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I Will Keep On Memorising Zhuan Falun
2006-05-21Now I've finished memorising 200 pages. I have come to understand that the process of memorising the Fa is also a process of cultivation practise and a process of improving one' character. In memorising the Fa, one can get rid of many attachments. When one's mind is extremely pure, it is relatively faster and easier to memorise the Fa.
There is Always Hope as Long as We Do Not Give Up
2006-05-21The practitioner felt somehow enlightened after hearing my story, and she encouraged me to send it to the Minghui/Clearwisdom website so more practitioners could benefit from it. Because there are still many practitioners who cannot strengthen their minds and always treat themselves as cultivators, they are trapped by superficial sicknesses and all kinds of difficulties. Thus they fail to advance in personal cultivation or even worse, start to drop in levels.
My Understanding of the Poem "Do Not Be Sad"
2006-05-19After repeatedly studying the Fa, my understanding changed. Teacher's words are concise and simple, yet they profoundly contain deep Fa principles behind them. For every practitioner, Teacher's Fa is our guide for cultivation. It is the most respectful and precious base for cultivation in Fa rectification. Therefore, it cannot be regarded as only relevant to some, but not to others.
Please Pay More Attention to Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts
2006-05-19The interference may have resulted from attachments that were expanded upon by the old forces. But I also found out that most of these fellow practitioners did not pay much attention to sending forth righteous thoughts. There are several manifestations. First, when sending forth righteous thoughts, some practitioners' hands were not in the right position, or they were drowsy. After other practitioners pointed this out, they still could not correct it.
The Powerful Impact of Re-enacting the Organ Harvesting
2006-05-15I saw the horror in the faces of the pedestrians, and many mouths were opened in shock. Many of them took the flyers or asked the practitioners for information. Some were very agitated and asked questions about the scene, and asked me what I was doing. After telling them the truth of the persecution and the organ harvesting, many said, “This is unbelievable. This is illegal and criminal. Why don’t the police do something about this?”
"No Politics" and "Nine Commentaries"
2006-05-15Since the Sujiatun horror was revealed, the witnesses' testimony always made me feel very uncomfortable. After reading each testimony, I usually could not calm my mind down all day. After sharing experiences with other practitioners, I realised that the arrangement of Fa-rectification is very well ordered and nothing that happened was coincidental. But I still could not get rid of feeling indignant.
Several Suggestions Regarding Falun Dafa Practitioners' Activities
2006-05-11When Falun Dafa practitioners from different regions of the world went to Washington, D.C. to participate in the parade, to protest, and to engage in other various activities, I was fortunate enough to be able to join them. While I was moved by the fellow practitioners' enormous contributions, I also felt the need to make several suggestions.
Everlasting Memories of Teacher's Classes in Chengdu, China
2006-05-10Fellow practitioners have written articles recalling Falun Gong classes that the founder of Falun Gong and our Teacher, Mr Li Hongzhi held in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. Here I would like to talk about what I saw personally to serve as a supplement.
Finding the Root Cause of my Inability to Accept Criticism
2006-05-05Once I compared Teacher's words to the way I've been taking criticism, I discovered that I was not doing alright at all. In fact, I was doing very poorly. When facing criticism, I often felt agitated and wanted to explain myself. Sometimes I would pretend not to be bothered by the chiding; other times I would ignite like a match (especially in front of people younger than me). Also, there were occasions where I would hold in my agitation until I exploded with anger, especially in front of my family members.
Distinguishing the White House South Lawn Incident from Its After-Effects
2006-05-01Some said that this was the greatest, most glorious act they had ever witnessed, especially since the Western media had to break its long silence to report on Falun Gong, which they said proved that this act was on the right track. This conforms to the principles in the ordinary world, hence, it is okay to look at it this way. While cultivators are fundamentally different from non-practitioners, we must look at other people and things with principles of cultivation.
Realising the Seriousness of My Attachments
2006-05-01We have faced the issues of how to remove our attachments of fear and enhance our righteous thoughts, and we have clarified the facts to people who did not know about Falun Dafa. When facing everyday people's misunderstandings and accusations, although we didn't argue, our attachments of fighting, hatred, complaining, self-defence, and so on slowly and unconsciously developed. Since 2004, my attachment to not allowing people to reproach or criticise me has obviously emerged.
There Are No Heroes Among Cultivators: Sorting Out the Situation, Part I
2006-04-26This sudden incident has become and will remain a news focus of major Western media before it will be brought to a conclusion. May 3rd, the day when Wang Wenyi is scheduled to appear in court, is World Press Freedom Day. We have reason to believe that as long as Falun Dafa practitioners seize the opportunity to clarify the truth about the persecution to various strata of society, Western media will only give increased positive attention to this incident.
Lessons Learnt from Exposing the Chinese Communist Party's Harvesting Organs from Living Practitioners
2006-04-26What we cultivate is "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance." Therefore, we need to speak truthfully while clarifying the facts about Falun Gong. However, since the CCP did everything possible to hide the persecution information, we should not wait for all the facts to be validated before proceeding to move. Otherwise, more Falun Gong practitioners will be murdered and more people will lose the opportunity to understand the truth.
Using the Internet to Expose the Persecution
2006-04-20Since we arrived Sweden, we have used the Internet as a tool to expose the persecution according to our circumstances, besides trying to attend activities where we expose the persecution held in some European countries and regions. Now I would like to share some of my own experiences with you.
2006-04-20Then it was time for the performance. I have been in many performances and yet never experienced such a degree of concentration. It appeared as though I could tell the audience about Falun Dafa and the truth about the persecution with my eyes and my voice. I was full of energy and had permanent Goosebumps – a truly elevated moment. A fellow practitioner described it as: “We shook the world of the ten heavenly directions.” I agreed and thought that this was a very accurate statement.