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Greece: A Kind-hearted and Sincere Man
2003-08-02Early this year, Mr. Fannos personally wrote a letter to the former vice secretary general, Hu Jin-Tao, asking him to follow public opinion and stop the persecution of Falun Gong; the letter was returned. Mr. Fannos once again wrote a letter to the Chinese ambassador accredited to Greece, Mr. Tang Keqi and requested he pass on the information. The letter was returned again on May 22. As a result of Mr. Fannos criticism of human rights in China, his computer in his shipping and travel company was attacked by a hacker.
British Parliamentarians Raise the Issue of Article 23 and Falun Gong with the UK Government
2003-08-01During the months of June and July 2003, Members of both Houses of Parliament raised their concerns regarding Article 23 and its impact on the human rights of Falun Gong practitioners. Parliamentarians who raised such questions included Lord Hylton and Mrs Patsy Calton MP.
UK: An Old Chinese Man is Happy to Stand on the Side of Justice and Oppose Jiang’s Brutal Crimes
2003-07-31Mr. Wang excitedly waved his fist in the air and said, “Though I don’t practise Falun Gong, I want to join your activities if I ever get the chance!” I looked at him in astonishment. He continued, “I want to defend Falun Gong against injustice! Why does the Chinese government treat Falun Gong this way? You are all peaceful, kind, and you never use violence.” When I looked at Mr. Wang’s majestic figure, I smiled from my heart.
UK Foreign Office Minister welcomes Significant Amendments to Hong Kong National Security Legislation
2003-07-26"We witnessed on 1 July the largest demonstration in Hong Kong since the handover with the estimated participation of up to 500,000 people from all sectors of society. It is a tribute to the people of Hong Kong that so large a demonstration could take place in such a peaceful manner. The march clearly showed the desire of Hong Kong people to retain the rights and freedoms they have long enjoyed."
Representatives of Students at Three Irish Universities Speak at Irish Practitioners Press Conference
2003-07-25"Two years ago, the Students of Trinity College Dublin spoke out in huge numbers against the terrible regime of persecution and torture against Falun Gong practitioners in China...Trinity College Students Union would like to pledge our support to the Falun Gong/Falun Dafa movement, and we will do our best to reclaim the level of awareness we saw two years ago."
Edinburgh Amnesty International Group Releases a Statement calling for an End to the Persecution of Falun Gong
2003-07-24"Members of Edinburgh South Group of Amnesty International have been very concerned to learn yet again of the appalling treatment Falun Gong practitioners have received at the hands of the Chinese authorities. News has reached us in the past few days of the dreadful way in which practitioners have been illegally detained and tortured in China."
Statement from Irish Member of Parliament Joe Higgins T.D. at Practitioners Dublin Rally on July 20
2003-07-23"I continue to support the demand that there must be full freedom for supporters of Falun Gong and other beliefs to express their views freely in China and to peacefully practice their beliefs. It is an outrageous assault on human right and human dignity that members of the Falun Gong should be persecuted, imprisoned, tortured and even killed in China."
France: Telling the Facts to Celebrities on the Reporters Association Charity Night
2003-07-21Those who learned the truth about the persecution were shocked. Some of them said, Why are they so cruel? Others said, We support you. You are doing very well, and should continue with that. More of them suggested that we keep in touch with them to have further discussions.
Edinburgh Amnesty International Group Supports the Lawsuit against Jiang
2003-07-18On July 10 2003, Mr. Jim Moffat, the Secretary of the Edinburgh South Group of Amnesty International, Scotland, released a statement in support of the lawsuit filed by Falun Gong practitioners against the former Chinese leader.
UK Councillor Supports Bringing Jiang to Justice
2003-07-16"Thank you very much for your letter regarding the Communist Leader, Jiang Zemin. Like you, I share many of your concerns about human rights abuses which have gone on in China. They have been perpetrated on a significant number of the population and have been perpetrated for many years. I am extremely pleased to be able to support your campaign to bring this individual to justice and I hope that one day we can all live in a fairer and more accountable world."
France: Human Rights Organisations held a Public Seminar on Falun Gong
2003-07-13Falun Gong practitioners began their talk to the seminar attendees by comprehensively introducing the spread of Falun Gong from China, Falun Gongs features, the cruel methods of persecution used by Jiangs regime over the last 4 years, Falun Gong practitioners peaceful and rational resistance, the worldwide spread of Falun Gong, and the countless voices of support from around the world.
Many Members of the UK House of Lords Criticise Hong Kongs Article 23 Legislation
2003-07-12Lord Howell of Guildford stated did we not tell the people of Hong Kong six years ago that they would not be forgotten? will the Government nevertheless be very bold indeed, as the noble Lord, Lord Goodhart, suggested, in pointing out to the Government in Beijing, at the highest level, that their pressure for these changes could lead to very serious long-term damage for Hong Kong? Does the Minister agree that quiet dialogue is no longer the appropriate medium for handling this issue?
UK MPs Raise Parliamentary Questions on the Human Rights of Falun Gong Practitioners in China and Hong Kong
2003-07-12On 12 June 2003, Mrs. Calton MP asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what recent steps he has taken to support the human rights of Falun Gong practitioners in (a) China and (b) Hong Kong?
Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh Again Comments on Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-07-11"When it comes to China there are many urgent human rights issues to be dealt with - and the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is undoubtedly one of the most serious. We are to continue paying close attention to the treatment of Falun Gong practitioners and the Chinese authorities' assaults on their human rights."
MEP Writes to UK Ambassador for China regarding a Practitioners Persecuted Family and Friends
2003-06-30"I have been informed that this people have been imprisoned solely due to their belief in Falun Gong and I would urge you to convey my concerns about these people to your government. I would ask your government to allow family and friends from the United Kingdom to visit these people in China as soon as possible."