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Collecting Signatures to Petition Against Article 23
2002-12-20A Falun Gong practitioner from the UK shares experiences of collecting signatures against Article 23.
A Letter from a Chinese Resident in Germany to Hong Kong Legislators Concerning Article 23
2002-12-19If you tolerate the Jiang regime today, you will be the unlucky ones tomorrow. Because by enacting these laws, you open up loopholes for the dictatorship to exploit. It cannot be denied that indulgent civilians breed the selfish desires of the dictator. The weaker you appear, the more evil they become.
What Goes Around, Comes Around
2002-12-19A Falun Dafa practitioner from Germany recounts the change of her sister-in-law's attitude towards Falun Gong.
Reflections on My Trip to Dublin
2002-12-18A Falun Gong practitioner from Germany shares his experiences of going to the 2002 Irish Falun Dafa experience sharing conference.
My trip to America
2002-12-18A Swiss practitioner shares her expeiences on the events leading up to her departure for Texas during the CCP leaders visit.
Becoming Mature Amidst Tribulations
2002-12-17A practitioner shares her views on denying the persecution and overcoming difficulties.
My Personal Understandings about Article 23 of the Basic Law
2002-12-17 -
Reflection on a Classic Chinese Story: "The Journey to the West"
2002-12-16A practitioner shares his views on Dafa practitioners working harmoniously together.
Experiencing Teacher's Benevolence
2002-12-16I began practising Falun Dafa in 1997. Since then, I have experienced Teacher's serious teachings and now I would like to share those experiences with my fellow practitioners.
How to Deal with the Pain that Arises from the Sitting Meditation
2002-12-15A Falun Dafa practitioner from Taiwan shares his/her experience of overcoming the pain that results from the sitting meditation.
Italy: Chinese People Help Practitioners to Clarify the Facts
2002-12-14After he finished his affairs in the consulate he gladly said to me: I have handed out all the VCDs in the consulate for you. [The consulate staff] said to me how dared you distribute such kind of things here? I said that this was in Italy, this was our freedom, what should we be afraid of? Then, they accepted the VCDs. His girl friend also said by his side: Give me two, Ill help you to distribute them too!
Harmonizing Everything With Compassion Embodies the Fa's Mighty Virtue
2002-12-14 -
Uncovering Xinxing Problems to Strengthen and Ennoble Our Fa-Rectification Work
2002-12-14 -
Guard the Free Harbour
2002-12-13 -
Some Thoughts After Studying Teacher Lis new Article