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Cultivation Is Not Just Actively Exposing the Persecution
2006-10-25At first, I was trapped in doing projects. I have this mentality of getting things done. When I worked on Dafa projects, I was doing projects for the sake of doing projects, not to save sentient beings. I was spun by the projects. I felt great for myself because I did a lot of things for Dafa. I was so proud of myself that I augmented my selfishness.
Cultivating Away the Competitive Mentality
2006-10-21Soon they stopped practising. When my husband and I went to Beijing to appeal for a stop to the persecution, they could not understand our actions. They criticised us for being foolish, saying, "Why don’t you just live a comfortable life? Instead, you are fighting the CCP. Why don’t you practise secretly at home?" We asked them, "What is wrong with practising Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance?" However, they continued to criticise us, even saying things that were disrespectful to founder of Falun Dafa and of the practise itself.
Let People Know the Facts Wherever and Whenever Problems Arise
2006-10-21After receiving the first letter, she was unmoved and said that she did not believe it at all, so I wrote a second letter. After the second letter, she threw all the filtered letters at her supervisor and left in a fury. Seeing how she had changed after she learnt the truth, I continued writing to her. After receiving the third letter, she said, "I will not do this anymore." Practitioners were able to send letters successfully from then on. This incident also had a great impact on the local area.
Exposing the Facts, Spreading the Nine Commentaries, and Saving the Precious Chinese People
2006-10-19Now I am almost seventy but feel very strong. Moreover, Falun Gong practitioners try to become better persons according to the principles of “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance”. My disposition became more and more relaxed. Now I live an ever happier life. At this point the crowd’s attention turned to me, saying, “You don’t look your age, looks like you are in your fifties.”At that time a lad shouted repeatedly, “Falun Dafa is good!” With his shouts, everyone took the Nine Commentaries and the other materials.
Attending the Founder of Falun Gong, Master Li's Lectures in Changchun, China
2006-10-19The lecture was held at the Mingfang Hall in Jilin University. Because so many people, from 3,000 to 4,000, attended Master's lectures, Master split practitioners into two classes, one in the morning, the other in the evening. The lectures each lasted for ten days. Usually the lecture was an hour and a half and during the remaining half hour Master taught the exercises. Master was very busy every day.
My Understandings from a Toothache
2006-10-17After sending forth righteous thoughts my tooth was still in pain. I thought about how in the past several days I spent too much time doing everyday errands and did not practise the standing exercises as much as I should have. I decided to do them right away. After finishing the four sets of standing exercises my tooth felt much better.
Some Thoughts on Chinese-English Communication
2006-10-15Even in many areas outside China, the majority of the Falun Gong practitioners are Chinese. In group discussions among practitioners in these areas, Chinese is the language used most frequently, with English interpretation provided for those who do not understand Chinese. From this particular environment, there seem to be many different notions that have appeared.
I Finally Know What True Cultivation Is
2006-10-12I would change back and forth when studying the Fa, and gradually I concentrated my mind and calmed down, and I could enlighten to Fa-principles. I learnt that Master has been teaching me to cultivate myself well and get rid of selfishness to be the person that always puts others first. I saw that Master taught me to cultivate while totally conforming with ordinary people's lives, still having family, friends, colleagues, social relations, but cultivating oneself solidly.
Looking Inward Whenever a Conflict Emerges
2006-10-12A new colleague recently came to work for our company. He is very smart and a quick learner and so I was very happy for him to be there. I soon found out his shortcomings. He prefers to do what he likes, and he avoids or procrastinates on those tasks that he does not like. When he does that I have to take on more tasks. I began complaining to our supervisor, however I didn't want to report him to our boss.
Rising above Fear: "A Wolf Is Coming, So I Should Close My Doors and Windows"
2006-10-10Though I appeared calm, the idea that "a wolf is coming, so I should close my doors and windows" kept playing a role. After going back home, I still took some security measures in a human way. Though I also sent forth righteous thoughts more often than before, in fact I was doing this out of fear and it still belonged to "closing doors and windows."
Finding the Root Attachment behind Making Excuses
2006-10-10Fellow practitioners tried to persuade me to go to Beijing to validate Falun Dafa after the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, but I did not want to go. I found an excuse to cover my fear: "Not going to Beijing does not mean I quit cultivation; my level is not high enough to go."
Making Sure We Help Those Who Wish To Start Practising
2006-10-09He endeavours to discipline himself in all aspects. He said to me that Falun Dafa has changed him into a totally different person, that now he has learnt how to be a good human being and that he no longer leads his life as he did in the past. He now trades fairly and no longer tries to rip off the customers; his business is now even more profitable. In the past, he was always ill and often took medicines. He once suffered from cerebral thrombosis. Now, through practising Falun Gong he has become much more healthy.
My Understanding of Seeking Within and Showing Tolerance Towards Others
2006-10-09When I encounter a problem, I know I should study the Fa with a tranquil mind and eliminate the identified attachments with the Fa. However, at times it is not easy to identify my hidden attachments. Often I don't realise that I am completely consumed by them or further nourishing my hidden attachments. It is not until my conflicts with fellow practitioners reach a deadlock that I finally identify my selfishness.
How I Began Practising Falun Gong
2006-10-07Through working with this family, I had two personal experiences that provide profound testimony to the supernormal nature of Falun Dafa. These experiences also changed my outlook on life. My previously indifferent, numb attitude and mentality toward Falun Gong changed.
Looking at Conflicts Among Practitioners with Righteous Thoughts
2006-10-07In this matter, the malfunction of the CD burner was only one kind of interference, which would cause conflicts between practitioners to test their hearts. In any conflict, everyone should look at his own shortcomings first, and at the same time, eliminate the interfering factors with righteous thoughts. We should not be upset and point fingers at others.