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Poem: Garden of Selflessness
2005-03-06How many seeds of “self” Have we sown over countless lifetimes?Here within our human world, A soil most fertile for all things of “self,” Thriving upon an endless thirst.
Poem: Unfurled
2005-03-05Come colour these oceans golden, Horizons to infinite realms. Where we upon boundless hearts awaken,Behold, such resplendent sails unfurled.
Poem: What are we Waiting for?
2005-03-04For all of the countless innocent Falun Dafa practitioners Who are still being tortured and incarcerated within Forced-labour camps, prisons and psychiatric institutions.
Sculpture: "Small Cage Torture”
2005-03-03Professor Kunlun Zhang is a Chinese Falun Gong practitioner who was repeatedly incarcerated in Chinese prisons and forced labour camps because of his belief in Falun Gong before he was finally rescued to Canada. His sculpture “The Small Cage Torture” is his testimony of one of the many tortures he witnessed while he was imprisoned in China.
Poem: Sojourn
2005-03-03Having blinded my eyes,Fallen into the maze, How many lifetimes confinedInside such wearisome ways?
Poem: Emanations
2005-03-02We, emanations of light and sound, Where ripples across time and space abound.With mind and matter both manifest as one, And revelations more when new worlds have come.
Poem: New Dawn
2005-03-01Skies embracingThe new dawn awakening,Upon horizons ,Where all clouds recede.
Poem: China
2005-02-28From a flicker To floods of fire,A cast of callousAnd countless crimes.
Leafelt Regarding Self-Immolation Hoax
2005-02-27In light of the AP's recent article about the self-immolation, NYC practitioners made a flyer that talks about how and why the self-immolation was staged, and demonstrates much of the evidence we have uncovered thus far.
Poem: Garden of Selflessness
2005-02-27Here within our human world, A soil most fertile for all things of ‘self’, Thriving upon an endless thirst. Maintaining the centre of its own universe, When will its bubble finally burst?
Ancient Chinese Folk Remedy May Hold Key to Non-Toxic Cancer Treatment
2005-02-27The next step, according to Lai, is animal testing. Limited tests have been done in that area. In an earlier study, a dog with bone cancer so severe it couldn’t walk made a complete recovery in five days after receiving the treatment. But more rigorous testing is needed.
Poem: The Way
2005-02-26From blue skies to darkest grey, Lost for so long, can we still find our way? Horizons clouded, even from the dawn of time, Can we see the truth and China’s vicious crimes?
Stories from Ancient China: Why Zengzi Cooked the Pig
2005-02-26When she came back, she found Zengzi preparing to slaughter a pig. She hurriedly stopped him: "I said that just to comfort him." Zengzi said, "You cannot lie to a child. Since they are young and have no social experience, they follow what their parents tell them. If you lied to him today, you would actually be teaching him to lie to others like that. If a mother lies to her child, the child won't listen to her. Is this a good way to teach children?"
Poem: Darkest Walls
2005-02-25One can only imagine the reality of the horror And suffering behind China’s darkest walls. From the brutality inside the forced-labour camps To the coldest of prisons; How can the world remain silent anymore?
Poem: Reflections Within
2005-02-24As ripples upon water Spanning centre to an endless circumference,Minds upon myriads of dimensions,Hearts unfolding to worlds immense.