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My Enlightenment After Attending the 2008 New York Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference
2008-06-09An ordinary person's life has "birth, aging, illness, and death." A cultivator has conflicts and tribulations. Those are inevitable. Since it is now the final moment of Fa rectification, the time for us to cultivate is very limited.
We Must Uphold the Standard of Dafa in Relations with Our Families
2008-06-09Our homes are part of our cultivation environment as Falun Dafa practitioners. Every member of our families came here for the Fa. If family members also learn to practice Falun Dafa, aren't they practitioners too? How can you look down on fellow practitioners? Aren't you preventing your family members from obtaining the Fa? Is Dafa taught for you alone?
Do Not Get Lost When Facing the Big Disaster
2008-06-08Although we have gone through a lot in the past years and should have sufficiently matured facing these things, when things happen, sometimes our human notions still surface. Emotions in the human realm still affect us. The key here is our basis for looking at these things. We must not forget that we are Dafa practitioners walking on a divine path and can never be swayed from our task of assisting Master in saving sentient beings.
Strengthening Righteous Thoughts
2008-06-08When we carry out Fa-validation activities, do we consider ourselves divine beings with divine power that are engaged in saving people, or do we just think of ourselves as practitioners distributing truth-clarification flyers and doing things? Are our thoughts in the divine realm or the human realm? Bad people only dare to arrest human beings. They dare not and cannot touch divine beings.
Passengers on a Ship Witness the Miracle of Dafa
2008-06-07The practitioner is from Dafasi Town, Wuxue City in Hubei Province. When she was 12 years old, a Buddhist monk saw her and asked to look at her right palm. The monk saw through his third eye that there was a lotus flower in her palm. The monk was surprised and said, "Little sister, I should call you Master. You will achieve Right Fruit, very high Fruit Status in the future. There will be a true divine being coming down to save you." Ten years later, she was introduced to Falun Dafa and became a practitioner.
Maximally Conforming to Everyday Society
2008-06-07My sister-in-law, who loved dressing up, told me, "Dafa is good, but it is too much suffering. I can't do anything." I knew I had created a problem. I redecorated my house and bought many necessary small appliances. My upstairs neighbor was surprised, "So practitioners of Falun Gong can also live normal lives!"
A Mainland Chinese Practitioner Explains the Facts During the Earthquake
2008-06-06When the earthquake happened, a middle-aged practitioner sent righteous thoughts and shouted, "Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good" and told other people around her to do the same. Thirty-seven people announced their withdrawals from the CCP organizations then and there.
Seize This Time After the Earthquake to Save More People
2008-06-06My eyes were brimming with tears and no words could express my gratitude. I knew it was merciful Teacher helping and my righteous thoughts were very strong, knowing that Teacher was beside me. I finally found a shop that was open, where I bought the last CD burner they had. The shop closed right after I bought it. I knew that Teacher had arranged for them to wait for me.
My Understanding of Morning Exercises
2008-06-05I realized that my way of dealing with drowsiness by just washing my face with cold water was simply a human trick. I also scared myself with the human notion that I would feel drowsy if I slept less. I actually felt drowsy because I didn't maintain the righteous thoughts of a practitioner. A Falun Dafa practitioner's righteous thoughts are the divine thoughts of gods in the new cosmos. They are brilliant and powerful. It is very easy to use righteous thoughts to deal with drowsiness.
Do Not Be Attached to Hints
2008-06-05We practitioners cultivate in a maze. It is impossible for all things perceived to be "hints" to actually be hints. Hints may come from dreams, or from what the people around us say. Dreams or what people say can become opportunities for demons to interfere, and they may lead practitioners into tribulations.
In a Few Words: The Effect of Studying the Fa
2008-06-03Recently I have this understanding of studying the Fa: When I can quiet my mind to study the Fa, in almost every paragraph and almost every day I come to new understandings. The more I learn, the more greater the Fa manifests. I also have a greater interest in studying the Fa. Of course, I pale in comparison with those practitioners who can see the heavenly secrets behind every word .
The Benefits of Collecting Feedback from People Who Have Seen the Chinese Spectacular
2008-06-02If a person who does not understand the truth listens to the feedback of a non-practitioner and then sees the Divine Performing Arts Chinese Spectacular and comes to understand the truth, the person who provided the feedback would have performed a great service. Through this, he can make amends and eliminate his karma and lay a foundation for obtaining the Fa. Through collecting the feedback of non-practitioners and using it to promote Divine Performing Arts, we will create a chain reaction which will play an important role in saving sentient beings.
Saving Sentient Beings with a Pure Compassionate Heart
2008-06-02Retribution for evildoing will serve as a reminder to people. However, this recent disaster has involved a great deal of people. In my understanding, it is the arrangement of the old forces and this arrangement does not conform to the Fa-rectification. If we do not let sentient beings know the truth and thus save them, we cannot accomplish our vows to Master. Then this will be our failure.
Kindness Is Rewarded
2008-06-01One spring day in 2006 in a village in Huaiyang County, Henan Province, a lady in her 80s saw a bundle of new books with bright yellow covers near the entrance of a local elementary school. "What a pity that those books were lost," she thought, and picked them up.
We Should Think More About Others
2008-06-01I deeply admire and appreciate the hardship fellow practitioners go through and the effort they put into running a material production site. I also feel sorry for the barriers that still exist between practitioners. I cultivate at home and have set up a material production site there. After all the ups and downs, I understand the hardship of living and working at a material production site.