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Traditional Values Include Respect for Spiritual Teachers
2008-09-10Confucius praised him by saying, "Yan Hui is truly extraordinary. He only eats one bowl of rice and one bowl of soup for each meal, lives in a simple room and bears hardships that others cannot bear. He remains focused and studies persistently. He is truly great!"
One Benefits from Modesty and Is Ruined by Complacence
2008-09-08Virtuous rulers in Chinese history respected Heaven, complied with morality, acted humbly, respected others, restrained their conduct, and advocated kindness. They were role models of morality. Consequently, they were blessings to their subjects.
Poem: Beijing
2008-09-04Smiles goldby State-control,on darkest wingand inhuman sting,talons and clawswhere no rule of law,silence for tradethe shameless parade.
Reflections on Life: A Man of Insight Must Be Moral and Resolute
2008-09-03During ancient times in China, many sages followed this principle no matter if they were rich and highly educated or poor and lowly. They always placed the matter of their nation as paramount over their personal matters. These sages were always the first ones to bear the hardships and the last ones to enjoy comforts.
Poem: Sails
2008-09-02Sails across horizonshaving braved many a storm and seatowards the sunriseand ever beyonduntil new realms come to be.
Poem: Beijing
2008-08-31Smiles goldby State-controlon darkest wingand inhuman sting
Helping Others in Need Is Being Compassionate
2008-08-26Zheng submitted a report to the royal government accusing Huaili County residents of insulting a government official. Emperor Song Zhen Zong replied, "As a government official, the most important thing is to gain the support of the people. If the people despise you and are against your administration, then it shows how poorly you have governed!.."
Culture Is Bestowed by Gods: A Noble Person Cultivates Wisdom and Far-sightedness
2008-08-19Confucius persistently followed his principles throughout his life. He promoted "Follow the heavenly principles and righteous ways, and govern with compassion," "Try your best and follow God's will." A noble man has determination and firmly believes in what he does. Noble men have noble goals and dare to safeguard the truth, take social responsibility, and have a mission. They will awaken many people with their compassion.
Learning Requires Consistency and Perseverance
2008-08-14"A small tree likes sun because it wants to grow into a big and strong tree. For a person, his goal of life is to become a good person who will benefit his people and his country. It is important to have goals. When it comes to learning, it is important to be consistent and never give up under any circumstances."
The Chinese Emperors' Edicts of Repentance
2008-08-02The Classic of History (also commonly known as Shangshu) says, "Heaven is not partial to anyone and will assist those people who are virtuous. People's loyalty changes and only kindness will win them over." Whether a king would obtain protection from Heaven depended on the king's personal virtue, for Heaven will only watch over a virtuous king. Once a king is no longer virtuous, his rule will diminish and his empire will be doomed.
Poem: So many crimes
2008-07-29So many liesand so many crimesbehind closed doorsso much to hide.
Confucianism and Daoism Are of the Same Origin – the Guodianchu Scroll Is the Discovery of the Millennium
2008-07-20People always believed that Confucianism and Daoism were conflicting philosophies. From the Guodianchu Scroll’s article “Lao Zi,” we can see that both are from the same origin, and their ideas support one another. Lao Zi himself didn’t criticize Confucianism, but clearly supported and agreed with the concepts of holiness, benevolence, righteousness, etiquette, filial piety, and compassion.
Confucius Discussing the Fate of a Nation
2008-07-16Confucius said, "During King Zhou's period of the Shang Dynasty, near the city wall of the capital there was a little bird that gave birth to a big bird. The King consulted a soothsayer about it. The soothsayer said, 'Whenever a small thing gives birth to a big thing, it means that the nation will unify the land and the nation shall become more and more prosperous.' The King thus became very complacent."
Stories from Ancient China: What the Ancients Believed about Obscene Thoughts
2008-07-13In China during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911 A.D), Ji Xiaolan was well-known official and the chief editor of Si Ku Quan Shu [note: collection of books compiled during Qing dynasty]. He wrote a book called Yue Wei Cao Tang Biji (reference English translation: The Thatched Study of Close Scrutiny) in which he recorded many fantastic stories he had heard or personally experienced. One of the stories is detailed here.
Poem: Returning of Light
2008-07-10Dawns risingthe promise prevails,A returning of lightwhen shores beckon destined sails.