions happening in the world and ending these persecutions as soon as possible.
  • German Foreign Ministry Responds to an Enquiry about Jiang Renzheng

    "The Foreign Ministry has pleaded Mr. Jiang Renzheng’s case to the Chinese Government ever since we have learned about his arrest and deportation to a forced labour camp. Mr. Tom Koenigs, the human rights commissioner of the federal government, has specifically mentioned this case during the bilateral German-Chinese human rights talks in Beijing on May 30th 2005."
  • Letter to the UK Prime Minister from European Friends of Falun Gong

    We wish to draw your attention to the serious situation of human rights abuse in China, and in particular to the plight of Falun Gong practitioners who have suffered the severest persecution at the hands of the Chinese Government since former President Jiang Zemin’s crackdown of the movement in July 1999. Approximately 2,500 practitioners have been tortured to death by the Chinese authorities and thousands more still languish in prisons and labour camps across the country with little hope of release.
  • Sweden: The Voice of Medborgarplatsen in the Capital of Sweden: The CCP is Doomed to Collapse

    On June 11th, more than five hundred people, consisting of both Chinese and Caucasians from all over Europe, gathered at Medborgarplatsen in Stockholm so as to participate in a large-scale rally support the significant trend of quitting the CCP. Over fifty human right organisations and other non-governmental organisations expressed their support for the activity.
  • Speech: “History illustrates that there is no power greater than that of Truth.”

    "Over the last year the Chinese authorities, with their total control of virtually all media outlets, have instructed that no reference should be made to Falun Gong persecution, in order to give the impression that the practice is no longer seen as a problem and may be a thing of the past. Behind the scenes, however, in the last six months the persecution has intensified with a greater number of verified deaths after torture than ever before: some fifty new provincial centres have been set up for this purpose."