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Providing People with Pure, Genuine Traditional Chinese Culture
2006-11-20Many years ago I met an old classmate from China in a subway station in Europe. He told me he was heading home from a church. When I asked him if he indeed believed in God he answered, "No, but it's quite eventful there. I would have felt rather lonesome otherwise." As if stung by his words I thought, "Why can't we have some art and cultural events to attract Chinese people so that they too can learn the facts?"
Stories from Ancient China: A Gentleman Should Be Amiable but Not Drift with the Current
2006-11-20KongZi said: "Gentlemen can be amiable, but can't drift with current. This is the real strength. In order to be like that, gentlemen should strictly follow the "doctrine of the mean." When the government is liberal, gentlemen should keep the same good character as when he was poor. When the government is tyrannical without virtue, gentlemen should not change their beliefs even facing death. This is true strength."
On the Path Back Home
2006-11-18Later, I heard that the government was no longer allowing the public to practise Falun Dafa. I knew Falun Dafa was good, so I made sure to do well in all aspects and let everyone see what a practitioner is like. Since the TV and radio stations had been spreading words defaming Falun Dafa, an argumentative colleague said some bad things about the practice. In front of a room full of colleagues, my rebuttal left him speechless. Since then, no one has said one bad word about Falun Dafa in front of me.
Upon Realising an Attachment It Should be Immediately Removed
2006-11-18The article also reflected my recent state of cultivation: when faced with problems, I have not looked inward; instead I have looked for others to blame. When I realised this, I thanked my fellow practitioners from the bottom of my heart. I was determined to get rid of this attachment. I realised that we should not be attached to personal understandings and ways of doing things. We should harmonise as one body.
Nine-Year-Old Ni'er's Cultivation Story
2006-11-17I am called Ni'er (which means little girl) and I am nine years old, a fourth grader, and a young Falun Dafa practitioner. Although I am very young, I am a veteran practitioner because I started to practise Falun Gong in the summer of 1998. I wish to take this opportunity to share my cultivation story.
Recalling Master's Compassion: A Free Ticket to Attend His Lectures
2006-11-17Stepping into the class, I saw Master was shining with dazzling light. I felt very warm, and my two hands were sweaty. The whole auditorium was peaceful and calm. I was so moved I decided to attend again on the following day. I did not have fare for travel so I tried to borrow money from several people, but failed. Finally a kind lady lent me one hundred yuan so that I could go and listen to Master's lectures.
Change the Surrounding Environment by Diligently Studying the Falun Gong Teachings and Doing Well in Our Cultivation
2006-11-16My daughter-in-law tells everyone, "My mother-in-law changed completely after she began to practise Falun Gong." My ex-son-in-law, who divorced my daughter many years ago, often tells others proudly, "I have a mother-in-law who practises Falun Gong. Whoever bad-mouthes Falun Gong is telling a lie. She is living testimony to the wonderfulness of Falun Gong."
Overcoming Obstacles in My Family to Practise Falun Dafa
2006-11-14Witnessing my significant health improvement, my father, a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) member and an old cadre, my oldest sister, also a CCP member and a representative of the National People's Congress, and my second sister, did not stop me from practicing Falun Dafa, although they were not very happy. They simply reminded me of not changing my belief in Islam.
A New Practitioner in China and Her Cultivation Experiences
2006-11-14I am now over 50. It was hard for me to walk upstairs before I practised Falun Dafa because of the pain I experienced in my leg joints. However, I no longer have difficulty since I began to practise. Each time I have gone to distribute materials exposing the lies made by the Chinese Communist Party against Falun Gong, I carried at least 70-80 copies up and down the floors to each family. Not only did I not feel tired, but I felt particularly excited.
A Trip to the Eastern Russian City of Vladivostok
2006-11-11Upon seeing the Nine Commentaries, some of them were crying out “Falun Gong, Falun Gong!” Some were turning away and others were confused but carefully took the newspaper. One group of Chinese tourists saw that we were taking pictures of each other and came over to join us when we invited them. This gave us a chance to talk to them and let them know we were practising Falun Gong. One of them told us that in China people were being put into prisons for being a part of Falun Gong, but he didn’t approve of it.
Remembering My Days Around Master Li, the Founder of Falun Gong
2006-11-11I had the honour of attending the classes that the founder of Falun Dafa, Master Li taught in Yanji City on August 20th, 1994. During this time I personally experienced and witnessed the miracles of Falun Dafa. Even though I have been through clouds and storms over the past 10 years, I have been steadfast towards Master and Falun Dafa and have never been moved. Here, I would like to share some short stories with everybody.
The Cultivation Story of a Farmer from the Mountains
2006-11-09One day whilst at a fellow practitioners home I heard a cultivation story when sharing experiences. There is a Falun Dafa practitioner who lives in the mountains that started cultivation in 1995. He is alone, does not have any connection with other practitioners, but he does have a copy of Zhuan Falun, or the book Falun Gong (formerly called China Falun Gong). He has never seen Master's recent articles, but has diligently clarified the truth based on his solid faith in Master and the practice. His movements were corrected in 2005, after he finally contacted a fellow practitioner. I was very moved by his story and so I would like to take this opportunity to share it with you all.
Precious Memories from Attending Lectures in Chaoyang City of Liaoning Province, China
2006-11-09Before I started practising Falun Dafa, I was an old woman with many diseases such as bone proliferation, muscle atrophy, heart disease, rheumatic arthritis, and leg and lower-back pain. My vision was also very poor. I could only read titles in the newspaper, even while wearing glasses. After attending Master's lectures for the first time, my vision recovered. I do not need glasses anymore and all the other diseases have also disappeared.
Coming Across Falun Gong Whilst Serving A Prison Sentence
2006-11-08What a wonderful experience! In that split second, my mind completely blanked out. All the mental misery and suffering that had affected me for the previous ten days suddenly cleared up. I felt more relief that I had ever felt before. I found the lifelong life-saving prescription that I needed. I sent out a thought that I must practise cultivation to escape from the abyss of misery!
Doing Well Amidst the Family Environment
2006-11-08There are many opportunities to cultivate oneself in the environment of married life. How can I do the three things well if I am not righteous? When you clarify the truth to people around you, many of them judge how you behave in everyday circumstances. If you don’t behave well, what you say will not possess power, and it affects the credibility of what you say, and thus will affect others being saved. If we do well ourselves, it rectifies all unrighteous factors.