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Stop the Persecution Before It Even Happens
2005-10-07It was once told that Buddha Sakyamuni asked his disciple, "How could you keep one drop of water from drying up?" All his disciples could do was look at each other and were unable to offer an answer. Buddha Sakyamuni then told them, "Put it into the ocean." Indeed, the life of one drop of water is short. Yet when it is put into the ocean and becomes part of the ocean, then it obtains a new life. Since the ocean never dries up, the drop of water will live on forever in the ocean.
Treasuring Every Second of Every Day
2005-10-07Each day we live in a society full of temptations. Unconsciously, our thoughts are accepting all kinds of deviated cultures and trends. These have been slowly eroding our mind. Studying the Fa1 everyday can help us to stay vigilant and expel the bad thoughts, and improve our cultivation according to the Fa.
Letting Go of the Attachment to Selfishness
2005-10-05Many fellow practitioners that were close to me also heard them and felt uneasy about them. However, I was not moved. Thinking as a cultivator, I should not be moved by negative factors. I must keep my character high. Was it because I did not study the Fa well these days? The answer was no. Was is because I did not do enough exercises and send forth righteous thoughts? The answer was again no. I sent forth righteous thoughts at least eight times a day and also did the exercises every day. What was the reason for these rumours? I felt frustrated.
We Must Be Diligent in Our Final Steps of Cultivation
2005-10-01Some elderly practitioners are very attached to affection for family. They put most of their attention on their grandchildren, and worry about their health and comfort. With such a strong attachment, their grandchildren "happen" to have accidents all the time (actually it is the evil interference). As a result, those elderly practitioners are so busy taking care of their grandchildren that they have no time for Fa-study and no mood for truth-clarification.
An Indomitable Spirit Resists Persecution and Torture, and Persists in letting more People Know the Truth
2005-10-01The cadre from the 610 Office replied, "You have been detained for three years. You don't know that the Falun Gong followers now openly act against the CCP and the government." I explained, "We are only fighting for basic human rights and for a peaceful cultivation environment. We only want to be a good people. Does that constitute a crime? As an innocent person, I was incarcerated for six years. How do you justify that?" They were left speechless and didn't dare say one more word.
I Am Not Afraid Anymore
2005-09-28Since then, I have never been afraid again. When my attachment of fear shows up, I use righteous thoughts to eliminate it. In these years I have posted words in support of Falun Dafa anywhere possible in our area. In the beginning, when we finished our tasks, people who had been influenced by the anti-Falun Gong propaganda of the Chinese Communist Party would cover them up, but we would post them again. Thus, our righteous thoughts and righteous actions helped stop the persecution. Now when we post the words, "Falun Dafa is Good," and "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are Good," no one will cover it any more.
Mother and Nine-Year-Old Daughter Return to China from Canada to Display a Banner on Tiananmen Square In Support of Falun Gong
2005-09-28When the taxi driver heard we were heading to Tiananmen Square he said, "Only people from other places of the country want to be there. The people in Beijing dislike the heavy smell of blood there." I asked him about the situation of Falun Gong. He said, "There are some people who get rich when they report Falun Gong practitioners to the authorities. If they look at you and think you might be a practitioner, they can drag you to a police station and get a 200 yuan reward. I don't do those evil things. It will bring retribution." I was deeply moved. There were still sensible people who wouldn't go along with the evil Party when they live in a place full of lies and deceit.
A Discussion on "Marriage" - Part 3
2005-09-25In traditional Chinese culture, the relationship between husband and wife always placed great emphasis to the meaning of the word "respect." Marriage symbolised the goodness that culminates in the union between the two sexes, thus resulting in continuous societal consensus that a husband and wife should mutually respect one another as one would respect a guest. This was how the tradition was born and later passed down.
A Fourteen-Year-Old Falun Dafa Practitioner Tells Her Story
2005-09-25In 1996, at the age of five, I began to cultivate in Falun Dafa. Since then my parents and I have continued with our cultivation, which in turn greatly benefited my mind and body. Before I began practising, I suffered from pneumonia and bronchopneumonia and was often hospitalised. My right arm still shows the needle marks from many injections. Since I started practising Falun Dafa, my health has improved and I no longer need to be hospitalised or take medicine. My mother endured severe rheumatism and was bedridden at that time. After she started practising Falun Dafa, she regained her health within one month.
My Understanding of the Perceptual and the Rational
2005-09-20During this process, when the practitioner kept righteous thoughts, and with the help of fellow practitioners who also sent forth righteous thoughts to help him, his physical well-being returned very quickly. When his feelings of gratitude emerged, his physical health situation grew even worse than previously. When he later came to understand what was happening, he saw that he needed to get rid of his deeply rooted feeling of gratitude to progress in his cultivation. In the following, I will share with you my understanding of what is perceptual and what is rational.
Safeguarding the Dignity of Falun Dafa When Associating with "Outstanding Figures" in Society
2005-09-20My use of the phrase "outstanding figures" does not carry any complimentary or derogatory meanings. I use the phrase to refer to those who have a relatively strong influence in the society, including those who have a strong sense of justice. During Falun Dafa practitioners' efforts to let more people learn about the practise and the persecution, we are bound to make contact with these people. When we associate with them, we should base our views on the Fa1, and always use these principles to guide our words and actions. Only by doing so can we achieve the effect of letting people learn the truth about the practice and the persecution.
A Practitioner in India: "Some Insights Gained During Cultivation"
2005-09-20A practitioner recently mentioned to me that he is pressed for time and feels drained at the end of the day, and has regrets for not being able to do any Fa1 study. I realised something from this. Aren't we all slaves of time, programmed by the physical clock that tells us the time of day or night and what to do--it is time for lunch or dinner, or time to go to bed?
Fun with Tang Dynasty Poetry: “The Bitter Coldness in the Households of the Farming Villages”
2005-09-20By making a comparison between the farmers’ miserable life with that of the wealthy people, Bai Juyi also criticised those wealthy but depraved people. A lot of people with kindness and the spirit of justice are capable of writing commentaries, but there are few people who will reflect on their own life style or blame themselves for not being able to improve the farmers’ life like Bai Juyi did. His lofty morality is precisely what makes Bai Juyi a great poet in the Chinese history.
A Young Practitioner's Cultivation Experience: Through Wind and Rain, Assisting Master in Fa-rectification
2005-09-16Immediately following the start of the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20th my parents were placed under surveillance after appealing to the provincial government. Our phones were tapped, the local police frequently came to our house and harassed us, and my father was sometimes followed and tracked. Those elderly men and women whom we knew very well were afraid to greet us on the street. Terror was everywhere.
A Discussion on "Marriage" - Part 2
2005-09-16Ancient Chinese people believed that "marriage" was a combination of morality and obligation including "grace, obligation, affection and love." Marriage is a lifelong contract in which the husband and wife put their trust in each other. Ancient Chinese people claimed that the husband was obligated to show "grace, affection, and morality," while the wife should demonstrate virtues such as "propriety in behaviour, speech, demeanour and employment."