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Poem: China (Part 2)
2005-03-20One staggering giant,Lingering behind a moreThan dread display, lame almost, Desperate inside its eleventh hour.
Poem: When
2005-03-19When will the world ever listen?When will our voices be heard?To bring an end to this brutal persecution, When will actions speak louder than words?
Poem: Transmuted
2005-03-18Hearts from coarseTowards finer realms,Transmuted into light resplendent.
Poem: Arise
2005-03-17Hold the mind still,Despite the stormiest seas, Until the hour from this world You arise and depart.
Poem: Persecutor
2005-03-16Armoured with lies and uniform,Crammed inside a cold-faced heart.Your stare of eyes, brutish to the hour,Evil forged where conscience departs.
Poem: China
2005-03-15From a flickerTo floods of fire,A cast of callousAnd countless crimes.
Music: Bamboo Flute Solo Entitled "Ten Thousand Words"
2005-03-14Realplayer On-lineRealplayer Download (860 KB)MP3 Download (834) KB
Keyboard Music: “Memory of Cultivation”
2005-03-13Realplayer On-lineRealplayer Download (1.5Mb)MP3 Download (2.1Mb)
Music: “Song from a Chinese Prison”
2005-03-12Realplayer On-line (4:06)Realplayer Download (2.1Mb)MP3 Download (3.9Mb)
Poem: The Party (CCP)
2005-03-11One tiger forever untamed,Ferocious inside its lair. A predator unleashed, Relentless upon the innocent,Fallen far beyond any repair.
Poem: Hearts of Innocence
2005-03-10Many hearts of innocenceDefiled under China’s vicious crimes.Any cries of repentance reconciled, Such is the new ‘spirit of the times’.
Classical Chinese Orchestra Music: “Be Saved”
2005-03-09Realplayer On-line (4:52)Realplayer Download (8.5Mb)MPEG Download
Poem: East to West
2005-03-08Let the ‘Great Law’Shine from East to West,Raising, transformingMany a mind and heart.
NASA Publishes Image of Two-Billion-Year-Old Gabon Nuclear Reactor
2005-03-08The remnants of nuclear reactors nearly two billion years old were found in the 1970s in Africa. Pictured above is Fossil Reactor 15, located in Oklo, Gabon. Uranium oxide remains are visible as the yellowish rock. Oklo by-products are being used today to probe the stability of the fundamental constants over cosmological time-scales and to develop more effective means for disposing of human-manufactured nuclear waste.
Poem: Sails Unto the Sunrise
2005-03-07Sails unto the sunriseLifting hearts forever high,From this twilight of darkened daysUntil the hour of brightest skies.