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How I Came to Set Up a Truth-Clarification Materials Centre at My Home
2008-09-10It is really not difficult at all to set up a family-based truth-clarification materials centre. This is, after all, not something that everyday people do as a job. I hope that we can all study the Fa more and strengthen our righteous thoughts, so we have materials centres everywhere.
Travelling Thousands of Miles to Clarify the Truth
2008-09-10I told her how compassionate Master is and that because she recited "Falun Dafa is good" even during her sleep, it was from her heart, so Master purified her body. I told her to remember Master's grace, remember the line diligently and recite it often, and she would receive blessings.
Eliminating Human Notions, Treasuring Opportunities of Fa Rectification
2008-09-09 -
Just Doing the Three Things Well
2008-09-09Sometimes we think that since the persecution has lasted nine years, we should already have reached Consummation. We are hoping that it will all be over with quickly and all our troubles will end, and I felt I indeed cherished myself and this rare chance. However, Master looks at this situation from the perspective of the highest cosmos.
Studying the Fa well
2008-09-08What is “viewing things with righteous thoughts”? What is “viewing things with human notions” then? What are exactly a cultivator’s righteous thoughts? I am always thinking about those questions. I think every Dafa disciple should think about these questions carefully as well, because they are directly related to the way we deal with things which we may encounter during the Fa rectification period.
Completely Negate the Old Force Arrangements
2008-09-08All the so-called karma must yield to saving sentient beings; even if it was test of xinxing (character), I wanted to pass it quickly, instead of wasting time in tribulations. I then realized that my issue with sleep was also old force interference and must be negated completely. Once I had that thought, the sleepiness that had troubled me for a long time and that I had failed to get rid of disappeared immediately.
My Experience of telling the truth and encouraging the “three withdrawals” in Chinatown
2008-09-07I asked her: “Did you become a Christian first or become a member of the Communist youth league and young pioneers first? If you joined the Communist youth league and young pioneers first and became a Christian later, how could Jesus look after you? The Chinese Communist Party doesn’t believe in God. It is atheist...."
Practitioner in China: What to Do When Challenged With the Question, "Are you Falun Gong?"
2008-09-07"You probably don't know much about Falun Gong. Falun Gong is not as you have heard from the newspapers. It is a very good and righteous way. It teaches people to be good, and then to be even better. Aren't Truthfulness- Compassion-Forbearance good? They are definitely good.
Cultivating at University
2008-09-06Just like the scorching suns in the piece “Lady of the moon” from the Divine Performing Arts show, that need to be struck down to save the villagers, I need to strike down my attachments in order to better help Master save sentient beings, and use every opportunity to clarify the truth.
Are We Letting the Old Forces Take Advantage of Us?
2008-09-06The repeated lessons and suffering should make it possible for us to become more mature. If we can stick to saving the sentient beings, ignore everything else no matter what, and do a good job on the three things, then everything will proceed towards Consummation.
Strengthen Our Righteous Thoughts
2008-09-05Some practitioners, when confronted by these people who went to their homes to harass them, became very angry, put on a long face, and spoke rudely. Later, they felt that they had not behaved properly, and after sharing with other practitioners they also realized that they had not shown any kindness or compassion
Looking inwards during my cultivation journey
2008-09-05I started to tell them about the last time I met him and we had a very large conflict which confused me more than anything. As I was doing this I was suddenly hit with a strong emotion which left me unable to talk. There was a silence, they were all looking at me. The Russian practitioner said to “ELIMINATE IT!”, so I did and it disappeared.
Cultivation Insights while Clarifying the Truth in Hong Kong
2008-09-04Since I realized the importance of clarifying the truth, I have been looking for ways to do better. I have tried clarifying the truth by chatting with people in China in Internet chat rooms, calling people in China and travelling to Hong Kong's tourist sites. With Teacher's help, I always meet practitioners to teach me or help me get started, or opportunities to clarify the truth present themselves to me.
Letting go of human attachments to deliver live broadcasting with righteous thoughts
2008-09-04Looking back on this cultivation experience, the coordination of the European team and righteous thoughts of Dafa disciples turned the impossible into possible. Those practitioners who had never been hosts before matured within a month under the righteous thoughts of the one body. It was incredible that they could all go on air presentably.
Devote Our Hearts to Saving People
2008-09-03I think that we should not have any attachment to things that happen in society. We should just follow Teacher's requirements, do the three things well, study the Fa and cultivate, send righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil, and clarify the truth to save all beings. We should behave without selfishness or qing.