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Understanding Teacher's Great Benevolence and Grace In the Midst of Physical Suffering
2006-04-14Is our faith unquestionably firm and without any loopholes? We should not practise cultivation in such a persecution. Since the persecution happened, we need to look within, correct what is wrong, and negate all the arrangements. If we don't have any loopholes, the wickedness disappears immediately. If we do not do this, the wickedness may transform into problems. Let's look at our past! We have had to learn from many such lessons.
Using the 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance' Art Exhibition to Give People a Chance to Learn About the Practice
2006-04-14When I looked back I realised that I could have done much better if I could look at the whole issue from the viewpoint of saving sentient beings instead of imposing my feelings on the reporters because of the persecution. The whole experience also made me understand that when we trapped in the notions, the rescue effort could be very difficult. However, if we can let go of the attachments we would view things very differently.
Using the Nine Commentaries Seminars to Further Expose the Persecution
2006-04-13In November of 2004, a group of Falun Gong practitioners from Latvia arrived in Manhattan, in order to clarify the truth about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong. While we were in New York, we attended an experience sharing conference, held by the participants of The Epoch Times project. It was at this conference that we first learnt about the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party2. We also learnt the significance of this publication for the mass-media of all the countries in the world.
Eliminating the Attachment of Jealousy
2006-04-13I have been practising Falun Gong now for ten years. For years, I sensed having strong attachments to showing off, and being zealous and combatant. After a long time of cultivation, these attachments became weaker and weaker as my level improved, and I assimilated to Falun Dafa step by step. However, I never realised I had a strong attachment to jealousy.
A Family of Cultivators: Taking Falun Dafa into our Hearts
2006-04-12I have learnt from the book that we should always look inward whenever we have a problem, but I only understood that when I really put that into practise. For instance, I had an argument with my husband and I was very upset because I thought he should be blamed for his selfishness. However, when I calmed down and looked inward deeply, I found out that actually it was caused by my selfishness. The moment I realised that and decided to change, my husband’s attitude miraculously went a U-turn and he treated me really kindly.
My Path to Falun Dafa
2006-04-12The business I started in Prague was broke; I thought I was very unlucky, but in fact I was the luckiest guy around. Because one year later, in a case of supposed illness in my family, I’ll remember this leaflet and what was stated on positive health effects of Falun Gong. Now I know the illness case was a staged one, as well as my moving to Prague – I think the real purpose of these arrangements was to make me read the Zhuan Falun, for the first time.
The Power of Compassion: My Experiences in Cultivation
2006-04-10I read the leaflet and then went home to download China Falun Gong from the internet and proceeded to read the book and learn the set of five exercises. Later I joined the group in our city where we get together and read the Falun Gong teachings. I realised that my exercise movements were somewhat inaccurate. However I felt well while practising the exercises and my whole body experienced a hot sensation. On the first two days of practising the exercises, I felt a comfortable feeling that I have not experienced for a long time. I felt my heart fill with boundless bliss.
Being Rational and Awakening
2006-04-10At first, I thought that it was just karma being released, as the sores were not really a big problem, and I felt that I had really been held back in the releasing of karma through my years of avoiding sitting in Lotus position. But as I began my trip to Poland, I suddenly found that I couldn’t walk properly, the sores on my foot leaving me with a bit of a limp if I wasn’t consciously trying to restrain it. This only seemed to get worse and worse, and during a visit to Norway I realised that it was really impeding with my ability to do what I needed to do.
To Be Fortunate Enough to Be Practising Falun Gong During this Special Period of Time
2006-04-09After only two months of practising the Falun Gong exercises and reading the Falun Gong teachings I felt my body was lighter, the pain was reduced and I had more energy. In agreement with my doctor I reduced the dose of medicine. And to make a long story short: I am cured. The pain is gone; I am full of energy and I threw away the pills more than three years ago. My body has been purified.
Sharings from Participating in the European Choir "Coming for you"
2006-04-09The “Coming for you” European choir appeared for the first time in New York over 2 years ago, having been together for only a few weeks at that stage. Before this, I had no experience in such a task and never thought about participating. However, after deciding to follow this path, I really believed, “this is important and is something that I should be doing”. It is also a special way of giving people a chance to find out more about Falun Dafa and a chance to expose the persecution.
To Be Cultivating Every Moment of Our Lives
2006-04-04I was deeply inspired by the article, Ancient Chinese Stories of Cultivation: The 'Benevolent' Mr. Wang, a Buddhist Cultivator. In fact I was shocked after reading it and felt, as if awakened from a dream, because Mr. Wang's actions and thoughts are like a reflection of mine. A lot of my attachments and flaws were revealed to me while reading the article, and I would like to share my experience with other practitioners.
Some Understandings Regarding Sujiatun
2006-04-04However, when I send righteous thoughts these days, I find that the mechanism does not disappear. So I now realise that the old forces arranged the same mechanism for each practitioner. If we cannot disintegrate it with our powerful righteous thoughts, we will be following the path arranged by the old forces.
We Need to Completely Inform the Education System in China with the Truth
2006-03-31I have often read materials on the Internet, in textbooks, or in educational materials in China that slanders Falun Dafa. I was particularly concerned after reading the article on March 20th, entitled, "Who is Responsible for Children Becoming Assailants?" The article describes how students from the eighth middle school in Weifang repeatedly assaulted Falun Dafa practitioners who were exposing this horrific persecution to those on the street.
Discovering My Attachment of Selfishness
2006-03-31Recently, I found out that I have attachments related to extreme selfishness. Showing off is the biggest one. No matter what I said or did, my first thought was whether I could benefit from it and whether I could show off. Such thoughts occurred frequently and seriously. A junior classmate in my lab frequently flatters me because I like to be flattered, which I had never realised before.
Four Years of Consistently Exposing the Persecution
2006-03-29My experience is that when a person senses your compassion and kindness he is moved to quit the CCP. I remember to remind the person to pass on the information about quitting the CCP to their friends and relatives and to keep them safe. I tell them they can ask me to post the notice for others as well. This creates a good circle and multiplies the effect. Often, I meet "good friends" telling me that it was their friend who told them to join my Internet list. They sometimes immediately ask me to post a notice for them.