Art and Culture
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Love and Kindness - the Relationship of Ancient Couples
2008-05-29In our traditional culture, besides the love between couples, there is more emphasis on the responsibilities of caring for each other. "For ten years they can strive to live together, for one hundred years they can strive to sleep together." This shows that the relationship continues without abandonment and that destiny is cherished.
Painting: The Call of Innocence
2008-05-26Though dwarfed by Manhattan’s skyline and visited by rain, a young girl shows conviction beyond her years. Her eyes penetrate the gray landscape, giving an almost moral intensity to the plea expressed on her placard...
Painting: Ilumination
2008-05-25As a gentle, outer light shines downward, a different, invisible light — that of spiritual illumination — shines into the mind as a woman studies the teachings of Falun Gong. The gentle repose of the child mirrors the inner world of the follower of Falun Gong.
Poem: A Crime
2008-05-24Where human conscience becomes a crimeand hearts poisoned turns eyes blindwhere truth revealed from freedom deniedand propaganda fuelled by the 'party line'.
Different Understandings of Loss and Gain
2008-05-23One day, Confucius went to the county where Kong Mie was the magistrate. It was Spring, a busy season for farming. However, there were some deserted fields with downcast farmers standing nearby. Confucius asked them, "Why are you not farming?" The farmers replied, " We were ordered not to farm as a punishment because we were not able to pay enough taxes the past six months." Confucius became unhappy when he heard this.
Confucius Asking Lao Zi about Etiquette
2008-05-19For more than two thousand years, Confucius's teaching of taking the middle road and his emphasis on "kindness, justice, courtesy, wisdom and trust," and Lao Zi's philosophy of maintaining a tranquil mind and letting things take their natural course have served as the guiding principles of Chinese people. They were the moral standards for Chinese people, one governing their interaction with the outside world and the other governing the way that they handle things internally. The two played an important role in maintaining the stability of society and the harmony of the family.
Drawing: A Young Falun Gong Practitioner Runs through Tiananmen Square
2008-05-18 -
Poem: Fellow Practitioners
2008-05-13You are magnificent Pure land is hereSave, and be saved Think no other
Painting: Perseverance
2008-05-12A western Falun Gong practitioner is participating in a Manhattan clarifying the truth activity. Under heavy falling snows, he unyieldingly and serenely raises a truth clarifying poster board. It reflects a cultivator's bearing of perseverance and benevolence.
Painting: Sincere Calling
2008-05-11The little girl in the painting was calling people's attention in the rain, hoping more people would learn the truth and thereby raising people's consciences to help stop the persecution soon.
Stories from History: Qu Tutong's Well-Intentioned Advice
2008-05-10Qu Tutong said to the emperor: "It is a matter of life and death. If they are executed, they will not come to life again. Your highness's kindness has spread over the whole world. Do you really mean to kill all fifteen hundred people just for these livestock?"
Painting: Silent NightTears of an Orphan
2008-05-09The persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has caused numerous Falun Gong practitioners' families to be broken up and their members dispersed. The painting shows a child holding the ashes of her parents, who were persecuted to death by the CCP, holding back her tears. Her mind is filled with suffering and she has no idea what course to follow.
The Difference Between Giving and Taking
2008-05-08 -
Painting: Silent Night
2008-05-06The young mother in the painting, while holding her soundly sleeping child, manages to find time to study the Falun Gong teachings. The painting illustrates that she cultivates diligently while busy in her daily household work. This is a preeminent characteristic of Falun Dafa.
A Wise Ruler Fears Three Things
2008-05-04A wise ruler fears three things: Firstly, he is afraid of not knowing his mistakes because of his lofty position. Second, he fears arrogance and self-complacency when he succeeds. Third, he is afraid of not following wise advice. The ancient Chinese people advocated being modest, cautious, and vigilant