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Letter to a Beijing Labour Camp Director from a German Member of Parliament
2003-04-17"As a member of the German Parliament and as Spokesman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid, my attention has been drawn to the fate of Falun Gong practitioners in China in general, and to the case of Ms. Xiong Wei in particular. I am writing to you to express my deep concern about the imprisonment of more than 100,000 Falun Gong practitioners in forced labour camps and the confirmed death toll of more than 630."
Radio Free Asia: Report on the Annual General Meeting of the International Human Rights Association in Germany
2003-04-16On April 4th and 5th 2003, the International Human Rights Association in Germany held its Annual General Meeting. Two Falun Gong practitioners were invited to report on Chinas human rights situation. Two unanimous resolutions were reached which requested the German government to take any measure available to stop the Chinese regime from damaging human rights and persecuting Falun Gong.
Germany: Righteousness will Always Succeed in the End
2003-04-13The whole audience was shocked by the practitioners' speeches. People were surprised and horrified by the state of human rights in China. A person is subjected to unimaginable and inhumane torture just because he or she wants to be a morally decent person: Isnt this genocide? Isnt this a crime against humanity? All those who attended the meeting were seriously moved by the practitioners personal accounts.
Germany: Falun Gong was a Topic of Discussion During the Annual Meeting of the International Human Rights Association
2003-04-11On the morning of 6th April, the resolution condemning the general human rights abuses and persecution of Falun Gong in China was adopted by a unanimous vote...This resolution will be formally handed over by the German government to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.
Norway: National Magazine Publishes a Large Article About Falun Gong
2003-04-11The article included a big picture of a practitioner sitting in a meditation position and three sections of facts about Falun Gong. One section gave a short overview of what Falun Gong is. A second included facts about the cruel persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. In the third section there was information about where to learn Falun Gong and how to get exercise videos, music and books.
European Parliament Unanimously Adopted a Resolution Expressing strong opposition to any move on the part of the Hong Kong authorities to ban the Falun Gong and serious concern over Article 23
2003-04-10On April 8 2003, the plenary session of the European Parliament unanimously adopted a resolution regarding two reports on Hong Kong. The resolution contained sharp criticisms of the Hong Kong authoritys treatment of Falun Gong and, in particular, the proscription mechanism in the proposed Article-23 legislation which is widely believed to be targeting Falun Gong.
Letter from an MEP regarding the Illegal Forced Closure of Zhang Cuiying's art Exhibition due to Pressure from Chinese Embassy staff
2003-04-05"In the past few days, the Chinese Embassy in Romania has twice forced the closure of the traditional painting exhibition in Bucharest by Falun Gong practitioner, Australian citizen, Mrs Zhang Cuiying...I would be very grateful if you could tell me what the position of the Romanian Embassy is on ...the illegal forced closure of the art exhibition by the Chinese authorities in Bucharest."
Ireland: Letter to a Practitioner from a Member of European Parliament
2003-04-04"I am horrified to learn of the jailing of pregnant practitioners and use of their pregnancy to force a choice between their beliefs and their unborn children. The list of barbaric acts by the Chinese authorities make for chilling reading and I assure you I will do what I can in the context of the European Parliament."
Swedish MP: “I will urge the Swedish Government to Condemn the Violations of Human Rights in China”
2003-04-01"You have contacted Mr.... and myself regarding the criminal behaviour of China on the issue of human rights. Yesterday, I went with a couple of Members of Parliament to the Chinese Consulate and raised quite a few criticising questions on the issue of China’s human rights. The answers given by the Consulate were not satisfactory."
European Friends of Falun Gong Appeal for the Release of Charles Li
2003-03-30"The Chinese governments decision to put Charles Li on trial makes a mockery of any justice, which would normally be accorded to any accused person in a western democracy with a fair judicial system...We therefore appeal to you once again to ensure that his trial is conducted in accordance with international law, and, if he is found innocent, that he will be freed without further persecution or harassment by government officials."
Letter from a Greek Professor to the Chinese President
2003-03-28"A Greek who studied in China was also practising Falun Dafa and introduced me to many others who are really very nice, friendly, helpful and righteous. They do not belong to any Political Party or to any specific religion and they do not harm anybody in practising Falun Dafa. My opinion is that they are so fine and harmless that you, as the Leader of China, should be very proud of them."
24 Heures (Swiss newspaper): Criminal Lawsuit in Switzerland Against Jiang Zemin
2003-03-27The net is about to tighten around Mr Jiang Zemin and many others taking part in this vast machinery of repression. Global justice is slowly but surely finding its place, and one day will catch up with them the lawyer says, hoping to have a deterring effect on the torturers. The Swiss judicial authorities will be called upon the moment one of the known perpetrators sets foot on Swiss soil."
Letter from MEP Featuring Question Tabled to European Commission on Article 23
2003-03-27"The Commission will closely monitor further developments on this important issue, especially as regards eventual effects of future legislation in respect for human rights and civil liberties. The Commission will continue to exert pressure on the Chinese authorities for improvements regarding respect for freedom of expression, association and religion for all groups of the Chinese population including practitioners of Falun Gong."
Speech from Peter Müller of the International Society for Human Rights, Given at a Falun Dafa Press Conference in Geneva
2003-03-26"It is totally unacceptable how your fellow practitioners are persecuted, tortured, maimed, killed, and their families and friends pressurised by the Chinese dictators and their willing helpers. A screaming injustice - a shame and disgrace for China and a disgrace for humanity."
Germany: Letter from the Green Party to Forced Labour Camp in Wuhan City, Calling for the Release of Lin Wenrong
2003-03-26"According to her friends' investigation, Lin Wenrong was detained by the 610 office in Wuhan City just because she practises Falun Gong. As the parliamentary President of the Green Party in Hamburg, Germany, I urgently request you to release Lin Wenrong and allow her to return to Germany to continue her studies."